

Soon, Penelope heard a pair of footsteps walking away from the veranda. She can guess it was the duke who left just now. When Penelope cannot hear anything, she let out a soft sigh and lean her back on the white pillar.

Penelope feels like she heard something that should not be known to her. Still, it is her first time knowing that Yuriel doesn't have a good relationship with his father. With the tone that Duke Hamel used to talk with his second son, Penelope doesn't need to see his expression to know that the duke feels disappointed and upset with Yuriel.

While Penelope is thinking about it, she did not notice that another person is already leaning on the pillar and watching her with a lazy smile on his face. When he let out a chuckle, Penelope jumps on her seat before she looks up. The smile on Yuriel's lips becomes wider when he sees her surprised face.

"Oh, what's this? Are you lost, feisty cat?" Yuriel asked in a teasing voice.
