

"I'd like to see you privately".

He said it so seriously that I got a little bit worried. We got to his study and I couldn't help but look around. The study was so big and it had everything a house needed. It even had a kitchen in it. It was spectacular but I didn't look around for too long and just went ahead to sit where he pointed out for me.

"I've called you here for a reason and I believe you know what this is about".

He said. To be honest, I was expecting this I mean, no rich family would reject the daughter of the prime minister for a nobody like me. I was already more than grateful that he did not ask me to leave when Melissa and her father came.

"My grandson is in love with you".

He said but I still couldn't raise my head to look at him.

"Do you feel the same way"?

He asked and now, I couldn't help but look up. He looked so serious and I knew that whatever happens next depends solely on my answer.