
His Lady in Black

Zane,the Mafia and the favourite of the powerful and influential Ardienttés lust for women leads him to uncontrollable craving over the jewel of his family's nemesis,Adira Fortlyn. Zane is an expert at hiding his intentions so he came up with a cunning idea of having their romance on screen since she seems hard to persuade in reality.His goal wasnt completed by mere romance acting and he could barely wait to have the lady in bed. Adira doesnt notice all this since she is too busy with her hetic work schedule and Malcom,her lover since highschool.   One fateful night after the two were severly intoxicated with alcohol,Things transpired within them leaving unforgettable,blurry,and naughty memories between the two.What seemed like a huge mistake for Adira however was an achievement for Zane making him wanting for more.After they parted fate stylishly worked its way to bring them back to each other.Zane had misplaced an important drive he needed in his Black Market Affairs while Adira needed somebody to get married to in order to take revenge on Malcolm for cheating on her with her younger sister and refuses to hand over the Zane's drive until her wishes are fulfilled.Soon a contract is made and the two are wed. A bigger surprise came when Adira found out that she was pregnant with Zane's child.She was half shocked and happy because she was believed to be infertile since she couldnt bear a child with her ex. During this time Zane's strong lust for Adira was slowly replaced by a strong love bond and Adira also starts to harbor some deeprooted and unwanted feelings for her Mafia husband. In the bloom of their love ,Zane did everything and anything to protect his beloved Queen.  The couple went through several testing challenges and problems that even led to divorce.But love made them find their way to each other....Eventually.

Candellelight · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Acting as Adira

Somewhere on the Sunny Bay Beach in Hawaii,there lied Adira Fortlyn wrapped up in the arms of Zane Ardientté.But dont get it confused,this romantic scene was set for another purpose,a movie. Adira couldnt wait to end the last episode of 'Carried Away' and stop faking love on screen with her nemesis.

The hate she had for Zane was so deep rooted that she couldn't enjoy the beach view.She looked up to Zane with loving eyes as her character Ella would have looked at James...he had started to stare deep into her eyes.She was quite amazed by his twinkling eyes,the type that was not ussually there. That amazed look wasnt hard to act.With a British accent she asked why he was looking at her. His voice made the answer come out smooth."We are together...again"

He hugged her waist and kissed her neck.Which in reply Adira placed a peck on his lips. "Lets just not get carried away."she said lastly.

"CUT!" Mr.Fully yelled from the background. An applause was given to them as they pushed each other away.  Zane got up hastily and brushed the dust off him while Adira was busy saying Thank Yous to all those clapping. Instead of Thanking them too Zane was rubbing hand sanitizer in his palm."Whats the guy's deal?" Adira wondered.But before she could say it out,her secretary Kiari handed her a bottle of cold water. Zane, on the other hand had seven secretaries..Adira didnt ussually compared herself with people but who on Earth needed Seven Secretaries and Twelve bodyguards.He seeemed to think he was Jesus or something. She wore her sunglasses and gulped down the water.When done she handed the bottle to Kiari with a Thank You nod. Mr.Fully the director came over to them and Adira prepared herself for a handshake which never came..It did come but it went to Zane leaving her hands in the air.She swallowed the embarrassment. He congratulated and showered Zane with praises. Adira frowned,she was the most important character,she had to die her hair black,get a tan,learn British avcent and eat Fast Food. She was a model too and she was NOT supposed to eat Fast Food.But who cared? Mr.Fully who would do anything to please Zane.Now thats the reason she wanted to kill him.

 She watched them walk away,they might have been so engrossed in their conversation that they didnt notice her glaring behind them. Well,she was wrong because Zane could tell she was shooting daggers behind him.He had gotten used to that.His spies told him she actually wanted to kill him.But gave up the quest when she got on lead her dream movie...and so he made it his ultimate responsibility to ruin her happiness by auditioning for male lead....her rich lover.She was mostly aloof and only talked to him on set...when acting.But it was a good thing he had a Masters in pissing people off because It was way more than obvious she didnt like him at all.He annoyed her well.Honestly he didnt like her that much either,she was beautiful,beautiful enough to quench his sexual desires but she had a big mouth and as much as he loved sexy women...He prefered those who dont talk back at him. He and director made a toast to the end of the movie,or what seemed to be the End. Zane then headed to his hotel striding majestically as he went,proudly holding his half filled glass of Sex in Heaven and enjoying every sip of Adira's hardwork.He could tell She was staring at him again.Exactly what ge wanted.He took another long sip.Such a feisty damsel...if only she wouldn't play hard to get. Only about few feet away he heard his name being yelled by the fat old guy. Mr.Fully was panting and rushing after him since he was paying deaf ears to his cries. The gaurds blocked him when he had reached close.

"You have something to say?"Zane asked coldly

"Yes"Mr.Fully anwered wiping sweat from his face"I have this movie coming up-

"No"Zane answered cutting him off..annoyed"I dont act"

"But you did excellent in Carried Away"Mr.Fully protested 

That was true..seems he had the talent hidden behind his loadsof work and shady dealings.But either way..He had made Adira miserable to his satisfaction.

"I said NO."Zane replied and walked away. The old man was starting to get on his nerves.

                             *  *  *

Jasmine's offensive spray had filled the limo and Zane kept a steady frown on his face.Not that he was so pissed by the raging smell that invaded his nostrils .Jasmine had arrived a bit late,leaving absolutely no time to satisfy his manly needs.What use was a woman to him if he couldn't get the one thing he wanted?

Zane placed his hands on his tie,fixing it .Jasmine attempted to help but received a legendary Zane glare that made her withdraw her hands instantly.He was about to say something but noticed the noise from the reporters.That irritated him even more.

"You brought reporters with you?"Zane asked calmly

Jasmine smiled and shook her blonde hair" They followed me".

Zane groaned loudly "You know what?"he started. "You're not my type.Lets call this charade off.It will do us both good"

 Jasmine's eyes widened "What?"

"You heard me"

"You're breaking up with me because of a bunch of reporters?"she asked heavily.

Zane shook his head slowly.

"Did you have do this now?"Jasmine asked as tears streamed down her left eye.She quickly wiped it.She knew this would come anyway.Zane looked at her with no emotions what so ever.

"The driver can carry you back to the hotel,u can cry there and you can leave tomorrow."Zane said"I dont want the reporters thinking we are dating"

Jasmine scoffed and blinked widely not believing her own ears.

Not being able to play tough anymore She cupped her mouth and broke down in tears. Meanwhile Zane stepped out and walked the red carpet.

He smiled at how dazzling Adira looked as she arrived in a black body hugging paisley Versace with  spaghetti strapped arms. The yelled their names,begging them for a picture together.Such a wild crowd and it wasnt even the premiers.Adira sighed giving in to the plea of the fans and stood still as Zane came closer. A pervertous smile and those eyes that could remove clothes with a wink.He smirked at her and pulled her close.Way too Close.She smelled maniless,forest mint and a sweet smelling aftershave and for some weird reason she enjoyed it. The pictures were taken..but during most of it Adira had a fake smile as she tried tp push Zane away. For the sake of her overly jealous boyfriend.

After they parted and Zane went in.She busued herself signing autographs.A fairly tall and slender blonde came from a black limo clutching the black heel in her hands.

"You whore!!"she said and set the heel flying towards her. 

Adira yelled but dodged it, confused.

"You stole Zane from me,you cunning minded bitch!" Adira eyes widened at this statement..her mouth dropped in shock.