
His Ex-Wife Becomes A Powerful Billionairess!

THIS BOOK IS ON HOLD. WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON: IN THE MEAN TIME, CHECK OUT THE RETURN OF HIS EX WIFE "When will you grow up, Jared? This is so annoying. Do you think I didn't hear her setting you up on blind dates? Just because what? I'm now a barren woman? Do you think I like the situation I'm in?" Clarissa spat out her rage. Jared brought a glass of wine to his lips and chugged down the content, letting out a burp. "Well where's the lie?" He said, not meeting her gaze. "Isn't it true? Can you give me a child? Father is getting old, and he always asks for a grandchild. Even mother in her grave must be crying for me right now for marrying wrongly." His words hit her right in the chest like a bullet. Damn it, she might have not even felt anything at all if a real bullet had pierced through her ribcage at a close range.  Tears gathered in her eyes and filled it. "Jared? How can you...how can you say that?" She said in disbelief. If Jared felt an inch sorry, he did not show it. Her chest ached and hurt so hard. Determination hit her bones like hard rock. "Fine. Let's call it off then." She said to herself. There was a pen right there so she signed all necessary place and made sure to grant Jared's wish. She'll leave him and start a new life for herself. ——— Clarissa Hart is a great housewife who has loved her husband, Jared, for almost half of her life. However, all of her love and respect for him was shattered after he mistreats her and let his sister, Desdra, humiliate her. After the pain and torture was too much, Clarissa finally granted his wish and filed for a divorce. Now, Clarissa will be in charge of her own destiny now, and now, her confidence and charms will be a weapon to knock down everyone who had ever looked down on her.

Kerik · Urbano
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62 Chs

Seduction Plan

The next morning as easily as Jared could wake up, he got dressed and hurried to Clarissa's workplace. Despite all of his sister's warning to stay away from her workplace, Jared didn't care. He needed to meet Clarissa, to confront her. Life was hell without her. Especially now that Desdra had grown more cold. The night before, she had just dragged her stuff and moved in without his permission!

When he asked, she only said she was dealing with her own issues and he shouldn't bother her. If only he could try to convince Clarissa now to move back in, then they would become a happy couple once again and he wouldn't have to deal with Desdra's tantrums alone.

He realized he had been there way too early than he'd intended, but he would wait. After a while, people began to surround the entrance of the huge building. Suddenly, he spotted the car that had dropped Clarissa off. Jared gathered himself and was approaching Clarissa but froze still when he saw someone, a lady, hurring out of the car towards Clarissa. 


He turned his back away and groaned. "So it was Eve? Of course I know my darling Clarissa wouldn't cheat on me like this!" He said to himself. When he turned back, he saw that Eve had already driven off. Now was his moment to approach her. He ran so he could meet her before she stepped into the building. 

Someone tall with a fine face was already beside Clarissa when he got to her. Jared made a smile appear on his face as he saw Clarissa, though she was not smiling back at him. 

Liam arched his brows. He had been observing that man stealing glances at Clarissa but didn't want to alert her. When he made his way over to her however, Liam decided he would not keep silent. 

"Hey, the janitor is here. Come, come with us and meet your supervisors." Liam had a half grin on his face. The anger plastered on the man's face was enough to make Liam grin in satisfaction. Sometimes, he just loved to be like that, messing with people he didn't really like.

"Hey! I am no cleaner! What the hell is that?" Jared spat out. 

Clarissa was quiet, though Liam began to suspect she knew who that man was. He paused a while to examine the look on her face. He concluded that she was screeching for help on the inside. 

Taking hold of her hand firmly, he walked into the building in quick steps away from that strange man. Liam decided to dislike the man at first glance. He behaved like a lunatic smiling and talking to himself in public!

After his shouts and screams, Liam made sure they walked away from him as fast as possible. Clarissa did not object anyway. Once they were inside, she pulled her hand free from him.

"You can let go now." Clarissa said. "I won't say anything if that's what you're waiting for."

Liam raised a brow. "I have a lot of problems as it is, I don't think I need yours to add to the list, honey."

"I'm not your honey." Clarissa rolled her eyes. What the hell was Jared doing there at her workplace again?? Clarissa was not ready to face him because of how immature Jared could be sometimes. All of the texts he'd been sending to her before she blocked his number had been abusive. He kept on reminding her how pathetic her life was, how she would never carry her baby in life. 

She was certainly not ready to face him at the moment, but she needed to face him one way or the other. She decided that she would unblock his number and call him to have a proper conversation with him soon. 

As they walked towards the elevator, Clarissa frowned at how he kept on smiling and waving to every one of the girls passing by. She couldn't help but think that he was just like the CEO, Elan! And there he was calling him all sorts of names when they were just nearly alike. 

"You resumed three months ago but you already know everyone here? Wow." Clarissa just had to talk.

"Got a problem with my handsome face and divine body? Just because you're somehow immune to my charms doesn't mean--" Liam was saying, but that was when it hit her like hard rock.

"That's it!" She exclaimed in excitement. 

"That's what?" Asked confused Liam.

"I have a plan. I know how we can get Sun mi to go through with the contract!" His arched brows did all the talking. "You," Clarissa said, pointing directly at him, "are going to seduce Sun mi."

Liam slowly turned his gaze to Clarissa, studying her carefully as he exclaimed. "Excuse you?"

She dragged Liam by the arm, forcing him to literally start running. 

Making it to the office, Liam asked again what her insane plan had been but she kept on insisting to wait for the others. After a while, Stella and Denis walked in, then Clarissa began with a wide smile; her mouth parted, exposing her teeth. 

"What is going on?" Was Stella's first reaction to the new girl's overhyped behavior.

Denis sighed, his shoulders slumping. "She's leaving us. That's what is happening. Anyway lady, I'm happy for you--"

"--I'm not leaving. Actually, I'm excited because I've just got a plan!" Clarissa corrected. 

"A plan for what?" Asked Stella, and Liam chirped in, saying; "you don't wanna hear."

"I couldn't sleep last night because I was busy drafting out a plan to help with this Sun mi problem, until this very morning when Liam gave us a solution." Clarissa explained, but neither of them were giving her any serious attention. 

"I'm sorry, but if you guys aren't even going to try something, we'll always be called the 'loser's team', and I am no loser." Clarissa said in defense. 

"You don't get it. It's on purpose. With the CEO and Desdra along with her own team, it's like they're okay with making our lives miserable all the time, just for fun. They're like the bullies in every typical Hollywood high school movie." Denis said.

Clarissa was not giving up. "But what if we have a shot at this? Aren't we going to try at all?"

Liam scoffed. "You just came yesterday. What's with all the hype?"

Clarissa pouted and fixed him a warning look, but Stella cut her off. "Of course we'd want to try something, if we have a shot at all. But Sun mi already canceled this request. It's like a mission impossible."

"But Tom Cruise made how many movies on that?" Clarissa said instantly. 

Liam frowned. He was weighing what she'd just said. "Well, it's no lie that the actor kept on making new movies and accomplishing every damn impossible missions that was supposed to be impossible. But I don't like that I'll be the center of attraction here."

Clarissa protested. "What? You like girls--"

"--honey, girls like me. Obviously because no one has gotten the chance of getting to know me and my inner demons..." Liam said to himself, though loud enough. 

Someone knocked at the door and a young man walked in. "Mr. Liam? Please come with me."

Thank you all! We're at 1k, baby! I appreciate your supports, it means a lot to me <3

Readers: Wait, people bully each other at work--

Author: Yes. Been there, I survived. Don't worry, Clarissa will too...Eventually.

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