

I pulled out a short and thin black silk nightgown and a pair of lacy black underwear from my drawers in the closet and quickly slipped them on and looked at myself in the mirror feeling confident.

When I finally looked at myself in the face I saw two hickies on my neck already turning a dark purple shade. I sighed and walked out of the closet ready to torture Kai with my sleepwear.

I looked to the bed and found him sitting against the headboard with his laptop on his lap focused on his work. He was typing on the computer quite fast and his forehead was crinkled slightly in thought.

"whatcha working on?" I asked and crawled onto the large bed in front of him.

"Work stuff." he said and quickly glanced up at me before doing a double take and shutting the laptop and setting it on the bedside table. His eyes scanned my body and I crawled onto his lap, then sat down straddling his hips.

He closed his eyes and tiled his head back onto the headboard before muttering something under his breath. I sat up on my knees and looked down onto his face and kissed his cheek before rolling over and laying down next to him.

He opened his eyes and looked down at me and I followed his eyes down my body to where the nightgown had slipped up revealing the sexy underwear I had dawned. I smirked as he reached out and I thought he was going to give in but he quickly pulled down the nightgown and slid down next to me and grabbed the remote turning off the lights.

"You're going to make this real hard aren't you?" he said as he settled into bed and pulled me in for cuddles. I nodded and turned onto my side against him and wiggled myself against his already hard dick.

He groaned and grabbed my hips to still them. I closed my eyes and started to drift to sleep, even though I had planned to really make it difficult for him. I was to tired to stay up even though I had taken 2 naps today.

I woke up to the sound of a knock on the door and a frustrated groan. I rolled over to see Kai getting out of bed and I immediately felt the loss of him in bed, before I could think I jumped onto his back and nuzzled my face into his neck.

He grabbed my leg and flipped me around so I was facing him before walking towards the door again. I put my head back into his neck as he opened the door.

"Goodmorning Kai I wanted-" I heard a female voice and my blood immediately boiled, thinking that a woman not only got past the metal doors but also had the nerve to knock on the door and wake us up.

I took my head out of Kai's neck to see a short woman with red hair and she was wearing what looked to be only a silky white robe. The anger in my veins increased as I saw what she was wearing. I pushed myself put of Kai's arms and turned to stand in front of the woman.

"Who are you, and what do you think you're doing knocking on OUR bedroom door?" I spat at her not even trying to hide my anger. She was looking at me with deep confusion in her eyes.

"I'm Amber, and I came to see my future husband." She said turning her nose up at me even though I stood taller then her by a few inches. I looked at her and once I saw she was serious I started laughing.

I quickly stopped laughing and she stepped up to me trying to walk into the bedroom, and without thinking I grabbed a fistful of hair and held her still before tilting her face up to mine.

"I don't care what title you are or how strong of an immortal you think you are, but you're nothing near his future wife." I hissed at her and she looked into my eyes before trying to grab my hand and found she couldn't move it and she seemed suprised, I was too but I didn't show it and kept a hold on her hair.

"Who are you?" she asked shakily trying to hide her sudden fear. I smirked and threw her back by her hair and watched as she fell onto the ground.

"I am Kai's eternal mate." I said before shutting the door in her face and spinning around to look at Kai. He wore a smirk on his face and before I could ask him anything he picked me up and slammed me into the wall, crashing his lips to mine.

"That- was fucking hot" he said before kissing me again and I moaned against his lips. I felt him pull away so I grabbed the back of his head pulling him back to me.

I felt him move off the door and was walking while simontaionously kissing me. I was lost until I felt a cold counter on me legs and I shivered and pulled away from our kiss to look around and find myself in the bathroom.

He stepped back and turned on the shower before moving towards me again and grabbed the hem of my nightgown. He pulled it over my head and licked his lips as he saw my tits. He bent down and pulled one into his mouth before reaching down to slide off his pants. I moaned as his tounge slid across my nipple and he immediately stopped what we were doing.

"Fuck Kitten you can't-" he stopped before rubbing his hand over his face and his eyes snapped back to me "The men on the council are all totally untrustworthy. I have seen them in my visons being rapists and beating women. Even women with eternal mates. I refuse to give them anything that makes them want to... with you."

I looked up at him shocked and nodded understanding. I closed my eyes and leaned against the mirror in thought. I opened my eyes to his glowing gold ones. I touched my hand to his face and placed a kiss onto his lips before hopping off the counter and sliding off my panties and stepping into the shower.

Soon after he came in behind me his eyes stil glowing. I turned and looked up at him before placing my hands on his chest and walking him to lean against the wall. He looked at me confused and I just smirked and sunk to my knees in front of him, the spray of water hitting my back.

He widened his eyes as I took his hard dick in my hand and started to stroke it softly before taking my mouth around him. He groaned as soon as I did and I smiled in satisfaction as I started to suck on his huge member. I closed my eyes and went to work bobbing up and down, all while swirling my tounge around him.

I felt him coming closer to the edge and his hand grabbed the back of my head slamming mf down as far as I could go as he came into my throat. He let my go and I stood up looking and seeing his golden eyes dimmed slightly.

"Why did you-" he started to ask and I cut him off with a kiss.

"It wasn't fair that I got to cum and you didn't." I said shrugging and turning back to face the water and finish my shower. We showered in silence and I went to go put on clothes in the closet.

Kai followed me and be watched as I grabbed a crop top off a hanger. With lightning speed he grabbed it and replaced it with a large t shirt of his. I glared at him and still slid it over my head and walked back to the bathroom to blow dry my hair and throw on some quick makeup.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My tight lightwash jeans with some rips in them looked good against the black t-shirt that Kai had made me wear, and my long hair falling down to just above my hips hid the giant hickies on my neck.

I nodded at myself before walking into the bedroom to find no Kai in sight. I slipped on socks and walked out of the bedroom down the hall to his private office to see him sitting at his desk on a phone call. I sat down in one of the armchairs waiting for him while fiddling with my hair.

He finished on the phone before turning around and planting a kiss on my lips. He handed me my phone and I saw a text from my boss to take a few weeks off to get my mental health in check, as well as work from home as long as I needed.

"Ready?" Kai said into my ear and I nodded, standing to go meet the council.