
His Karma

"How could you do this to me?" I thought you loved me?" he cried. "Love? You know nothing about love Moses Flinn. Newsflash my darling, the day I walked into your life, so did Karma. Did you really think, that you could get away with what you did to me? Hell no!"

Evy_Ejereje · Ciudad
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35 Chs

Meeting The Billionaire's Son. (Pt2)

Bimbo stretched herself to relax her body properly as the car sped off, according to her father, the journey to the white Mansion would take two and a half hours so she had picked up a book to keep herself busy on the trip. She tried to continue from where she stopped in the romance novel in her hands but she couldn't concentrate. She remembered what her mother had said about investigating Mr Flinn's son to know about him and how handsome he was. How else could she have gotten her information if not on the internet? She decided to try and see if she could find anything on the mysterious handsome billionaire son of the Mafia king like her mother tagged him. She picked her phone and went straight to her phone browser where she typed the search request "Mr David Flinn's son" and immediately the photos and articles of a very handsome young man flooded her screen. David Flinn was a very influential man in the country because even though he deliberately refused to get involved in politics, he engaged in charities and was a well known philanthropist who even sponsored political aspirants who found favour in his sight during elections. So it was no wonder that Pictures of David Flinn and his family members could easily be found on the internet. She gasped as she scrolled through the several photos of the young man who was mentioned in the articles as "Moses Flinn", her mother was right about how handsome he was after all. His clothes were obviously one of a kind custom-made because she had never seen anyone in those outfits despite having very rich friends and associates. She decided to check for his net worth and she was shook to find out he was not just a billionaire in Naira but also in dollars with a whooping net worth of twenty billion dollars.

"Where have you been all my life?" she whispered as she ran her hands across his face in the picture on her screen. She now understood why her mother seemed desperate to make her his wife, this man would make her the envy of all the ladies in the country and nothing gave her more joy than being the envy of everyone around her.

"I am definitely going to charm you and make you my husband before the end of this year, just you wait and see." She smiled mischievously as she dropped her phone and rested her head with her eyes closed.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In a few hours time the car drove through the giant gate of the White Mansion estate, soon they were ascending the hill that led up to the White Mansion and Bimbo had woken up from her nap just in time to witness the beautiful scenery. She quickly picked up her phone to make a video of the beautiful sight as the car sped past the tall trees and flowers with the little wild creatures running around them.

"Oh my God! am I in heaven or what? This must be paradise on earth and I will make sure I make this place my home no matter the cost" By the time she was done making videos, she decided to call her parents on facetime and in a few seconds, her parents were both on her screen beaming with smiles.

"Hey baby! How is it going over there?" Her father asked

"Mom, Dad I just got to the White Mansion estate and I am heading to the White Mansion but I feel like I am in paradise already. This place is so beautiful Mom, it's so green and beautiful with flowers and trees everywhere; do you know there are also wild creatures running around freely? By the way, I checked on Mr Flinn's son on the internet; Mom you were right, he's so handsome and obviously very rich. I'm certainly going to make sure he becomes mine at all cost." Mrs Andrews broke into a few seconds dance at the other end and by the time she was done she came back and said "You see? I am your mother, I gave you life so you should know that whatever I tell you to do is for your own good. I'm glad you've realized that yourself and so you know what is at stake. Can you imagine being the wife of such a handsome and rich young man? All your friends and cousins, especially Tina who feels like she's above all because she's engaged to the Vice President's ugly son will be out to shame and her mother who has been acting like she is the queen of heaven will have no choice but to be humble."

Bimbo nodded with enthusiasm while her father quietly observed them.

"Well if you are sure you would be able to settle down with him as a wife, then you have my blessings. All I want is your happiness and nothing more." Mrs Andrews frowned at her husband's remark "And what is all I want is your happiness supposed to mean? Are you trying to insinuate that I do not want our daughter's happiness or what? Please Kola Andrew, don't provoke me I beg you." She fumed. The man knew better than to respond to her at this point because he knew for sure that would result in a heated argument between them.

"Dad I think we're here now, so I have to go. Don't worry, I'll reach you guys by the time I'm done settling down." She blew a kiss at them and hung up. She needed time to touch her face with some makeup before stepping out of the car. She brought out her makeup kit from her handbag and lightly improved on the makeup on her face that was already fading off before opening the door to alight from the car.

It was indeed a Mansion because her parents' house was nothing compared to the gigantic structure that was before her, the wind was much and she was beginning to shiver so she wore her leather jacket in order to stay warm. The name "White Mansion" was well deserved because every single detail about the house was white from what she could see. "Okay Bim, It's now or never so you have to make sure that you get that guy to be your husband by the end of this trip.