
His crazy obsession

Theodora the daughter of Mr Nathan, one of the multi billionaires of his time, lived a terrible life, a life of suffering and pain, until things started crumbling down for her father. Silver the cold hearted billionaire Mafia boss. A man of known to have little or no emotions, he borrowed Mr Nathan some money for his business and he couldn't pay Nathan back. Out of his selfishness, Nathan sold his first daughter Theodora to Silver to pay him for his debt, what happens when sparks fly between them and silver ands up falling in Love with Theodora?? And she took ends up having feelings for him??, dark family mysteries are uncovered, will love triumph in the end? Read on to find out!!

Gift_Ny · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

CHAPTER 35 & 36




"What the fuck!" Dora cursed.

Silver immediately pushed Gracie off and said

"Who the fuck are you?!"

"Silver baby you don't remember me!, it's me Gracie!"

"I don't know you so fuck off!!" Yelled his voice slightly louder than before.

"Why are you yelling don't you love me anymore!"

Dora watched the scene before her and scoffed, this was probably some obsessed bitch craving after Silver's d**k.

"Why don't you leave before I get mad!" Dora said as she walked in front of Silver standing directly between Silver and Gracie.

"And who the f**k are you?!" Gracie asked with a raised brow.

"I'm his wife and you are inconveniencing my hubby so leave!" She said as she faced Silver and put her hands on his chest.

",You are telling me to leave!"

"Are you deaf or your ears are blocked with weight of foolishness you carry on your head!"

"Did you just insult me?!"

"I guess you have dirt for brains because you seem to ask the most dumbest of questions!" Dora said and rolled her eyes.

Silver said nothing as he watched his wife slay with insults.

"No fuck out I kill when I'm angry!"

Gracie then scoffed and left.

"Sorry for the interruption, please MC continue with the event!"

The MC then continued playing the music and the evening went well until Dora's father appeared.

"Dora can I speak to you!"

"Why in the world do you wanna speak to me?!"

"I'm sorry!"

"I'm too busy to accept apologies so F off and never come back, look at you now broke and in despair, I guess you daughter have sucked your account dry!" She said with a raised brow.

"Please forgive me for everything I did to you Dora, I failed you as a father and I don't wanna carry that burden to my grave!"

"I'll think about it!"

"Thank you!"



Kris was still worried sick about Becca because he hasn't heard from her and he a lot to say to her.

He then went out going to his favorite place to calm his nerves, that was the park, it was his mum favorite place and is also his favorite place.

He then wore a jacket in top of the clothes he was wearing already and went out.

The breeze was chill and blew his long hair roughly everywhere, he then packed the hair back and continued his walk.

He then went to the park and sat down thinking about Becca when he saw Becca on the floor on a picnic mat with a guy and they were both laughing.

He then stood up and went to them.

"Becca!, Is he the reason why you have been missing school?!"

"Are you her keeper how her absence from school your business?" Terran yelled as he rolled his eyes.

"Becca answer me!"

Becca was about to say something when Terran cut her off and said

"I am her boyfriend and I have a right to take her out on a date!"

"Boyfriend huh!...sorry for the disturbance!" He said as he left the park and went home.


"I am so stupid for falling for her, I shouldn't have now I have gotten myself heartbroken, she is dating someone else, what can I do about it?!" He asked himself as he entered the house.

He then went to the fridge and brought out a bottle of water and drank half of its content.

"I shouldn't have, I really shouldn't have!!"


"Come on Kris pick up!" She said as she dialed Kris's number for the 15th time and still he didn't pick up.

"Why are you overreacting I just put that asshole in his place!" Terran said as he entered the room.

She then walked up to him and slapped him hard twice in his face

"If you ever call Kris and asshole..I'll fucking kill you!" She threatened and he staggered back from the fear.

She then said

"Get the f^ck out of my life!....it's over between us!"

"You know your dad needs my father's business for his company to expand!"

"That is not my f^cking business, leave me alone and never return!!, I don't and will never love you!"

She said and he scoffed and left the room.



Kenzie had just finished lunch and was on her way to her bed ot nap, she was quiet tired because of some certain circumstances.

She then heard a knock on her door and with a grumble she opens the door and saw Jake standing there with a bright smile on his face.


"Hi,...what are you doing here?!" She asked. He then scanned her up to down, she was wearing a big rainbow colored hoodie and blue jean bum shorts.

"Sorry to interrupt but I was just passing by the neighborhood and wanted it say hi, can I come in!" He asked.

"Sure !!" She said she was so bored and tired but still wanted to do something fun.

He then came in and sat on the couch.

"Would you like anything?!" She asked as she gazed down at him.

"A drink of water would be nice!"

"Okay!" She said as she went to her fridge to get him a glass of water and brought herself a glass of orange juice.

She then sat close to him and asked.

"So do you know how to play video games?"

"I don't just play them...I rule them!" He said confidently.

"Okay but don't be sad if I beat you!"

"No prob it's on!"



Dora went to shop for somethings for dinner, she bought the things and went out of the shop.

As she was going to her car,someone held her hands and pulled her close and said

"I want you back Dora!"

"Excuse me.....you want me back.....you must be joking!" She said as she flinged his hands off.

"You still love me Dora, I can tell!" He said as he held her again

" I don't love you so please lemme go I have other important places to be!"

"So I am not important!" He said.

" I said let me go I am a married woman so please let me go before I get mad!"

"Married my foot.....he forced you into marrying him right say the truth Dora.....can't you see he doesn't love you....he just wants your body!"

"Then I'll let him have it!" She said as she tried to remove his hands but couldn't.

"Lemme go!" She said

"Don't worry Dora I'll show you that I am crazily Obsessed with you!" He said as he kissed her and she punched his face fracturing his nose.

"If you ever try that again you won't live to tell the tale!" She threatened and walked away.

He then rubbed his hands on his lips and smirked before leaving as well.



Silver was in his car on his way to his beautiful wife when his phone buzzed with a message, he then swiped up and saw that it was a video form an unknown number.

As he saw the video his eyes widened he then told the driver.

"Step on the acceleration!"

"Okay sir!" He said as he sped off home.

As he arrived he then went to the kitchen coz he knew that, that was where his wife. Could be and and said

"Honey you need ot see this!" He then brought out his phone and showed it to her she then took it and swiped it open and saw the video of her kissing Jordan.

"I'm sorry love i didn't do it!" She said with tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"I know love so don't worry, don't cry, I don't want you to shed a tear because of me!"

"So what do we do?!"

"I have a plan!"

She then finished cooking and went to his room to discuss about the plan.

"What a good idea hubby!"

"Thanks Love!" He said as he pecked her and went downstairs for dinner.



Kris was on his bed, he was sleeping because the rain and started falling and he loved the cold weather.

He was wearing a simple short and a white singlet. The door bell then rang and he woke up after the third ring.

He looked at the time and saw 9 pm.

"Who would come to my house this time of the night!" He muttered as he made his way to the door he opened it and saw a drenched Rebecca.

"What are you doing here should you be with your boyfriend?!" He asked rudely and she didn't reply.

She was freezing and she gnashed her teeth and rubbed her arms around her body to give her warmth.

"C...c..can I ..come...in?"

He then opened the door for her and she walked in, he then came and said

"Go change you can't be in those wet clothes you'll get sick!"

"I.... didn't.....bring.....a....an....any.....clothes!" She stammered.

He then went back to his room and brought her a T-shirt and short of his and gave it to her.

She then walked into the bathroom and pulled her clothes off her body entering the bathroom.

She then turned on the hot shower and smiled

She missed this warmth, she then rubbed the soap on her hair and skin and let the hot bath pour on her.

"Mmm" she moaned from the pleasure and went out after she was done and dried himer body using his towel.

"He is quite neat for a boy" she exclaimed before using the towel to dry her body and was about to wear the clothes when she realized then she was drenched until her undies so she did have underwear to wear.

"Kris!!....Kris!!!" She yelled but got no reply.

She then stepped out of the bathroom with only the towel on her body and went to look for him when he entered the house, he was on a raincoat hold a fresh set of underwear.

He then saw her in a towel he then gulped she hadn't seen him and when she turned and saw him a raincoat she screamed thinking it was an intruder and let go of her towel sne was stark naked before him.

"Oh f^ck he muttered underneath his breath.



"Do you think...he has seen the video by now?" Celina asked.

"He must have, it showed that he had seen it!" Brian replied.

"I want to take back my place as Silver's rightful bride, I was the one he choose first not my sister!" She said with an eye roll.

"If I had been the one he took, I would have been swimming in money but looking for help from people like you guys!" She said as she scoffed.

"Dont sorry will be out of each other's hair soon!"


"Close your eyes!!" Becca said

He immediately looked away and said

"Sorry here have this!!" He said as he passed her the underwear and she ran into the bathroom and locked the door she then breathed out.

"Oh fuçk!, why did he have to see me naked!" She said as she face palmed.

She then came out of the bathroom and went to the living room where he was and said

"Sorry for what happened earlier do have anything fun you wanna do?!" She asked she looked at him, but he didn't reply.

"You are still mad at me!?" She asked cutely

"Yes I am mad and I won't talk to you until you explain what is going on between you and that Terran guy!"

"He isn't my boyfriend.....he is my arranged husband" she said and he rolled his eyes.

"I know you are disappointed but please hear my own side of the story!.....my father forced me into the marriage because his company was gonna profit alot if I married him"

"So that was why you agreed?!"

"I didn't.... didn't you hear me say forced!"

"Okay then who do you love?!"

She then took a deep breath before saying

"You Kris.....I love you!"

He then looked at her his gaze not leaving her, he was quite surprised bht she did what shocked him more, she planted a lingering kiss on her lips.

His eyes widened


"Urgh the rain is falling heavily how am I gonna get home!?"he asked worriedly.

"You can stay the night if you want James!"


"Yes and also it can give me a chance to finally beat you in this game!"

"Okay you can try!" She said

"Your confidence is alarming!"

"I know!" He said as he scratches the back of his head and put his hands into his pockets.

They then continued playing the game until she put a movie and they watched it together until she slept and he carried her to the bed bridal style a driver her with a blanket and left to the living room!"



Silver then carried Dora's things and threw it outside he house.

" Honey believe me, I didn't kiss him!"

"Don't talk to me anymore and f**king leave me alone!" Silver said and went in and shut the door.

"What did I do to deserve this?" She asked herself and she then slowly carried her things and left the house

Someone could be seen smirking in the dark


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