
His Eyes

All around the kingdom Vastei joyous voices rang. "A prince has been born! All hail the King!" Someone had shouted. Children laughed, adults made merry in the sunny afternoon light. Yet there was one that had disappointment written on him. A fourteen year old boy with platinum blonde hair and eyes covered by a black cloth. Dressed in a loose-fit buttoned shirt and brown cloth trousers the boy ran through the crowds, a large cat right behind him as he was heading towards the castle at the edge of the valley of which the village was built on.

Oragami_Cyclone · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

"Now dear, do you think we care about that? You're our son, first and foremost." Yamakara stated calmly.

"That's the problem. You don't care yet the others do. I can't even do magic like them. I'm useless when it comes to ruling." Raivis look defeated as he said his statement.

"But Raivis, this is what we have been training you for since we got you."

"Well you'll be able to teach Sirus more then you ever taught me. I think I need to figure out who I really am. I'm not your son. I'm not a prince. I don't know who I am! That's why-that's why I'm gonna figure it out myself!" Raivis had been waiting years to say that, he just never wanted to hurt his parents, the ones who cared for him.

"Was all 'e did for y' for nothing!" His father shouted.

"Calm down my dear! He is old enough to make decisions for himself! If this is what he needs to do th-then he should be able to choose for himself." She was close to tears, she turned her attention to Raivis,"If this is really what you want to do then you can. Just know that you will always be our son, you will always have a home here, and we will always help you when you fall. Just remember that, please."

"I will mother, and father, thank you for everything." Raivis was just happy that they were not upset with him for leaving them.

"Please just stay the night, give us some last time with you." Yamakara pleaded.

To his mother's pleas, he couldn't disagree.

That night the King and Queen threw the most extravagant party in years. Not only to celebrate their son's birth, but to celebrate their other son's departure. He was to leave in the morn, so one by one elves came to give him tools and gifts to help him on his journey. None caught his eye to much till an elder gifted him a map along with a small note. He placed it on the floor in front of Sigrid.

Your Highness,

I bring you the gift of knowledge. Years ago when the Elven race and Faun tribes were partners in the great war a tribe that called themselves Lockensteinvell resided on the edge of the Shavendien forest where it is said you were found. The tribe was said to have traveled north after the war, if anyone would have information on who you are, it would be them.


Sigrid looked up only to see the man gone. This was this missing information he needed to get started on his journey. Clutching the note to his chest he knew it was time he left.

He gathered the tools he needed that were given to him and left the large hall which the party was held in and with Sigrid's help, made his way to his room for the last time.

Gathering all his stuff into a large bag, he prepared to leave. Saying goodbye to his parents would be too hard, so he instead left a note for them. As he was about to leave he remembered something important. He quickly went over to a small table and snatched up a pouch of coin. And with that him and Sigrid were off to find out who they really were.