

They got up in the morning , and headed towards their destination.it was going to take them approximately 2 hours .hoor was enjoying the journey, the roads so beautiful with greenery all around .

When they reached tolipir .alot of other tourists were also looking around .hoor was enjoying every second of the exploring .the smile wasnt leaving her face. Hoor was looking at the beautiful scenery infront of her, the river flowing down below, the water looking so clear , the trees covering the slope of hills .

Arhaan was also enjoying the view , but he was also making sure that no one came too close to her . He noticed some guys looking at hoor, but the glare from arhaan make them look everywhere else in seconds . They had their lunch and went to explore again .

It started raining suddenly , before they can find a shelter, they were already soaked . Alot of other tourists were also beside them .when a person asked when the rain's going to stop , A local man replied " here rain can continue for hours . You should head back as it slows down , driving in heavy rain can be dangerous around hills ." He said .

They started waiting for rain to stop ,hoor was feeling cold , her hands felt frozen.when arhaan saw it , he enveloped them in between his hands ,alternating between rubbing them softly and blowing his warm breath on them .

Arhaan was aware of her feeling cold , but he couldnt do much in that situation, he was soaked himself .

When rain slowed down after an hour or so , arhaan took hoor and they headed towards their cottage. Hoor was sneezing, and he could already feel her getting warm to touch . Arhaan onned the heaters , hoor had already fallen asleep by the time they reached their place. Their clothes had almost dried from heater . It had taken them 3 hours to return as the rain had started falling heavily again mid way .

Arhaan tried to wake hoor up but no use . Sighing , arhaan carried her bridal style . He placed her on the sofa of their room and tapped her cheek softly .

" hoor , you need to change your clothes . You are already having temperature and its only going to worse your condition . " arhaan explained but only got a hmmmm in return .

Arhaan was worried about her , taking her to the hospital in this weather wasnt an option , specially when the hospital was all the way down hill . He had medicines with him, he just needed to take care of hoor .but it seemed like hoor wasnt ready to help at all .

"Hoor e arhaan! If you wont , then i will have to change your clothes" arhaan warned but still only got an ummm in return . Hoor didnt even have the energy to open her eyes .

Arhaan got her clothes and looked at her for a minute . He didnt want to do it but there was no option left .

He switched the light off and then started helping her change . He didnt look at her not even a glance, he didnt want to do anything , she wasnt ready for specially when she was unconcious.

But as he was pulling her night shirt on , he felt something on her back ,a bit rough lines on her skin as if she was cut there . But which thing shocked him was that almost her whole lower back was covered in them.

He decided to let it go for the moment , he changed her clothes and placed her in bed . He changed his own clothes and got warm milk with medicine for her.

Hoor wasnt getting up , arhaan understood that due to fever she wasnt having the energy to move.

He sat beside her and helped her into a sitting position . She was nestled in his side .arhaan made her take the medicine , hoor kept herself nestled at his side, trying to seek more and more warmth from him . Arhaan also didnt want her out of his arms for minutes even. He laid down there and kept hoor in his arms. She relaxed slowly as arhaan kept running his hand through her hair .

Next morning, hoor was feeling much better . Arhaan made her eat with his own hands , he was even more attentive than usual .
