
Chapter Ten:Who I'm i to you?

Alexa Leonard

I stared at Chloe car for some while then I walked into the house.No one was in the sitting room,but I knew Owen is surely gonna be in his room obviously thinking about the new girl he saw at school today.

I walked to the kitchen to check if there was anything to eat because the crazy Chloe didn't buy anything as she planned.

As i walked inside I met someone whom I wasn't expecting which was mom.she was next to the counter, slicing some onions.i guess she was preparing dinner which she doesn't do.

Well,I don't know why she came back early but I guess I need to ask.i approached her and tap her on her shoulder,she looked back and smiled when she saw it was me.

"Hey Mom, what's for dinner?'i asked politely."Rice ball and stew"she replied then I stood to watch her cook it.

"You know mom I've been waiting to ask you questions,I know it might sound wrong,but why do you come back late in the night?. you know ever since dad died you've been acting so weird"i said but she kept mute for a while before talking.

"Well firstly I won't be able to answer your question and secondly would you help get some ingredients for the stew from the cupboard"She replied ignoring my question.

I knew she wasn't gonna to answer my question at first maybe it was just a waste of time asking her.i helped her take the ingredients needed from the cupboard then placed it on the counter.

"Thanks"She muttered taking the ingredients then I walked out of the kitchen.i passed through the dinning to the sitting room before climbing the stairs then getting to my room.

I opened the door to my room then slammed it with a little bit anger.i don't know why she didn't answer my question neither did I know why she's been acting weird.

I laid on my bed still thinking about everything and in order to stop thinking about it,I brought out my phone then imputed the password before swiping up.

I pressed one of my music app then began to play one Marcus Smith's best music.well,it was the song he sang because of the girl who left him.

I know you wanted to leave me at first

But I was always patient with you.

You broke my heart and left me heartbroken.

And I would find someone else to mend my broken heart.

Yes,and I would find someone else to mend this broken heart.

I continued to sing along with the song until it finished.

The song was definitely the song I needed so I played it again and again till I was tired then I slept off.


I woke up and found out it was already evening.i guess dinner would ready,I yawned and stretch my arm before getting up.

I looked at myself and saw I didn't took off the clothes I used to follow Chloe to the shopping mall.

Gosh I can't believe o didn't took off the clothes.well, maybe I was so obsessed with Marcus's song that I forget to do so.

I walked to my dressing room which was small.i took off my clothes and wore my night pygamas.i walked out of my room then branched my room which was opposite mine.

I knocked gently on his door then he replied a"come in".I opened it then entered and their I met him shirtless and he was only on boxers.

"Why are you on this?"I asked pointing on what he was wearing."well,she shouldn't be asking me that kind of question.it's my room and I can wear anything I wanna wear, but if you aren't comfortable with it you can walk out."he said and I knew he was little bit pissed off.

"Hey youngman transfer your aggression on me,I'm actually not the one who caused what is happening to you"I said then he sighed.

"I'm actually not angry, it's just that the girl I met didn't accept my dating invitation"he said and knew he was talking about the girl he met."What did she say?"I asked him.

"She said that her dad doesn't want her to be in a relationship and according to her she said that her dad doesn't want her to come crying to him after the last heartbreak she had"he explained and I felt pity for him.

We kept silence for some while then we were interupted by the door which was opened.i turned back and saw it as mom who was standing next to the door.

"Supper is ready"she announced."Okay, we'll be there in a jiffy."I said then she went out and locked the door.

I faced Owen who was having this cranky look.i knew why he was looking at that..it was actually because of mom.

I just pray things get better.

"I would be going to the dinning and I would be expecting you soon"I said and walked out of the room.


Owen Leonard

I watched as Alexa went out of my room,I guess she knows while I was having that cranky look,it was because of mom.

I still don't understand why she acts weird and come back late In the night.. I'm really suspicious about it.

She doesn't tell us when she goes out or come in or where she's even going to and I think the best way to find out is by investigating because I had a dream she was been killed and I can't just let her go the same way I let dad go.

Just thinking of him makes me sad.all I wanted was just to help me but I ended up killing him.

I just pray things goes well.

I walked to my dressing room then wore a black shirt and a black trouser.i came out few later then walked out of the room.

Climbing through the stairs hurriedly was the next thing I did before I got to to the sitting room,I walked to dinning and met Alexa and mom,they were already having supper.

I just pray I don't lose my appetite for eating.

I sat on one of the chairs then saw it was rice balls and stew... actually one of my best.

Kimberly Summer

It was Mason who came out,I didn't know what to do than to cry.he cheated on me, I've loved him since Junior high school and when we got to date,he still cheated on me

"What are you doing here Kimberly?"He asked"You cheated on me"was the only thing I could say.

"So was that the reason you came here?"he asked but I couldn't say anything.

"Well,I guess you just wasted your time coming because I'm actually not cheating on your"he said.

"But I saw your kissing a girl?"I asked

"Well,it was something I was asked to do by my dad.he actually wants to win a contract with her dad.so there's nothing between us."He explained and I was surprised.

"So you did it for a contract?"I asked.

"Yea,to save my father's ass"he replied then the girl came outside.

"Mason,who is this bitch?"She asked giving me a cranky look.

"She's my girlfriend, Jane"He replied looking at me.

"If she's your girlfriend,then who I'm I to you?"She asked and we all looked at her.