
His Collateral

"That is not your place. From now on, this is where you will sleep." Alessandro said, his gaze fixed on the couch. I had a lot of questions on my mind. I wanted to ask why? I was his wife, wasn't I? He knew she was burning for answers but he didn't spare any emotions. "This marriage, means nothing to me. You mean nothing to me. So it would be better if you knew your place." ********************* Orphaned at an early age, Bella now lives with her uncle Aldo, his wife Theresa and their children Luca and Marion who abuse and mistreat her. When faced with mounting debt, they trick Bella into a marriage with business mogul, Alessandro Rossi. Unaware of the lies, Bella is filled with a new hope for a life far away from her abusive family but instead of finding solace she finds that her husband treats her no differently than the others, that is until he discovers that he too has been deceived into this marriage. As secrets start unraveling fast, both discover the harsh reality of their situation and what brought them together. Soon dark truths are revealed about their families past and how deep these debts truly run. Now, how far would everyone involved go to protect themselves from getting exposed? DO NOT PLAGIARIZE MY WORK. Copyright © 2022 All Rights Reserved. DISCLAIMER: •This book is purely a work of fiction. All the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are a product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. •I do not own any rights to the graphics used in this book. All pictures, videos, songs, etc belong to their original owners.

ThatNgirl · Ciudad
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18 Chs

Chapter 16

Bella's POV:

It was almost 9:00am in the morning and I hadn't seen Alessandro. He wasn't in the room this morning when I woke up. I had my bath and threw on a white polo shirt and a black spaghetti strap dress on top. Then I styled my hair in a low bun and made my way downstairs where Mary was preparing breakfast.

"Good morning Mary." I smiled subtly

"Good morning dear. How was your night?" She asked. I know she had heard the shouting coming from I and Alessandro's room last night but decided not to pry.

"It was okay." I replied and deliberated whether I should ask her about him or not.

It's worth the shot!

I grabbed a slice of bread and threw it into the toaster. "Um Mary..."

"Have you seen Alessandro this morning?" I asked

"No, I haven't seen him. I thought he might be in his study but it's almost 9am and he usually requests for his breakfast as early as 8am." She answered. Really?

I don't think he slept at the house last night.