
It's Danilo

Billie Bob Taylor

Benedito had let me sleep on the idea of going back to school. I figured he thought I was just excited about the idea because it was new. He knew I always started new mini projects that I completed of course but none of them were too this scale. 

"Dito, you don't seem to believe I want to do this," I walked into his office dressed in one of his hoodies and my denim short with my boots. 

He was going through a stack of papers with half of his hair up in a bun which told me it was one of 'those' work days. The billionaire stock market stress days. "Bobby, my love, I'm not sure what you think I don't believe right now but work has me very stressed. Do you mind just waiting for a few hours meu coração then we can talk?"

"I understand my love but you don't seem as excited as I am," I sighed.