
His crazy obsession

Theodora the daughter of Mr Nathan, one of the multi billionaires of his time, lived a terrible life, a life of suffering and pain, until things started crumbling down for her father. Silver the cold hearted billionaire Mafia boss. A man of known to have little or no emotions, he borrowed Mr Nathan some money for his business and he couldn't pay Nathan back. Out of his selfishness, Nathan sold his first daughter Theodora to Silver to pay him for his debt, what happens when sparks fly between them and silver ands up falling in Love with Theodora?? And she took ends up having feelings for him??, dark family mysteries are uncovered, will love triumph in the end? Read on to find out!!

Gift_Ny · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

CHAPTER 29 & 30




"Silver is alive!!" He said with a smile before looking around and going back to the gang. He didn't notice the dark figure in the other side of the room.


Kristen was in the library reading when a guy then came in and pushed his head.

"What is it?!" Kristen asked rudely.

The boy didn't answer he just pushed his head again, Kristen stood up he was about to fight him, but he knew that he wasn't rich and fighting him could get him expelled because he was the principal's son.

"Why cant you go work for yourself instead of depending on my sister's money!". Eddy said, he was Becca's elder brother.

"You still have the mouth to talk....I may not be rich but at least I didn't repeat 4 classes!!, your mates are in the university and you are here causing problems for the others because if you fail your father will buy you a good result!!"

He was about to punch him, but Kristen held his fist and pushed it back and it hit his face.( He punched himself)

"How dare you punch me?!"

"I didn't punch you, you punched yourself!!, please I hope that punch will be able to arrange that scattered brain of yours!"

He said as he carried his books and walked away. He then called Stanley.

Stanley was like his mentor and elder brother.


"Kris how are you??"

"I want to work for your boss!"

There was silence from the other side of the line, Kris was praying for him to say yes.

"I think its time I finally give you a chance to prove to me that you are a man!"

"Okay so is that a yes!"

"Meet me at the local market I'll take you there!"

"Okay!" He cut the call and smiled.


"Who is he?!"Katelyn asked. She was still in bed, because after last night's activities she couldn't even move her legs.

"Kitty it's just my friend that's all!"

"Is he coming here!"

"Yes he is and you'll see him!"


"How are you feeling now!!"

"I'm feeling better now thanks!"

" I promise to be gentle next time!" He said with a sad face, he had hurt that lady he loved the most, he would have gone soft her since she was a virgin.

She then removed the blanket and drew him close and kissed his lips before whispering

"Don't be gentle.....I like it when you are rough on me!"

A sly smile was on his face he then stood up and left the room since he woke up before her.


"There is something off with that Usher guy" Silver said as he held his wife cupped his wife in his arms.

"Oh really what is it?!" She asked as she teased her brow.

"I saw him talking to his earphone whispering to it that I'm alive!"

"He could be one of Martinez spies!"

"It not he could be, it is Martinez spy!"

"So what do we do..?!" She asked as she looked up at him cutely.

"We torture him to tell us the truth!"

"Can I torture him hubby!"

As soon as he heard hubby, a huge smile was plastered on his face.

She noticed this and said

"Come on hubby, pleaseeeeee!"

"Okay you can!"


"I want to see what my savage wife can do!"



Kristen stood and looked around with his eyes searching for Stanley before he finally saw him.

Stanley gave him a manly hug before they started walking to the far and quiet end of the market.

"Okay I'll have to close your eyes with this!" He said referring to the handkerchief he was holding.

"Okay!" He then closed his eyes and immediately he but it on him and directed him to the secret passage which led directly into the base.

He then removed the handkerchief and said

"Alright go right, the first room!"

"Okay!" He then started taking slow steps to the room, he then knocked and a manly come in was heard.

"Good afternoon sir!" He said as he gazed at the man and some one who could be his wife in his lap.

"Sit!!" He ordered and immediately Dora stood up and looked at him with an even darker aura.

"So you want to join us huh!?"

"Yes ma'am!"

"Okay you are free to join!!"

He then smiled slightly.

"Thank you ma'am!"

"Don't thank me, you might regret it later....come with me!" She said as she walked it the room and sat on a chair.

He then followed and stood in one corner of the room.

"So fight William's and beat him brutally before you become a half member!"

"No I want to become a full member!"

"Okay!" She said as she stood up and left the room locking the metal door.

The room instantly caught fire and everything was burning quickly.

He instantly ran to the door banging it hard.

"Please open the door!"

"You have to be able to find the button inside the room and opened the door, if can, you join us, but if you can't you burn!" She said as she left.

She took had done this when she newly joined the Mafia she got burnt a little but apart form that she was fine.

He looked around the room but could barely see anything the room was getting clouded with smoke.

He coughed as his chest ached. He then walked slowly to the left side of the room, his hands roaming around until it touched a button and the door opened.

The fire was still there, he then walked through the fire out of the room. Although he got some burns but he was overall okay.

Then immediately the fire quenched.

"You passed the test!"

"Um why did I have to do that!?"

"Those injuries on your hand did you feel them when you were still in the room?!"

"No actually...it was when I came out I started feeling the pains!"

"We were teaching you how to endure pain!"

He then smiled slightly before, Silver appeared behind Dora.

"Go to the infirmary and get those wounds treated!"

"He bowed his head and walked away!"

"Alright love let's go get that a$$hole!" He said as he held her waist possessively and left the room.


"I can't let them see me or else I'm doomed!!"

"Come back to base!"

"I'll try at least before they catch me!"

He said as he looked around noticed that everyone was busy doing other things. He was about to leave when he bumped into Kenzie.

"Hey where are you going all of a sudden!?" She asked looking at him in confusion.

"My mum called and said that she was sick, I need it gi take care of her!"

"Oh is she okay, how serious is it?!"

"I won't know until I get there!"

"I'm going with you!"

"No you can't please just stay here!"

"Are you sure??!"

"Yes I am now waiting for me I'll be back!" He said as he rushed out through the secret passage, he then looked back and saw a dark shadow.

He looked back because he felt a sudden presence.

"Who is there?!" His voice echoed back at him and he increased his pace.

He then bumped into someone. He looked up and he met Silver's dark gaze.

"Run!" He said and he immediately started running backwards and bumped into another person it was Stanley.

"There is now where to hide now!"

He then got knocked out, everything went black.



"It's been an hour since her called, he hasn't gotten here!" Martinez's men said

"Hmm!" He then said

"Dominic!!! Check the tracking device you put in him!"

"Okay sir!!" He said as he went to his computer and a worried sigh escaped his lips.

"Si....si... sir!"

"What is it?"

"He is in the bottom of the Oceania beach!"

"That isn't possible, did they kill him!"

👥"Is silver back?"

👥"Am I gonna die!?"

👥"Boss so Silver still alive?!"

I don't....I don't... I don't know!" He said and everywhere became silent.

"What is fuckin going on?!" He muttered underneath his breath.



He sat on the chair as the fear of death gripped his heart the dorr then open and his men came in.

"Sir you have guests!"

"Let them in...!"

The door opened and Celina & Jordan walked in.

"Hello Brian!"

Brian looked at and met the charming gaze of Jordan.

"Who are you?!"

"I'm Jordan, Theodora's ex!"

"Oh what are you doing here!?" He asked with a raised brow.

"Um well, we have been patient for two long and watching Dora grow make me get mad with anger!" Celina said.

"So what do you want me to do?!" Brian asked.

"Work with us, combine our skills with your men and power and we can kill Dora and Silver.

"I'll think about it!"

"Better do!"



The breeze blew slightly with her hair moving in the direction of the wind.

Gracie Garcia, the queen of C dramas as soon as she alighted from the plane reporters and adoring fans surrounded her.

"Your autograph please!" She then smiled at the girl and sighed on her T-shirt.

"I'll never wash it again!"

Gracie then chuckled and walked to where he car was waiting she looked back and waved at them before entering her car and went to her house.

Her phone rang in the car, she picked it up and heard

"So you left the country huh!!"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you mum, I had to leave!!"

"Why because of Silver!...that deal between your father and him was off years ago why can't you understand that....he is married now why more evidence do you need!"

"He is mine!!! Mum no stupid bitch can come and take him away from me!!"

"You'll regret this!"

She then cut the call and scoffed she then closed her eyes reminiscing on the past when she first met Silver.



Gracie was in her room preparing for the party, her father the business man was going to a dinner with one if the best business men in the industry.

His daughter was also getting awarded for the best teen actor of the year.

So they were going to celebrate two different events.

She wore the pretty pink dress on her bed, her hair was curled to perfection, she applied light makeup and did her edges.

She then walked downstairs to see her already awaiting father.

"You look beautiful dear!"

"Thank you dad let's go!"

They then went to the hotel and got seated awaiting the event of the evening.

A few hours of waiting, then a handsome man walked into the building, it was Leonardo De Silver.

Her jaws dropped, was he an angel who descended from heaven.

"Silver!!" Her dad called and Silver walked to him with a frown.

"Smile a little, it won't kill you!!" He teased.

"This is my lovely daughter Gracie!"

"H...hi!!" Gracie said nervously.

He then looked at her extended hand and shook it. She then smiled at him cutely.

"Isn't she beautiful!!"

He then scanned her up to down, and finally spoke.

"Is she the one I am to marry!"

"Yes son! You guys would make a great couple!"

As soon as she heard marriage, she smiled and said

"I would love to marry you!"

He then rolled his eyes and said

"As long as my business profits I'm in!"

"Great let's meet tomorrow!"

After a few months, the deal was off because her dad started going behind Silver's back to steal his companies funds.

Then Silver left the country going back, to the US to stay.



"We are here ma'am?!"

She then broke off from her string of thoughts and went to into the house. She was all alone in the house and she liked it, a place of peace and quiet.

≈Silver's hide out*

Usher woke up in a dark room and saw no one.

"Where am I?" He asked himself and tried to free himself but couldn't he was tied up.

Then the door opened and Dora walked in.

"Hey you are up!"

"Please lemme go!!"

"You are now pleading for freedom, I'm sorry but I can't free you!!"

"Please I'm begging you don't kill me!"

"Oh I won't, I'll just torture you.... a little!"

"Please don't!"

"Don't worry... it'll be sweet...call it sweet torture!" She said with an evil chuckle.

She then brought out a knife and said

"This is gonna be fun"

"Ahhhhhhhh!" He screamed as she walked slowly to him cutting his body piece by piece.


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