
His crazy obsession

Theodora the daughter of Mr Nathan, one of the multi billionaires of his time, lived a terrible life, a life of suffering and pain, until things started crumbling down for her father. Silver the cold hearted billionaire Mafia boss. A man of known to have little or no emotions, he borrowed Mr Nathan some money for his business and he couldn't pay Nathan back. Out of his selfishness, Nathan sold his first daughter Theodora to Silver to pay him for his debt, what happens when sparks fly between them and silver ands up falling in Love with Theodora?? And she took ends up having feelings for him??, dark family mysteries are uncovered, will love triumph in the end? Read on to find out!!

Gift_Ny · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

CHAPTER 33 & 34





"We can go back to the way we were before, leaving our lives as peaceful as before, the only person left to kill is Brian, he is weak so I'm not worried about him!" Silver said as he caressed her hair softly.

"Hmm....i.mjssed times like this you know with us together but....." She paused as a lone tear fell from her eyes.

"Our first baby is gone and I'm gonna kill that Brian when I find him!" She said with tears in her eyes.

"It's okay love he said as he killed her face and used his thumb to wipe her tears.

"The doctor said that I might never have the chance of experiencing child birth" she said as the tears keep on falling.

"Who cares what the doctor says, we will have children triplets for that matter!" He said with confidence clear in his voice.

"Yes we will and we won't be able to get children if we don't work hard on it!" He said naughtyly and she smiled slightly.

"Thanks hubby, you know how to make me smile!"

He kissed her forehead and said

"While I'm here you'll never cry again!"

They then stayed in each other's arms enjoying the warmth.



Katelyn was on top of the scattered bed staring at Stanley,who was on the edge of the bed.

"Thanks for making me find love!"

"I'll love you to the very end!" He said as he started kissing her when the knock on his door interrupted him.

"I'll go get it!!" He said as he stood up and went to open the door and said Kris.

"Hey Kris what's up?!"

"Nothing I just wanted to ask you something about a girl!"


"Can I come in!"

"Yes he can!" Katelyn siad as she walked to the door and opened it wider, she was wearing Stanley's T-shirt and her hair was in a messy bun.

Kris then walked in and sat on the couch.

"Well there is this girl, her name is Rebecca, she has been nice to me since my first day at school. She usually celebrates my every victory and cheer me up when I'm down, she usually fights for me at times when I don't have the strength to fight but..."

"You don't know if she loves you or not" Katelyn said

"Yes, I too think I like her a lot but does she feel the same way!"

"I will never be sure about her feelings for you because I am not her, but what I can tell you is that if she has feelings for you you'll know, my love story is quite different than yours so I don't know how to identify someone's feelings but if she loves you you'll feel a connection between you two okay!" She said

He then nodded and left.

Stanley looked at Katelyn and saw that she was quite dull, so he walked to her and held her waist crashing his body on hers.

"Never blame yourself for not noticing my feelings for you!"

"I don't thanks for always been there for me!" She said as she rested her head on his chest.



Kris had just arrived when he saw that Becca wasn't in school.

"Where was she?!" He muttered under his breath, he wanted to ask her brother but he was a d**k so he didn't bother.

He then went to his seat and rested his head ignoring the teacher who was in class teaching.

After the lecture, he then went to the new apartment Silver bought for him and locked the door and went to bed.



The Lamborghini pulled over on the driveway and the maid and servants came out looked at the car.

The couple then came down from the car holding hands tightly as they walked into the building.

The maids who were Dora's friends ran from their spot and hugged her.

"You are back Dora, your back!!"

Silver looked at her as she hugged them back.

"Tiana, plan a welcome back party for Dora for this tomorrow evening!"

"Yes sir will do!" She exclaimed as she asked the maid to carry their luggage to the room.

They then walked into their room and immediately Dora gasped. The room was redone, it wasn't its monochrome color it was now a mixture of three different colors blue, gold and white.

She then jumped on the bed and felt the warmth of the blue satin sheets.

"Mmm this is so nice!"

"Yeah it is I asked them to do it for your comfort!"

"Thank you!"

"I changed it also because when you came into my life you brought in colours into my dark canvas, you made me see life in a new light, tha I can still have a source of happiness!"

"Speaking of which where is Mrs Natalie!?" Dora asked.

"Oh she is coming over tomorrow why?!"

"I just miss her, you and her look alike you know"

"We do?!"

"Yes you guys look like a mother and son when you guys are together.

He then placed his hands underneath his cheek as he thought but nothing came to him

"Did I say anything wrong?!" Dora asked drawing his attention.

"No you didn't, just shower and rest you must be tired!"

"Okay love!" She said as she kissed his forehead and made her way to to the bathroom.


Dora was in her room, she woke up late and saw a text from Silver on her phone.


"So cute!" She said as she stood up and went to the bathroom and freshen up, she then came out of the bathroom and saw Ms. Natalie arranging the bed.

She immediately ran to her and said

"Why are you doing this what happened to all the younger maids?!" She asked with worry clear in her voice.

"I just felt like helping you guys out!"

"Don't okay we have others who can do that please you are like family to us!" She said as she maid her way to the mirror and took out the hair dryer from the cabinet.

She then dryed her hair, it was getting quite longer.

"Lemme help you with that!" Natalie said as she went behind her and started making her hair for the day.

"So you are good at making hair!"

"Yes I am!"She said shortly as her eyes looked at the picture of Silver, he was quite young in the pic.

A tear dropped from her eyes.

"Are you crying what happened!?" Dora asked as she noticed the tears, she then stood up and walked Ms. Natalie to the bed and sat her down.

"Can I tell you something?!" She asked as her tears had reduced.

"Yes you can anything at all!" She said as she held the woman's hand and gave it a little squeeze.

"Well um, have Silver told you about his mum?!"

"Yes he said that he was asked in a Mafia training to kill his mother!"

"That wasn't his mother, it was his mother's twin sister!"

"I'm Silver's mum!" She said calmly

"What I don't understand!"

"Lemme tell you!"


"Don't take my son away!" She pleaded in her knees as she begged her husband.

He then shrugged her off and said

"Your son will do as I say and become a Mafia boss like I want him to!"

"He is just a kid why would you force him!"

"He is my son and I can make any choice for him, his future is in my hands!" He said as he dragged the boy away.

"Mummy!!, mummy!!, don't let him take me!" Silver shouted as tears dropped from his little eyes.

"I'm sorry, I've failed you son!" She said as she sat on the floor and cried.

Natalie then went to her sister's house, her twin sister was hidden ffom the world because, their father never loved exposure. But when Natalie married Silver's father she had to come out and show her face to the world.

"Sis are you okay?!" Natasha asked as soon as Natalie entered her house her eyes were puffy from the tears.

"My husband has finally taken away my son!"

"What!...its okay, you can stay here for the time being"

"I don't wanna inconvenience you sis" she said as her sister held her hands and said

"You can never inconvenience me I am your sister!"

"Thank you sis, I really appreciate it!"She said as she rested her head on her sister's shoulder and closed her eyes.

★A few days later★

"Natasha I'm going to get a job please I hope you'll be okay!" She wanted it get rich on her own to be able to face her husband.

"I'll be fine sis go!" She said as she hugged her sister and she left.

Then after a while the house door burst open and Silver's father's men came and pointed a gun at Natasha.

"So Natalie you think you can run huh!"

"I'm not Natalie!"

"I knew you were naive but I never knew you were dumb also!" He yelled he then said

"Guards take her with us!"

"Excuse don't you dare touch me!" Natasha siad as she smacked the guards hands off her.

Then one then put a handkerchief on her nose and she was immediately knocked out she the intoxicating material put on the handkerchief.

She woke up in a dark room she was tied up, she looked around and saw nothing, she then tried to cut the rope used to tie her but couldn't.

At that moment, the door opened and two huge men entered and carried her to where she was needed.

Little Silver held the gun, his hands trembled.

"Shoot her!" The man said looking at Silver.

"I cant kill my mum!"

"Then I'll kill her myself, in a more painful and gruesome way!" He threatened and Silver closed his eyes and shit the lady before him a tear fell from his eyes

"Mummy!" He muttered before shooting himself as well.


"I'm so sorry ma'am, should I tell him"

"He probably won't believe you so don't bother yourself with it!"

"How did you know he was your son!"

"His silver eyes made me know, my son was the Leonardo to have Silver eyes and it is for a reason!"

"Don't worry ma'am, I'll tell him!"

"Thank you, can I call you daughter in law!"

"You can mother in law!" She said and Natalie laughed.


"Ma'am, you gonna look beautiful when we are done!" He makeup artist said with all confidence.

"Okay but I don't really like heavy makeup!"

"Don't worry you won't even notice!"

They then started working on her face preparing for the evening. After they were done they then wore her a pretty blue dress.

The blue dress was a masterpiece of elegance and simplicity, a garment that exuded a sense of serenity and refinement.

Its soft, serene hue was reminiscent of a clear summer sky at dusk, with a subtle sheen that caught the light and seemed to shimmer in the fabric's gentle undulations.

The dress fell in graceful folds to the floor, its flowing silhouette skimming the body with a fluid ease that belied the precision of its craftsmanship.

Delicate cap sleeves framed the shoulders,a discreet belt cinched at the waist, defining the figure without constraining it, and a demure neckline framed the face with a quiet modesty that only served to enhance the wearer's natural beauty.

Intricate embroidery traced a subtle pattern across the bodice, shimmering like starlight in the fabric's gentle undulations.

The stitches were so fine, so delicate, that they seemed to disappear into the fabric itself, leaving only a whisper of texture and a hint of shine.

The dress moved with Dora, its soft rustle a soothing accompaniment to every step, and its beauty was understated yet captivating, a testament to Dora's quiet confidence and poise.

As the light caught the dress, it seemed to come alive, the fabric shimmering with a soft, ethereal glow that was both captivating and calming.

The blue dress was a garment that commanded attention without seeking it, a dress that spoke of quiet strength and gentle grace, of a beauty that was both inner and outer.

"How is it?!" They asked Dora anticipating her answer.

"It's wonderful!" She said as she smiled, then Ethan came in and held Dora's hands and took her downstairs for the event of the evening.

All eyes immediately turned to her, she was so eye catching and breath taking.

"You look dazzling!" Kenna exclaimed as she kissed Dora's cheek.


"Where is silver?!" Immediately she asked that he came and hugged her from the back.

"You don't seem to stop amazing me!"

"Yeah because I'm amazing!" She said with a confident smile. He then kissed her lips as they continued the party.

Then a guest arrived and all attention turned to her it was Gracie.

"Hey Silver!, she exclaimed bad ran to hug silver.

She then pecked his cheek.

"I missed you!" She said

"What the fuck!!" Dora said


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