
Everything the Light Touches

Billie Bob Taylor 

"Are you sure it safe for you to be riding Billie?" Clyde looked at me concernedly as I fitted Lettie my saddle that had almost gathered dust in my bedroom here on the ranch. 

"Otto said I'm good. I just shouldn't strain myself," I grinned as I ran my hand on her neck then gave her a tight hug. "I missed you so much my favorite girl."

From the moment I had driven up to the staples, she was in the paddocks eating hay as Rob prepared her for the day for me. When she saw me she immediately neighed before he ran to the railing. I ran to her and easily hopped over the railing then hugged her for dear life. 

She constantly jumped around as I chased her before she chased after me. This had been the longest time I had been away from her and it broke my heart to see how much she had missed me. 

"And with the baby?" he stressed as I placed my hand on the foot hook and repeatedly jumped up and down to get her used to my weight again.