
His Karma

"How could you do this to me?" I thought you loved me?" he cried. "Love? You know nothing about love Moses Flinn. Newsflash my darling, the day I walked into your life, so did Karma. Did you really think, that you could get away with what you did to me? Hell no!"

Evy_Ejereje · Ciudad
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35 Chs

Parents' Fight.

"Can you imagine how much I have been disrespected in this place because of that Moses? He did not only embarrass me in the presence of his domestic help, now his personal assistant is trying to say hello to me. Oh my life!" Bimbo cried by the time she closed the door behind her. She had heard Moses and someone else conversing so she decided to check it out and realized he was discussing with his personal assistant. She remembered that she had tried to call her parents earlier to tell them what had transpired between her and Moses because of the maids but they didn't pick her call so she decided to try again and this time her mother picked up. "Hello mommy" she cried. Mrs Andrews was surprised to hear her daughter's voice sounding like she was in tears "Sweetie what is wrong? why are you crying?" the woman asked.

"Mommy I don't think I can go on with this arrangement with Moses. You need to see how he embarrassed me in the presence of his maids and he even asked me to get my stuff ready to leave by tomorrow." she cried further. Mrs Andrews was dazed by what she heard and kept quiet for a while.

"Hello.. mommy... are you there?" Bimbo asked

"Yes dear, I'm here. Wait, you mean to tell me that Moses embarrassed you in the presence of the house maids and still went ahead to ask you leave by tomorrow? Who the hell does he think he is to do that to you?" Mrs Andrews growled. Mr Andrews came running when he heard his wife's voice.

"What is the matter dear? why are you raising your voice like that? I almost had a heart attack when I heard your voice.

"Why won't I shout? when that Moses boy that your friend calls a son embarrassed my daughter and even asked her to leave the house right in front of the house maids?" Bimbo heard the conversation between her parents and added "He even said he is not aware of any plans for us to get married therefore it's never going to happen." Mrs Andrews gasped "No he did not!" she asked rhetorically. "He told you he is not going to marry you right in front of the maids too?" she added.

"Yes mommy. I have never felt so much shame in my entire life mom." Bimbo cried. Mr Andrews knew there was more to the story so he asked his wife to place the call on speaker.

"Bimbo darling, are you saying Moses, my friend's son told you he won't marry you and also asked you to leave the house?" Mr Andrews asked. And Bimbo gave the yes answer. "But I want to believe that the David I know raised his son Moses quite well, unlike that slimy daughter of his who has obviously towed the path of her mischievous mother. So tell me exactly what transpired between you two, that led to him saying you should leave." Mrs Andrews was livid when she heard her husband's words.

"Kola, what are you even saying? Are you in anyway insinuating that Bimbo our only child, deserves the kind of treatment she received from him? What has what she did got to do with his outright disrespect for our princess?" she snarled. Bimbo on the other end held held her forehead in confusion.

"You see my problem with you is that you keep saying our only child, yet you keep misleading her and I fear that one day you will lead her into a pit. We are Africans, Nigerians for that matter and we shouldn't just forget about discipline just because we have just one child. For one to be treated like a prince or princess, they have to first be and act like one. When a child cries home after a fight, it is best to know what happened that led to the fight because you might just realize that your precious child started the whole thing." Mr Andrews said.

"Kola, I am highly disappointed in you because of all these words that you just vomited now. What you should be doing is picking up your phone to dial your friend's number so you fathers can trash out this mess so that it can be resolved." Mr Andrews looked at his wife and shook his head "That I will surely do... but not until I have heard from Bimbo what happened. So Bimbo will you tell me what happened or not? because if you don't, you might as well start packing up your stuff so that the driver can return tomorrow to bring you home." Bimbo cried at the other end.

"It was because I accosted the house helps for messing with my stuff and they denied by saying that was what they did each time a guest arrived at the mansion. Moses immediately picked sides with them saying he has known them way longer than me so he believes them. And then when I tried to put one of the maids who tried to act up in her place, he scolded me right in front of them and added that I should leave for tempers to cool. Mom, did I tell you that his Stepmom and half Sister were really rude to me? They treated me like I was a nobody." She cried. The story was still not adding up to Mr Andrews so he decided to press further with more questions "What do you mean by they messed with your stuff if they said that was a tradition with guests at the mansion?" At this point Mrs Andrews was getting really angry with the way her husband was treating their only child but she decided to let him finish.

"Dad, I came into the room prepared for me and realized that my clothes have been transferred from my boxes to the wardrobe. Like why would they touch my stuff without my consent?" she remarked but Mr Andrews laughed out loud "So you mean you threw your usual tantrums at the mansion simply because the domestic help decided that you might be too tired to unpack and decided to help you? Really?" He asked laughing. "Anyways, it's okay. I'm sure it's better you come back home since he already said you should. His father who would have been able to handle the situation is out of the country anyways and Moses himself can be really stubborn because he is a true son of his father." Mrs Andrews snatched the phone from her husband's hand "I should have known that you would make matters worst." she said as she walked out of the house and sat down on one of the benches on the porch.

"Sweetie, don't mind your dad. Although regarding you coming home, I think he is right on that one because Mr David is not around anyway. This wouldn't have happened if the man was home because he really wants you as a daughter in-law." She continued with Bimbo. "Okay mommy." Bimbo replied "Mom do you know he even requested to give me the money for each of the clothes I said were messed up if I wish" she added.

"Good. Now listen carefully to what you will do, I have given you all that you need to work with so it is all up to you to make it work. Later tonight after dinner, take a shower, remember the red nightie I bought you? Put it on and then apply the 'Sweet Romance' oil perfume I bought for you. I kept a bottle of already drugged whiskey in your box because I saw this moment coming and needed to figure out a plan B. Go to his room with it and if he asks you what you want, tell him you came to talk about how to resolve the issue of your clothes since he promised to settle you. And then use your weapon to shoot your shot, I heard he has a weakness for women. If all goes well tonight, you will definitely be staying back for a couple of days." Bimbo was more than excited when she heard her mother's instructions. "Wow! Mom you are indeed a master planner." she said laughing.

"Make sure you get everything in, no drop should be left out because all things being equal, he won't be able to run away from his responsibility if you are able to bear him a child. You know what I'm saying right?" the woman said laughing mischievously. Bimbo laughed too. "Oh mommy... you are really a bad ass woman. How did you ever come up with such idea? Bimbo asked.

"You think I would be married to your father if I wasn't a smart ass woman? Do you know how many ladies were on que at the time I found my way into your dad's home with you?"