
Chapter 3 Broken Bones

Lanae's Pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, realising what day it was, grocery shopping and how I sneaked past my drunk father last night, knowing that I'll get the heat of it today it's just unavoidable

I quickly jumped out of bed, hurrying to the bathroom, following through with my morning routine and went into my closet picking out my faded blue denims and a peach shirt

Darn! I really need to get new clothes, but how can I! When I pay the bills. I'm living a really sad and pathetic life

Slowly creeping out of my room, I bump into Korra

"Hey sis" she smiled cheerfully, her hazel eyes beaming brightly


"Left for an early shift!" Following me down the stairs

"Dennis?" Striding into the kitchen

"Still in bed, the nanny would be here soon"

"Nanny?" Shocked "No one told me about any nanny?"

"You gotta talk it out with mum" she shrugged, slicing her apple and stuffing it into her mouth

"For heaven's sake, you guys don't know how I survive and yet you invite more debts on my head?! How I'm I supposed to pay for that! The medical bills, the house, you guys are barely feeding, the money your mother makes doesn't go anywhere and all your father does is drink"

"Well, curse the heavens for giving us such a pathetic drunk man as a father" she scoffed

"What did you say" and he stormed into the living room, drunk as ever

"Korra, step away and behind me okay" I said calmly

Whenever he gets this way, he's really dangerous and the first thing he sets his eyes on is weapon to him. I try as much as possible to shield my siblings away from such violence, she knows he's abusive but has no idea that I've been scarred for life, it's better that way, we can't all be ruined. Atleast one of us has to be something other than a maid

"What's happening Lanae?" She said shakily

As he took slow predatory steps towards us, growling menacingly

"Go to Dennis and lock the door now"

"I don't want him to hurt you-"

"Now Korra" I yelled abit and she was already running up the stairs

"What time did you get back home?" He sneered

"You were already in-" I was cut off with a blow to my face, falling to the ground, groaning in pain

"What time did I say curfew is?" He yelled

"I'm 22, I don't need a fucking curfew" I muttered

Yep! My mouth is going to get me killed one day, which is probably this day!

"What did you say? Huh!" Kicking me in the gutts

Fucking hell.. that's definitely going to turn blue

"If you can't keep that little sisters mouth of yours shut I'll kill you and I'll kill her" he spat venomously

"I dare you to lay a finger on my sister you son of a bitch. And here's another thing I've got for you" I raised my middle finger high up in his face and he did the unthinkable

He grabbed the finger I shoved in his face, bending it all the way to the back, breaking the bone, earning an ear piercing scream from me as I heard the bone snap, crack, whatever you name it

I should have kept my finger to myself and used just my mouth

Groaning and swearing profusely, holding my broken finger wailing

"Not so brave are you!" He kicked me again

"For a man, you hit like a girl who just had her first period" I scoffed, wheezing trying to crawl away from this monster

"You little piece of shit" grabbing me by the shirt and punching my face over and over till his hands were bloodied and the last punch to my face was all it took to knock me out


"I'm going to kill that motherfucker, I'm going to kill him" the voice was hazy and all I could hear was whoever it was pacing really fast and loud

Oww my head hurts.. so this is it really, story of my life.

My father hitting his kids didn't start now, he's been doing it since I was eight, so I grew up used to the pain and vowed I'd never let any of my siblings go through this, well except Dennis the moment he touches him, he's dead because he's really fragile and if there's anything I know is that this scumbag doesn't want anything to do with the law

The constant yelling and loud pacing was enough to get me up

"Oww, my head" the lights were blinding as I tried opening my eyes, heavy feets rushed to my side "Where am I?" Trying to sit up, taking in my surroundings..this is all too familiar, scanning round till my eyes met my favourite set of eyes

"Liam" I threw myself on him and I just didn't know when I had broke off into tears, he wrapped his arms around me protectively rubbing my back

Liam's my best friend, we've really been inseparable since high school and we went to college together, he knew my dad used to abuse me right from high school and then one day in college when I come to school with a black eye and a torn lip, he dragged me back home, made me watch as he beat my father to pulp, it was really lovely to watch, the scar my dad has on his neck is all thanks to Liam, he broke the empty bottle my dad had left somewhere in the living room and held it to his neck, making him swear he'll never hit any of us ever and the bastard made a promise he couldn't keep, soon after Liam graduated and left after getting a job, he resumed his work, and this time all not thanks to Liam he would tie me down and carve out a good amount of my flesh with broken bottle pieces. Lol-

"He swore he'd never lay a hand on you" he pulled me away fuming, his once blue coral orbs were now dark and dangerous

"When did you get into town?" Trying to avoid the topic

"You know I hate it when you do that" he said coldly

Wiping the tears away, my eyes glancing past the clock, my eyes widening

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Throwing the covers off me "I'm late for work!" But wasn't it 10'oclock when I was leaving the house

"What work?" Pausing in my tracks, looking down at the clothes I had on

"What happened to my peach shirt? It was a really cool colour" looking puzzled

"You've been out for two days Lanae" he said in a very bored out time

My eyes widening even more "Jesus, I'm more dead, I just lost my job"

It was just a punch! It couldn't have been enough to take me out for two days. Jesus Christ, Mr Whyte will sacrifice me. Oh my God, nana would be disappointed

"If it makes you feel any better, I called nana and told her you are very ill. So what you're going to do for me, is sit down and go over everything since I left and why the fuck you've been lying to me every time we talk on phone". I gulped "What do you always say when I ask you if he still hits you? What had been your response?"

"No" I said lowly

Damn! He looks good, and intimidating. I bet his job must really need them in shape, which he still hasn't revealed the contents of his job. For three years!!

"You look good Li. Have you been working out extra?"

"Lanae" he growled angrily, clearly indicating he wasn't up for me and my jokes

"Okay.. okayy" strolling back towards him slowly

"You'll stop right there and you'll take off that shirt" he said very dangerously

I for one thought he secretly joined the military, because where is all this darn authoritativeness coming from, looking intimidating as shit! Not as intimidating as when Mr Whyte looks at you, like he's staring into your soul

Why would I compare him to him! They both look like fine lads to me tho

Argh! Lanae!

"W-what?" Looking confused coming back to earth

"The darn shirt off Lanae" he said very darkly

"Li-" he cut me off

"It's either you do it, or I'll rip it off you. Decide or I decide for you"

Slowly, I reached the hem of the shirt I knew belonged to him, taking it over my head slowly

"Now you will tell me, for every scar you have, what he used and what form did he have you in while he carved you this way"

"Liam" I called out pleading

"Don't fucking fuck with me lanae!" he yelled getting up abruptly the chair he was sitting on, falling to the ground making me really scared as I shook in fear

Taking my shocked state in, he walked to me harshly pulling me for a hug "I'm so sorry for leaving you with him, I should have done something about it the moment I had him in my hands" he said as his hands traced the scars of my back tensing up as he traced ever scar

"I got so used to it you know-"

"That's the fucking thing lanae, you don't get used to pain!"

"You're different, what have you been doing Liam?"

Ignoring my question "I've been posted back here, and you're moving in with me. No room for discussion. I have your things ready in the next room. God knows what would have happened if Korra didn't call me that day! You have a broken rib! A broken nose and guess what?! A fucking broken finger!" He snapped "Do you want him to kill you?" Running his hand through his hair

"I can't leave my siblings and mother all alone with that man"

"They're fine, I have them taken care of" moving towards the door "I'm having him arrested, there's nothing you can do about it"

I was immediately on my knees "Liam please, I beg of you. Please"

"And this boyfriend you have, your scum of a father has given every right to hit you when you talk out of place. Who is he?"

My eyes widened

"Yes. Korra has been doing a lot of talking, and if you don't talk I might have to take up on her offer to have them both dead"

And he was out the door, slamming it really hard

Smiling sadly, laying softly on the bed "Where have you been all these years" whispering as a lone tear escaped my eyes and rolling down to the bed "Where were you when my hand couldn't function anymore, if you thinkLanae's Pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, realising what day it was, grocery shopping and how I sneaked past my drunk father last night, knowing that I'll get the heat of it today it's just unavoidable

I quickly jumped out of bed, hurrying to the bathroom, following through with my morning routine and went into my closet picking out my faded blue denims and a peach shirt

Darn! I really need to get new clothes, but how can I! When I pay the bills. I'm living a really sad and pathetic life

Slowly creeping out of my room, I bump into Korra

"Hey sis" she smiled cheerfully, her hazel eyes beaming brightly


"Left for an early shift!" Following me down the stairs

"Dennis?" Striding into the kitchen

"Still in bed, the nanny would be here soon"

"Nanny?" Shocked "No one told me about any nanny?"

"You gotta talk it out with mum" she shrugged, slicing her apple and stuffing it into her mouth

"For heaven's sake, you guys don't know how I survive and yet you invite more debts on my head?! How I'm I supposed to pay for that! The medical bills, the house, you guys are barely feeding, the money your mother makes doesn't go anywhere and all your father does is drink"

"Well, curse the heavens for giving us such a pathetic drunk man as a father" she scoffed

"What did you say" and he stormed into the living room, drunk as ever

"Korra, step away and behind me okay" I said calmly

Whenever he gets this way, he's really dangerous and the first thing he sets his eyes on is weapon to him. I try as much as possible to shield my siblings away from such violence, she knows he's abusive but has no idea that I've been scarred for life, it's better that way, we can't all be ruined. Atleast one of us has to be something other than a maid

"What's happening Lanae?" She said shakily

As he took slow predatory steps towards us, growling menacingly

"Go to Dennis and lock the door now"

"I don't want him to hurt you-"

"Now Korra" I yelled abit and she was already running up the stairs

"What time did you get back home?" He sneered

"You were already in-" I was cut off with a blow to my face, falling to the ground, groaning in pain

"What time did I say curfew is?" He yelled

"I'm 22, I don't need a fucking curfew" I muttered

Yep! My mouth is going to get me killed one day, which is probably this day!

"What did you say? Huh!" Kicking me in the gutts

Fucking hell.. that's definitely going to turn blue

"If you can't keep that little sisters mouth of yours shut I'll kill you and I'll kill her" he spat venomously

"I dare you to lay a finger on my sister you son of a bitch. And here's another thing I've got for you" I raised my middle finger high up in his face and he did the unthinkable

He grabbed the finger I shoved in his face, bending it all the way to the back, breaking the bone, earning an ear piercing scream from me as I heard the bone snap, crack, whatever you name it

I should have kept my finger to myself and used just my mouth

Groaning and swearing profusely, holding my broken finger wailing

"Not so brave are you!" He kicked me again

"For a man, you hit like a girl who just had her first period" I scoffed, wheezing trying to crawl away from this monster

"You little piece of shit" grabbing me by the shirt and punching my face over and over till his hands were bloodied and the last punch to my face was all it took to knock me out


"I'm going to kill that motherfucker, I'm going to kill him" the voice was hazy and all I could hear was whoever it was pacing really fast and loud

Oww my head hurts.. so this is it really, story of my life.

My father hitting his kids didn't start now, he's been doing it since I was eight, so I grew up used to the pain and vowed I'd never let any of my siblings go through this, well except Dennis the moment he touches him, he's dead because he's really fragile and if there's anything I know is that this scumbag doesn't want anything to do with the law

The constant yelling and loud pacing was enough to get me up

"Oww, my head" the lights were blinding as I tried opening my eyes, heavy feets rushed to my side "Where am I?" Trying to sit up, taking in my surroundings..this is all too familiar, scanning round till my eyes met my favourite set of eyes

"Liam" I threw myself on him and I just didn't know when I had broke off into tears, he wrapped his arms around me protectively rubbing my back

Liam's my best friend, we've really been inseparable since high school and we went to college together, he knew my dad used to abuse me right from high school and then one day in college when I come to school with a black eye and a torn lip, he dragged me back home, made me watch as he beat my father to pulp, it was really lovely to watch, the scar my dad has on his neck is all thanks to Liam, he broke the empty bottle my dad had left somewhere in the living room and held it to his neck, making him swear he'll never hit any of us ever and the bastard made a promise he couldn't keep, soon after Liam graduated and left after getting a job, he resumed his work, and this time all not thanks to Liam he would tie me down and carve out a good amount of my flesh with broken bottle pieces. Lol-

"He swore he'd never lay a hand on you" he pulled me away fuming, his once blue coral orbs were now dark and dangerous

"When did you get into town?" Trying to avoid the topic

"You know I hate it when you do that" he said coldly

Wiping the tears away, my eyes glancing past the clock, my eyes widening

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Throwing the covers off me "I'm late for work!" But wasn't it 10'oclock when I was leaving the house

"What work?" Pausing in my tracks, looking down at the clothes I had on

"What happened to my peach shirt? It was a really cool colour" looking puzzled

"You've been out for two days Lanae" he said in a very bored out time

My eyes widening even more "Jesus, I'm more dead, I just lost my job"

It was just a punch! It couldn't have been enough to take me out for two days. Jesus Christ, Mr Whyte will sacrifice me. Oh my God, nana would be disappointed

"If it makes you feel any better, I called nana and told her you are very ill. So what you're going to do for me, is sit down and go over everything since I left and why the fuck you've been lying to me every time we talk on phone". I gulped "What do you always say when I ask you if he still hits you? What had been your response?"

"No" I said lowly

Damn! He looks good, and intimidating. I bet his job must really need them in shape, which he still hasn't revealed the contents of his job. For three years!!

"You look good Li. Have you been working out extra?"

"Lanae" he growled angrily, clearly indicating he wasn't up for me and my jokes

"Okay.. okayy" strolling back towards him slowly

"You'll stop right there and you'll take off that shirt" he said very dangerously

I for one thought he secretly joined the military, because where is all this darn authoritativeness coming from, looking intimidating as shit! Not as intimidating as when Mr Whyte looks at you, like he's staring into your soul

Why would I compare him to him! They both look like fine lads to me tho

Argh! Lanae!

"W-what?" Looking confused coming back to earth

"The darn shirt off Lanae" he said very darkly

"Li-" he cut me off

"It's either you do it, or I'll rip it off you. Decide or I decide for you"

Slowly, I reached the hem of the shirt I knew belonged to him, taking it over my head slowly

"Now you will tell me, for every scar you have, what he used and what form did he have you in while he carved you this way"

"Liam" I called out pleading

"Don't fucking fuck with me lanae!" he yelled getting up abruptly the chair he was sitting on, falling to the ground making me really scared as I shook in fear

Taking my shocked state in, he walked to me harshly pulling me for a hug "I'm so sorry for leaving you with him, I should have done something about it the moment I had him in my hands" he said as his hands traced the scars of my back tensing up as he traced ever scar

"I got so used to it you know-"

"That's the fucking thing lanae, you don't get used to pain!"

"You're different, what have you been doing Liam?"

Ignoring my question "I've been posted back here, and you're moving in with me. No room for discussion. I have your things ready in the next room. God knows what would have happened if Korra didn't call me that day! You have a broken rib! A broken nose and guess what?! A fucking broken finger!" He snapped "Do you want him to kill you?" Running his hand through his hair

"I can't leave my siblings and mother all alone with that man"

"They're fine, I have them taken care of" moving towards the door "I'm having him arrested, there's nothing you can do about it"

I was immediately on my knees "Liam please, I beg of you. Please"

"And this boyfriend you have, your scum of a father has given every right to hit you when you talk out of place. Who is he?"

My eyes widened

"Yes. Korra has been doing a lot of talking, and if you don't talk I might have to take up on her offer to have them both dead"

And he was out the door, slamming it really hard

Smiling sadly, laying softly on the bed "Where have you been all these years" whispering as a lone tear escaped my eyes and rolling down to the bed "Where were you when my hand couldn't function anymore, if you think it's that easy to call the cops on him, I would have done so, but for every attempt I almost lose something" I silently cried falling into a deep much needed sleep

it's that easy to call the cops on him, I would have done so, but for every attempt I almost lose something" I silently cried falling into a deep much needed sleep