
Chapter 10: Answers

Katerina waited for some time after the man had left to look around the room. She noticed she had not been tied to the chair as if she was free to walk around the room. A small breeze blew the sheer curtains hanging in the balcony archway, brushing up her dress slightly.

The man had left her in the room alone, untied and was expecting to answer her questions when he returned. She didn't want to be around when he did nor did she want to be near him again. He scared her and filled her with such fear that she's never experienced before. Coming from such an ordinary life to being put in this place overwhelmed her with questions, but the main question she had was how she was going to get out of this castle.

She tapped her nails on the arm of the chair, thinking intently and watching the door sharply as if it was going to fly open. Quickly, she stood up and rushed to the balcony to suddenly stop at the stone railing. She gripped the edge but her wrists ached from the rope ties. She peered over the edge to see a large garden taking up most of the land space. For a moment she was mesmerized by the beauty but she shook her head to figure out how she could get down. She sighed when she saw how high up in the castle the room was and took a step back.

Her back immediately hit something hard that made her body freeze up. She knew what it was but she didn't hear him come into the room. Without moving, she could feel his slow breathing press against her back and her eyes closed.

"What are you doing?" His voice was low and concerning. She didn't answer because how could she tell him that she was planning her escape but with a gulp she whispered, "Nothing.."

He could tell in her body that she was lying. Her body language shifted and stiffened to make the little lie and he smiled. He then stepped forward, making her take a step forward as well until she reached the balcony edge and pressed against it.

He leaned down over her shoulder to speak into her ear. "See, you're a quick learner." Referencing to the command of speaking when spoken to. His breath was cold against her skin that sent a small shiver down her spine. He raised his brow before stepping away, "I hope you're not trying to leave? What a horrible guest you'd be." He looked away as acting as if he was hurt.

She turned around immediately to deny it, "No.." she glanced the garden, "I was just admiring the garden, prince Ezra." She stiffened her body again to bow her head apologetically. Her addressing him correctly made him satisfied and he knew she was lying again but played along, "Good. I don't want to have to kill you this suddenly." He smiles but she gulped her breath.

"Come now. Don't we have somethings to discuss?" He gestured her to come back inside from the balcony and she agreed. She slowly inched past him before hurrying back to the chair which made him chuckle. She sat down and he placed his body on the bed, laying down to prop his back against the pillow.

"You may ask me a question, and in return, I ask you a question." He eyed her, wanting to know everything about her life and past. He wanted to understand her and figure out why he felt such a pull to her. She didn't answer and he sighed, "You may ask me a question." He gave her permission. She cringed at him in response.

For a few moments, there was silence between them but his patience was running out.

"Where am I?" She finally spoke. Her eyes not meeting his which were a look of surprise. "You're in the castle of Caine." He tilted his head, "Did I purchase an unintelligent pet?" She shook her head quickly.

"No. Where am I? I was traveling to Mobley.." her thoughts trailed off, closing her eyes at the memories.

"Mobley?" He questioned, "Why on earth would you enter that region?" Curiosity increasing, he folded his arms but her expressed looked confused. He waited for her to respond.

"I was traveling into Mobley because my cousin had married and moved to that region." His expression went from curiosity to serious.

With a nonchalant look, "She did not marry. She was purchased as a pet."