

"Congratulations Kai, you found your eternal mate."

I looked over at Kai and saw he was already looking at me. His eyes unmasked and they were still a bright gold.

"I know. I wanted to let you know that you need to now get the fuck out." He said without breaking eye contact. My jaw dropped and I went to go ask why before he cut me off.

"He has been pining after you since he laid eyes on you, I dont want him around." his eyes scanned my face and I nodded.

He looked over at Marcus and his eyes started to turn from gold to purple. I stepped away from him rembering what he said.

"I'll go upstairs" I said and turned around walking up and going up to the third floor and sitting on the hallway floor watching the metal door waiting for him to come back up.

It felt like forever until I saw him open the door and come upstairs, he was almost shocked to see me sitting waiting for him. I jumped up and walked over to him, a million questions running through my mind.

"Is he gone?" was the one I settled on. He nodded and then grabbed me gently pulling me to him.

"So much makes sence now. I was so confused when I met you and immediately felt the need to protect you, and when I kissed you. It was like I was being taken over by something else." He picked me up and stated moving towards his room.

"Kai what are you-" I started to say before he cut me off with a kiss.

"You're mine" he said against my lips as he threw open his bedroom door. He carried me to his bed and layed me down without breaking the kiss. I felt him start to get up so I grabbed his head in my hands and pulled him to me with my legs deepening the kiss.

I felt him groan against my lips and it shot through me like a bullet. I dug my nails into his neck and kissed him harder. His hand grabbed my waist and he pushed me off him gently. I growled at him pushing me off and then was pulled back to reality, realizing that I had just growled- actually growled at him.

I looked down slightly embarrassed and he chuckled before moving his hand off my waist to the sweater. In secounds it was on the floor and I looked up at him suprised.

"What did you think I could take that off while you were clawing at me like a mad man?" he chuckled and grabbed the hem of his shirt pulling it over his head. I looked at his stomach in shock, I knew he would be ripped but he was unbelievably sexy. He had a slight trail of hair that snaked below his belt and his abs looked painted on.

He finished taking off his shirt before grabbing mine and gently sliding it off and throwing it go the side. He sucked in a breath looking at my bra and It was my turn to giggle. I pulled myself up and reached behind me unclipping my bra and watched his face as I let my breasts fall out into his view.

His eyes looked like they were glowing gold right now and before the bra had even hit the ground he had his hand on my torso and the other captured one my my tits in his hand. He lowered his head to the other and pulled my nipple into his mouth. I let out a soft moan as he twisted and flicked my nipple in his mouth the cold tounge ring sliding over my skin, driving me insane.

He was leisurely sucking on one of my tits in his mouth and softly rubbing the other with his other hand. I felt myself growing wet and he broke off my nipple to grab my throat and pull me up to his face.

"I'm not going to fuck you yet, Kitten." He said into my ear "l'm just going to fulfill all those little desires in your head until you beg me to."

I let out a moan as his hand pinched my nipple and the other grasped my throat. I didn't expect him to be like this, but somehow I loved it. I liked how he went from sweet to mean in secounds, it made me want him so much more.

He let go of my throat and picked me up by the waist and moved me so my head was on the pillows. He leaned down and kissed me on the neck, then started to suck on the skin there, I felt his tounge lash out against my skin, the cool metal ball raising my desire for him.

His hand slid off my waist to my jeans and quickly undid them, pulling them off me leaving me in my panties. He pulled himself off my neck and looked down at me. He sucked in a breath before grabbing a remote from his bedside table. shutting the blinds until there was only enough light to barley see each other.

"Hey- " I started to protest before I heard the remote hit the floor and he kissed my neck again cutting me off.

He ran his tounge down my body the cool metal of his tounge ring making me grow even more wet. He stopped at the edge of my panties and I threw my hips up to him wanting him to use his tounge on my clit.

He chuckled and grabbed my hips with his hands holding them in place. He took one hand off my hips to grab the edge of my panties and pull them aside. He slid his thumb up my slit and finally onto my clit. I let out a sharp gasp as soon as he touched me.

"Jesus fuck.." he said before moving his thumb in lazy circles around my clit. I moaned and tried to grind my hips against his finger but his hand held me still.

"Kai.." I tried to say but was cut off by him picking up the pace making me moan again. He licked my thigh up to my knee and back down, this time he moved his finger from my clit and replaced it with his tounge. I let out a loud moan as the cool metal ball flicked against my clit. He started to lick and suck and I felt myself coming closer and closer to orgasm.

He then lifted my body and slid a finger into me making me cry out. He started to gently run his finger into me before sliding in two, his large hands stretching me out and he rhythmically slid his fingers in and out while continuing to suck on my clit.

My orgasm boiled over and I let out a screaming moan, my legs shaking and twitching bur he didn't stop. He slammed his fingers into me hard and fast. He took his mouth off my clit to look into my eyes. And watch as I came all over his hand.

"Good girl" he said and captured my lips with his. He tasted like me and it drove me wild. I started to cum once again and he smiled against my lips

"Thats it Kitten, cum for me one more time" he said in my ear. I squoze my legs together around his large bicep and came again. He let me ride out the orgasm before pulling his fingers out of me, and kissing my forehead.

He layed down next to me and sighed. I looked over at him and he turned on his side, pulling me to him.

"The council is here early." I looked at him shocked he closed my eyes and the next thing I knew all my stuff was sitting on the floor in his room.

I shook my head thinking about all the other things he could probably do. He stood up and grabbed his t shirt tossing it to me before grabbing another for himself.

I pulled my panties back over me and stood up before my legs started to collapse under me. He caught me and sat me back on the bed.

"Thats why I didn't fuck you, Kitten" he whispered in my ear before chuckling "I also didn't want them to hear you downstairs, but I guess thats out the door with your loud ass mouth."

I blushed and hid my face in his neck. He chuckled and layed me down and pulled the blankets over me.

"Get some sleep, I'll deal with the council and bring you some dinner later." He said and left.