
His Genius Wife is a Superstar

A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal family who ruled the international underworld for many generations is killed when their organization is annihilated in a single night. She is reborn into the body of Iris Long, a teenage pop singer, wild party girl, and spoiled brat. For the former princess of the underworld who lived an overprotected and shackled life, this new life is a chance to finally live the life of freedom and independence that she always wanted. Jin Liwei is the most powerful man in the country's business world. Cold and ruthless, he is someone only a few dare offend. When the infamous Iris Long, who used to chase his younger brother, wakes up from a year-long coma, his unfeeling heart moves for the first time and he falls hard for this unexpected genius girl. She wants to fly freely and soar high beyond the sky. He wants her everything, to tie her to himself and to never let her go. This is her journey to super stardom. This is his journey in accompanying her. Together, they will rock the world while facing many challenges. But what will happen when she discovers that she can never escape from the shadows of her previous life? Will she still be able to live her dream life of freedom and independence? Will he be able to protect her from the dangers? [Warning: Mature Content. Reader discretion is advised.] ### Instagram: Arria Cross (@arriacross) Discord Server: https://discord.gg/cSUhBdz

ArriaCross · Ciudad
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1500 Chs

A Weapon of Mass Destruction

The next day.

Jin Corporation.

It was Saturday but business was as usual. The weekend employees started streaming into the company building.

Jin Liwei, as the President and CEO, didn't need to come to work during the weekends but he would come whenever he wanted to finish up some tasks which was almost always.

That morning, Jin Liwei woke up feeling that everything in the world was very good. The sky was a beautiful cobalt blue colour decorated by wispy white clouds. The sun shone brightly and the birds were singing.

Ah, what a wonderful world!

His body felt light and energetic. If it wasn't for his image, he would have skipped happily while walking. He felt like he could take on anything today. Bring it on!

Unfortunately, he had no idea that his bright mood would have such serious effects on his employees.

For the entire day, everyone in the company was in a daze. It began early in the morning when some employees greeted their company President as usual when they saw him arrive at the lobby.

"Good morning, President," they greeted, bowing.

Then King Yama…er, their President Jin did something unimaginable. He slowed down, nodded, smiled widely and actually greeted them back. "En. Good morning everyone."

It was like an arrow was shot straight to their hearts.

The unprepared employees immediately froze. Many dropped their briefcases and file folders, while someone dropped his coffee, staining the pristine white floor. Yet no one noticed this sacrilege to their company floor because everyone's disbelieving eyes followed the back of their big boss as he disappeared behind the elevator doors.

Many unfortunate employees who met their company President along the way were one-hit one-killed by his shocking smile. They thought that his eternally glacial aura and formidable leadership were already vicious enough, but they never imagined that his smile would be as deadly to their poor mortal hearts.

What happened?

Was it the end of the world?

Did they die and this was the afterlife?

Was this paradise or was this hell?

The heavens were really unfair. Their President's smile could be a weapon of mass destruction.

The female employees who already considered him as their ideal man raised his position in their hearts even further to the most ideal of all the ideal men in the universe (everyone, take a moment of silence for their poor boyfriends and husbands who would never be as good as their big boss). And the bent employees became even more bent (hallelujah!).

Unfortunately, this day became the most unproductive in the history of the company since its establishment because of their President's dangerous smile.

Jin Liwei's office.

Xu Tian's mouth twitched as he watched one of the senior managers exit the President's office in a daze. The poor man was so dazed that he walked straight to the elevator without noticing Xu Tian.

Normally, he would've rebuked any employee who disregarded him because he was the President's right hand man. His status in the company was basically only below that of the President himself, even though he didn't have an official position in the company itself.

This time, however, Xu Tian just sighed and shook his head.

Ever since the President spent some alone time with Miss Long in the car last night, his boss had been in such a good mood.

Although he didn't see it for himself (and thank goodness for that!), he had an idea of what transpired between the two of them based on his boss' happy mood.

Don't get him wrong. As an assistant, he was happy whenever his boss felt happy.

However, looking at things today, the President's obvious good mood as demonstrated by his rare smile appeared to have negative effects to the employees. If this continued, the company would be in trouble. That would be tragic.

Xu Tian didn't understand why his boss suddenly became so fixated on Miss Long. From what he remembered when the President ordered him to investigate and monitor Miss Long after the accident two years ago, he felt certain that his boss felt disgusted at the young woman for chasing after the Second Master.

Now it seemed like it was the President who was chasing after Miss Long.

What happened between the two of them? How come Xu Tian didn't notice anything?

Wasn't this reversal too sudden?

Oh well. He just had to do his job. It was not his place to interfere with his boss' love life.

Opening the internet browser on his work computer, he typed "Iris Long" on the search engine. A frown formed on his face after reading for a few minutes.

He grabbed the phone and dialed.

"Hello? This is Xu Tian of Jin Corporation. May I speak to Director He?"

Did you enjoy the Christmas mass release? I hope that I was able to convey my gratitude to all of you for the tremendous support that you've given me. I really appreciate it.

Please continue to spare some of your power stones for Iris.

And look forward to the New Year mass release!

ArriaCrosscreators' thoughts