
His Alluring Chaos

Warning: Mature Content! Having caused her parents' death at a young age, Ariel was faced with the trials of life and struggled through them… until she took up a job at the biggest club in Altadel— Leo's Spark. Ariel thought that her short-lived career at Leo's Spark would, too, come to a quick end when she spilled drinks on one of the most dangerous men in the country. What she hadn't expected was his charming smile. Like a depraved soul, Drax Jasiel, an immortal, waited two thousand years in search of death but failed. His wish could only be granted when chaos awakened, leaving him in a dilemma. When a waitress wandered into his den, he recognized her powers immediately and was determined to not let her go. With each passing day, Drax's desire for death lessened. On the other hand, Ariel's powers grew, bringing forth unforeseen enemies and bigger dangers, leaving the couple's path ahead devastated. What happens when she discovers the truth behind her parents' death, the enemy's ploy and her ultimate role in it? Can she escape the claws of her enemies and the cruel fate that awaits her or is this needed to bring forth her true powers? ************* Disclaimer: Cover Not Mine Read-only on WEBNOVEL ––––––––––– Discord server: http//discord.gg/BH666ZK Instagram: baevidaa Discord: BaeVida#7167

BaeVida · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
9 Chs

Her Reveal



Ariel stood dazed as she watched Isis disappear into the kitchen.

A few minutes passed and she carefully set the table, placing plates, glasses, and utensils in their proper places. As she worked, she couldn't help but notice Mira watching her intently.

"What's on your mind, sweetie?" she asked.

Mira had always been a delightful companion, and Ariel cherished their cute conversations.

Mira shrugged. "Just watching you. You always make everything look so pretty."

Ariel smiled. "Well, thank you. It's important to make things look nice, especially when we're having dinner together." She winked at the young child.

As the delicious aroma wafted from the kitchen, Ariel and Mira settled down at the table.

Ariel's heart fluttered with anticipation. She had been looking forward to this moment since she woke up, eager to bask in the deliciousness of a home-cooked meal after a rough day.

Isis, who had entered the room with gentle grace, overheard their conversation and joined them at the table while setting the meal.

Ariel's eyes widened as she took in the beautifully presented meal. "Isis, you've outdone yourself! Everything looks absolutely exquisite."

Isis gave a warm smile.

"Thank you, Ariel," she began and served everyone.

"Tonight, I wanted to celebrate. Today was your first day at the new job, and I'm sure you must be feeling quite accomplished. Congratulations! I knew you would excel wherever you go."

She beamed with pride at Ariel's achievement. No matter how many setbacks, her friend never gave up.

"So, how was your first day of work, Ariel? I'm sure it went well."

Ariel's smile wavered, and her eyes flickered with a mixture of gratitude and sorrow.

"Thank you, Isis. I appreciate your kind words, but," she bit her lower lip, her nervousness settling in.

"Yes…" Isis' voice trailed off as her brows knitted. "Everything all right? Did you encounter any problems?"

Ariel hesitated, her smile faltering completely. She had been dreading this moment.

After taking a deep breath, she decided to be honest. "Umm… I must admit something... I got in and well problems…one thing led to another and I kinda told off a jerk customer and well…"


She waved it off with a forced smile and her fingers and when she opened her mouth, she dropped the bomb.

"I spilled drinks on my boss, not to talk of breaking several glasses in a top executive meeting and… In fact, I was let go today."

Silence descended upon the room, as the weight of Ariel's confession hung in the air.

She had rushed every word out and now she was a panting mess but above all that, Isis could see the hurt girl seated beside her.

Isis's face softened with concern, and she reached out to hold Ariel's hand.

"Oh, honey," Isis whispered, her voice filled with empathy. "I'm so sorry. What happened?"

Ariel sighed, her shoulders slumping in defeat. She cast one look at Mira who in turn smiled encouragingly at her and then returned her gaze to Isis.

"I thought it would be a good opportunity, but it wasn't. The work environment was good but I cannot have customers get a go at me because they are rich, and I didn't feel valued or respected."

Isis pressed hard on her hand and gestured with her eyes to take it slow.

"I couldn't compromise my self-worth so my manager made the not-so-difficult decision on my behalf without letting me explain after seeing the mess I made of course and fired me."

Tears glistened in Ariel's eyes as she spoke her truth, her vulnerability laid bare before Isis and Mira.

She feared disappointment or judgment, but instead, she found solace in the compassion that radiated from Isis's gaze.

Isis squeezed Ariel's hand, offering comfort and understanding.

"Ariel, I am so proud of you. It takes immense strength to recognize when a situation is no longer serving your well-being. You've shown tremendous courage in choosing your own happiness."

"Even if I got fired?"

"Yes. I know you, you would have walked out still. I bet the only reason you didn't throw a fist at the jerk was to save the company's face."

"Yet they didn't save hers," Mira chimed in. "I hate them."

"Hate…is a strong word, young lady. Correct yourself," Isis chided.

"Fine, I dislike anyone who messes with Aunt Mira."

A wave of relief washed over Ariel mingled with a newfound sense of liberation.

She had feared that revealing her failure would tarnish the image she had worked so hard to build.

Instead, she discovered the power of honesty, vulnerability, and the unwavering support of those who loved her.

Mira shrugged and added, "It wasn't the right fit for Aunt Ariel, anyways."

Both ladies smiled at the little 6 years old. She was young but interacting with adults made her way sharper than her age mates.

"Well, I'm proud of you for trying something new," Isis said encouragingly. "You'll find something else soon, I'm sure of it."

As they continued their meal, the atmosphere shifted, and the room filled with a renewed sense of camaraderie.

Ariel, Mira, and Isis embraced the moment, sharing stories of triumph and resilience, finding strength in their connection.

And as they continued dining, Ariel couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and support that surrounded her—a reminder that even in the face of disappointment, she was never alone.

Little did Ariel know that this pivotal day would mark the beginning of a new chapter in her life, one filled with opportunities that aligned with her passions, values and danger.


~Jasiel's Mansion~

Drax sat in his study, surrounded by the opulence that came with his status as a successful businessman.

The mahogany desk was cluttered with papers and files, but he barely noticed them.

His attention was focused on the laptop screen in front of him, as he scrolled through the details of a project he had been working on for weeks.

But even as his eyes tracked the words on the screen, his mind was elsewhere.

Drax kept thinking about the mysterious girl he had met earlier that day and the dark powers surrounding her.

Her presence had been eerie and otherworldly, and he couldn't shake the feeling that she was connected to something powerful—something he had been waiting for.

He had a nagging feeling that she held the key to something huge not just what he had been looking for.

Swiping the pages in his laptop he found the mail Adam sent to him and he scrolled through again, his eyes this time was focused on the prize...

Ariel Leo.

Flashes of their meeting came rolling back, her pretty face and what more, the feeling he felt when he held her.

A promising one.

As he sat in his study, pondering the possibilities, Drax felt a strange energy surrounding him. The room felt chiller than usual, and the air seemed to hum with an unexplained power.

Drax's lips pulled back a little in a appreciative smile. Without looking behind him, he gazed ahead instead, unblinking.

"I see you are finally here," he said and picked up a glass of wine by the side of his laptop, taking a sip.

"I've found her."