
Chapter 7: More Lies

Stanley's Pov

"Now, here's My credit card, your driver is outside, he knows where to take you. Get some good clothes-" She cut me off

"I don't see anything wrong with my clothes"

"Listen to me orange eyes-"

"I have a name Mr" she snapped "And I can afford for myself, I don't need your credit card" her nose blaring up in anger

Something I find very amusing

"You? Afford What? Not in your lifetime. You can't even get yourself a nice pair of jean, you come in here looking like you stole those from the beggars on the street. Still think you can afford where I'm sending you too?"

She became silent

1-0 alot more goals to be scored

How can one be pretty and still have an air of arrogance

"Now take" I tossed the card at her, not looking up as she took it.. Stephan walked in standing right beside her

"Lanae? Right?" He smiled

"Yes. Hi" Her head still down walking towards the door

"Where you off to?" This fool is trying to work his charm, then she broke off crying running out. So she cries, lovely

He turned to look at me

"What?" I shrugged

"What did you say to that poor girl?"

"She's your friend, you could go ask her" brushing him off

"I was here to talk business but.. I will go ask her" Walking towards the door

"I'm right here stephan" hinting

"Go fuck someone" He left without saying another word

My phone rang


"John!" I greeted

"Stanley.. Good to hear from you"

"How you doin" Pouring myself a glass of brandy

"I just got into town and wanted to remind you about our arrangements. They're still on right? Hope You haven't forgotten?"

"Of course not" I took a deep breath "My wife just went out to get some groceries, she's so excited, she's been rambling about it ever since I told her, she wants everything to be perfect, can't wait to meet you. I hope Marissa is coming" I continued

Stanley Whyte, what a pathetic lie

"Of course, she wouldn't miss seeing your wife" hinting in the wife part

"That's lovely"

"We'll be there 8pm sharp"

"Fantastic" I said brightly

"Have a nice day"

"And you too" And I hung up

Avery won't even know what hit him