

Laxus is currently looking for a maid. He doesn't do anything himself and is not looking for anyone or anything when Lucy turned up. He thinks that he doesn't need anyone but himself. Lucy is a hard working kind of girl who works for what she wants and doesn't just have it handed to her. Although people like him usually aren't her type but she finds herself falling for him. Will they end up meeting and will she get the job? Will it turn into something else? This is not your typical Lucy is a wimp who gets kicked off team Natsu and Lisanna is the bitch who manipulated Natsu and now they're all mistreating her so she runs into Laxus' arms. Then she gets training and goes stronger and comes back to fight him. No my story is different this is only my 2nd story which has gone through a lot of editing. So I hope that you give it a chance and please just click on it. Read to find out! Make sure to vote and comment if you enjoy reading this! -highest rankings #19 in Lalu #23 in Bixanna

Anime808_for_life · Cómic
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42 Chs

Chapter 29

Lucy's pov

Thankfully no one attacked me last night so I'm safe in bed. It's rough to get out of bed right now. Well more like always in reality might as well face it. The phone rings and he wants to FaceTime with me. "Babe I look ugly right now I complain into the phone. "I know you don't baby, either way you always look beautiful" he says while smiling. "I'm not even though you can't see me" but I still nod. Before giving in I slowly pry my fingers one by one away from the screen. Until none are left which is a slow process each finger taking about a minute each. I take a deep breath and slowly turn to him. He looks shocked by my appearance but I'm not sure if it's the good kind or not. "Wow you look breathing" he breathes which I just wave off saying "Well that is a relief even though I look awful" I say laughing. Laxus seems to disagree with me about that but he moves on. We start off talking about light things like pets. Until he finally asks the question he has been wanting to ask this entire time.

"If I may ask, why do you work for me then? If you have all those degrees and experience?" he questions me not knowing what to make of it. "Correction I don't work for you. I believe I quit as you can probably tell from my letter of resignation I wrote you. You can look at it right now if you don't believe me" I reply a little bit sassily back. He doesn't even seem fazed by it anymore. Laxus knows me so well it doesn't surprise me that he didn't even try to say something to fight his point. He sighs "well fine you did work for me". "Better" I nod approving his word usage. I decide to tell him anyway that was only supposed to be temporary. My friend wanted me to check out this guy she likes. Who just so happens to be a friend of yours but I wont mention his name because of girl code. I did find the right guy but then I met you. In case you were wondering the clinic is by appointment only.

When I took my breaks I actually went there in my free time instead of a break. Once I got to know you though I-" stopping right there. He would probably just laugh at me if I said this really stupid thing. I think of something random to ask him all of a sudden "why do you cry for me anyway" turning it on him. I saw how he reacted to my dad giving away my dogs after my mother died. That was his way of grieving her since they reminded him of her at least that's what I tell myself. "I'm crying cuz I love you" him trying to sing and its actually pretty good not going to lie. Like a raspy voice that can also go high. Whatever it is I'm digging it. Then one word finally registers with me.

"Wait you l-love me"? Having trouble saying the l word. "Yes I do and I have for a while now" he says looking so earnest and looking straight into my eyes. This is just confusing me even more but then I remember something. "You have a kid you can't love me" I blurt out all of a sudden catching him and myself off guard. "What?" he says looking genuinely confused for a second of who I could be talking about. Then he's like "Oh her no that's my baby sister Mariella and our mom is actually my aunt" he explains. I flush embarrassed as he just laughs at me. All this time being mad at him for no reason whatsoever.

"Shut up you could've told me that before I reacted" actually quite mortified. "Eh but what's the fun in that? I needed to see if you care about me the same way I do you. Now it's my turn to laugh. "Are you really that dense, I made it obvious a long time ago. "Will you move back in with me?" The questions kind of out of the blue making me grasp for words. "Yes but under my conditions. Which I get my own room and am allowed to see couple of my friends." He accepts this on my terms. This is why I don't keep many valuables since I never stop moving. He usually sends some to pick me up but this time he does it himself. It's already late when he gets here. I vaguely remember being carried and out on something dreamily soft. I wake up to a dog licking my face?

Who's dog is that?

When did they get there?

Why did this person bring the dog?

Where is she?

How did she get here?

Who moved her?

I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and find out what happens in the next chapter.

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Stay safe

Love you all

Peace ✌️