
His Karma

"How could you do this to me?" I thought you loved me?" he cried. "Love? You know nothing about love Moses Flinn. Newsflash my darling, the day I walked into your life, so did Karma. Did you really think, that you could get away with what you did to me? Hell no!"

Evy_Ejereje · Ciudad
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35 Chs

Moses' Son

"Hey! You! Come here immediately! Can't you see that my shoe laces are untied? Fix them up, now!' the voice of an overly spoiled four year old rang through the hallway.

"I will, but you have to ask politely first." Miss Rosie replied calmly.

"No! you are our servant so you must do as I say." The boy shouted.

Moses turned to look at the two and noticed the little boy holding the woman's wrist and trying pull her. He decided to step in "Richie! I have always told you that you have to be polite when addressing your elders. What has come over you that makes you feel you can talk to Miss Rosie in that manner? Who told there's a servant in this house? Never use that word ever again." He had been quietly reading the daily newspaper that was brought in by the newspaper vendor while sipping a glass of red wine, and had totally ignored the little boy's excesses but he was forced to react when he heard what his son had said to Miss Rosie. Richie was distraught that his father rebuked him so he stuck out his tongue and placed his clenched fists by each side of his head as if trying to form horns, teasing his father with a mocking facial expression. Moses dropped his half empty coffee cup and stood up, just as he was about to take a step forward towards his son, the boy squealed as if he had been attacked. And like the flash of lightening, Bimbo came running into the room bumping into Miss Rosie in the process. "Can you please get out of the way old lady?" she yelled and without saying anything else she rushed to the little boy who was throwing a tantrum by rolling on the floor and violently kicking the air in protest.

"Oh my goodness! baby.. what happened to you? what is the matter?" she asked as she raised him from the ground and held him close to her. But the boy resisted and kept trying to get out of her grip. Moses and Miss Rosie watched the drama playing out before them with wide eyes.

"Tell me baby... what is the matter? who made you upset? come on talk to mummy" but the boy was bent on keeping up with his tantrum. So she reluctantly let him slide back to the ground and then in anger she turned to Miss Rosie "Can you see what you've done? You see how upset you've made him? I always instructed you and that good for nothing daughter of yours to make sure that my son is happy at all times, infact that should be your priority above all other responsibilities in this house; but instead, you two have always done the opposite. You keep making my son cry and this time I've had just enough of you. You are going to have to leave this place today, as a matter of fact you're leaving this very minute." she yelled.

"Errrm... Bimbo, I wouldn't want us to have a fight in the presence of our son, therefore I would suggest you leave Miss Rosie alone. You didn't employ her, I did, therefore I am the only person who is qualified to send her or Kim away and at this moment, she stays. Moreover, I am the reason for your son's unwarranted tantrum. You've so much spoiled him that he now feels he can talk to his elders the way he likes without regard. So I scolded him for being rude to Miss Rosie and there you are, typical Richie character." Moses was obviously really displeased and Bimbo could see that so she decided to not push further for Miss Rosie to leave, "Well my son is not a brat, he's just a child and he will eventually grow out of it when he knows better." she said looking at Miss Rosie with disdain before leaving room. Richie seeing that his mother had left the room, stood up and ran out after her while Moses and Miss Rosie watched in silence.

"Thank you so much young Master Flinn, I really appreciate you for standing up for me all the time." Miss Rosie said with watery eyes. Moses smiled and walked up to where she was standing and wrapped his hand around her shoulder "Miss Rosie, you know you've been working with my family since I was just a boy? If not anything else, you are like an aunty to me and that was why I insisted on bringing you here, so why do you thank me for protecting you from a woman that forced her way into my life and has turned out to be a thorn in my flesh? I will always make sure she never bullies you or Kim, you can be rest assured." Miss Rosie smiled when she heard her boss's words and she nodded in acknowledgement. "You are very kind young Master Flinn, thank you. I'll get back to my duties now please." Moses took his hand off her shoulder "Alright, off you go." and she walked out of the room.

Moses took a deep breath and walked to the window; as he stood there looking out to the open space, he felt really sorry for himself. How did he get trapped in all of this? How did he spend his entire twenties and early thirties trying to find the perfect woman, only to be tied down by a woman he didn't like one bit? Infact from the day he met her for the first time, he felt no iota of attraction towards her. He would have preferred to become a eunuch than to willingly marry her but unfortunately she had showed up one day at the white Mansion with a pregnancy report stating that she was carrying his child. His father didn't waste time to accept the pregnancy on his behalf without trying to find out if she was honest about it or not and that had changed everything. Bimbo had alleged that on the night before she returned home after spending a few days at the white Mansion, they had both had a little too much to drink which led to some intimate moments. And what hurt him the most was the fact that each time he tried to recall what really happened that night, it looked like his memory had been cleared of what transpired between them. How could it be possible that he didn't remember a thing of what had happened simply because he was drunk? And now he was stuck with her for life because they both now had a child whom she was gladly raising to become a brat and each time he tried to correct the boy, she made it look like he was being a bad father. He never had the experience of a father/son bond with his father from childhood and he had sworn to be the best dad to his own son but the fact that his son's mother was spoiling the boy really hurt him because he knew that the boy may become uncontrollable before he even became a teen.

"Young Master, you have a call from the office. It's from your assistant." Kim said handing over the telephone to him. Moses turned around to find Kim standing behind him with the telephone stretched out to him, he took a few steps and recieved the phone from her.

"Yes.. I thought I made it clear to you that whatever happens you should take care of it?" He growled.

"Yes boss... you.. did, but.. the thing is both your father and grandfather are here sir." Mr Gerald stammered at the other end. Moses' eyes widened in shock "What! what do you mean both my dad and grandpa are there?

"Sir.. your father and your grandfather have come to see you and they are currently waiting in your office sir." came the reply. Moses could feel his heart racing, what could his father be up to now that he had to move his grandfather all the way to the company?

"Okay.. tell them I'll be there shortly."