

"Damn it, Relias. I know we're rivals in love but you don't have to take it personally!"

Yuriel tries to talk with Relias but his words are not reaching him at all. Relias keeps on attacking him non-stop and Yuriel's arms are starting to feel numb. In this kind of situation, the young wizard is really thankful that he learned how to fight using a sword in this life. Or else, he's probably a lump of chopped meat because of Relias's endless attacks.

Emir is just staying still in his position. He is just watching them fight each other. Emir is probably confident that Relias can defeat him. But there are times when he will attack Yuriel just to distract him and give more advantage for Relias to find an opening where he can hit the young wizard.

"Relias, I'm starting to lose my patience on you—Argh!"