
Come Out Now


We wait in the silence, just wait there to be found.

I try to calm my breathing, try to match the slow pace of Sasha's, try to think. If they need Sasha alive, Burgess and Marco might have a chance to take out the shooters before they kill us instead. I feel my way to Sasha's neck and press shaking fingers against his pulse, reassuring myself that he is still alive.

The beat in his neck is steady but not strong, and all I can hope is that he's not bleeding out.

"Over here," snaps a voice outside.

And there's a bang on the door of our hiding place, like it's been kicked. Lights begin to flash in the plexiglass window set into the door, but it's so dusty I can't tell if they've seen us.

I kneel up and press my face into Sasha's neck, into his hair, and breathe him in.

"Come on out," shouts the Irish voice, "and we won't kill you. We just want you, Tyler."