
Highschool of the Dead: An Isekai's Tale

"I finally remember it... The name of this world..." Running his hands through his hair, he gazed upon the horrifying scene with a heavy sigh. After living in this world for 17 years, He finally knew the reason why he had the memories and experiences of the 2 protagonist from Dying light 1 and 2. Now silenced except for sporadic screams of the remaining students that were still alive, The School had transformed into a haunting manifestation of the undead. "It really is..." a High School of the Dead... ------ All stuff are owned by their rightful owners! I'm just some guy who's bored out of his mind and occasional writes stuff he likes! Anyway this isn't just regular old HOTD as it'll have some crossover elements! Ehe, I can't wait to reveal my genius plot!

Mt_Fiji · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
3 Chs

Chapter 1: A 'Dropping' Entrance.

No one could have anticipated this day. 

Zombies, a term used for calling the undead, a fictional phenomenon reiterated countless times from Folklores, Books, Movies, Games, and such.


A metallic clang echoed throughout, something that wouldn't give any normal person much lasting impression except for a minor pain in the ear.

But in many iterations of these fictional monsters, S ound-


-Was often used to demonstrate the dangers these fictional beings carried. 

As the guttural moan filled the air carrying an unsettling sense of dread.

Vibrant brown eyes widened, pupils dilating involuntarily.

Takeshi Komuro, a second year student of Fujimi Academy, with spiky black hair and a slender yet reasonably powerful build had mere moments to act at the unexpected situation.

"RUN!!!" He yelled.

Without wasting another moment he and the people behind felt a sense of adrenaline coursing through as they bolted out of the door.


Saya Takagi, a beautiful teenage girl of under-average height with long pink hair mostly kept in two pony tails on either side of her head berated him.




The sounds of striking and breaking was heard.

Saya turned to look back to see a zombie falling on the ground, a girl with vibrant purple hair stood before it, brandishing the wooden sword to remove the blood.

"Sounds keep echoing so it's no use!" 

Orange hair fluttered by as Rei Miyamoto swept a zombies leg using a Mop Handle to make it fall.

"t-There's too many...!" Kohta Hirano nervously adjusted his aim, not knowing which zombie to shoot. 

And before he could pull the trigger of his improvised nail gun Takeshi batted one away.

"Less talking more running!" Takeshi urged, seeing the increasing number of the undead approaching as far as the eye can see.

He really couldn't believe it.

Something that was thought to be a mere figment of the Imagination...


Were now standing right in front of their eyes, rushing towards them with no other goal than to chew their flesh.

"F*ck! they just keep coming!" Takeshi cursed, swinging his Bat relentlessly.

It was just supposed to be another day of school.

Another REGULAR day of School.

And yet here they were, sprinting through the once familiar grounds of Fujimi Academy, now turned into a chaotic battlefield against the undead.

Takeshi's mind raced as he tried to comprehend the surreal situation.


Takeshi's heart pounded in his chest as the desperate shout pierced the chaos. He turned back, dread tightening in his stomach. 

Takuzou, the student they had helped earlier, was now hopelessly surrounded by a group of relentless zombies, their hungry groans drowning out any other noise.

Everyone in the group was either too far or too busy trying to survive themselves to help.


Takeshi gritted his teeth, feeling his own helplessness at the situation.

The moans of the encroaching undead seemed to amplify, drowning out any other sound.

Takuzou, his eyes wide with terror, saw his impending doom closing in.



The atmosphere shifted as an arrow, swift and deadly, whistled through the air, burying itself in the forehead of the zombie closest to Takuzou.

"W-What...?" Takuzou stammered.

And before he nor anyone could even try to comprehend what just happened. 


"e-eek!?" Takuzou shivered as he felt the weight of something heavy falling onto him from behind.

Looking back his shaken eyes nearly rolled back seeing the zombie that had an arrow stuck behind it's head.

"Don't just stand there! Run!" Saya shouted. 

Takuzou hearing that no longer hesitated.

And as if god himself came for his aid, every zombie that came close to him were swiftly dealt with by arrows from out of nowhere.

Not only that-


"t-Thank you!"

Although Kohta didn't know where or who fired the arrow he still expressed his thanks as he swiftly reloaded his nail gun before shooting down 3 zombies in quick succession.

Takeshi after smashing another Zombies skull scanned all over to see if he can find their sudden helper.

Because of the distance and the chaos his eyes barely caught the sight of a figure wielding a bow aiming at their general direction.

"Who is that guy?!"

"It doesn't matter! All that matters is he's helping us!" Saya didn't bother looking back as she used all her strength to run towards the bus.

Their only means of escape from this hellhole.

Seako who was just about to turn back to swat another zombie was beaten to it as an Arrow quickly pinned it to the ground the moment she turned her head.

Looking in the direction of the mysterious Archer, Saeko nodded.

Although it was doubtful if the Archer even saw it given the situation.

Saeko still did it to show her appreciation. 

"Sensei the Keys!"

After seemingly a never ending fight, they finally reached the bus.

"I'll fire from the window!! Hurry!" Kohta stationed himself.


"We can't hold them off forever!"

As nearly everyone got inside, they finally remembered the other person who has helped them till now.

"Wait what about the other guy?!" 

"The other guy??"

"The guy that's helping us on the roof! we can't just leave him now!" Takeshi spoke.

"But he's at the top of the roof! we'll all be dead before he even gets down from there!" Saya although cruel knew she was right.

Takeshi could not deny her words but he couldn't just abandon someone who's helped them!

"Look." Before anyone else could speak, Saeko pointed towards the roof to see that the person who's helped them was giving them some kind of signal.

"What? Is he trying to tell us to go?" Although it was hard to see, seeing the figure waving his hand forward was self explanatory on it's own.

"Eh? but what about him!?" Kohta asked while shooting another zombie down.

"Screw that! if he's telling us to go then we should go!" Saya yelled clenching the car seat seeing the zombies coming closer and closer.

"Let's go Takeshi." Takeshi looked at the beautiful woman wielding a bloodied wooden sword. 


"I know you're conflicted but don't worry, a person that skilled would certainly have a plan to get out, I'm sure of it." Saeko spoke, having utmost confidence on a person she didn't even know.

"Let's go Komuro."

"Sh*t!" Takeshi cursed, he knew there was no time to waste.

'Although I don't know why you're helping us but...-' Takeshi smashed another zombie's head, while the one to his side was sniped once again by the Archer.

"THANK YOU!!!" Takeshi gave his farewell and heartfelt gratitude before entering inside.

And Saeko just before entering the Bus, turned and bent her body towards the school.

It was a bow to show her thanks and respect.

As for the zombies that were coming closer and closer while she bowed?

Well there was no need to worry.

After all...



They were dealt with all the same with an arrow nailing them on the head.

Smiling slightly, Saeko stared off at the archer's vague sillhoute.

"If there is a chance, I hope we may one day meet so I can properly give you my thanks."

With those heartfelt wishes said, Saeko finally turned back and entered the bus.

"Shizuka-sensei what's taking so long!?" Saya shouted.

"w-Wait! t-this isn't like my car!" Shizuka a blond bombshell of a woman was flustered as she tried to figure out how to turn on the Bus.

The manual transmission on the bus was not as straightforward compared to her automatic car!

"Ah! I got it!" Just when Shizuka finally figured out how the car worked.


Takeshi just about to close the door raised his head as he saw another group running and gasping for their lives.

"Who's that?" Takeshi asked.

Saeko recognizing one of them answered.

"That's Mr.Shidou from class 3-A." 

"Shidou...!" recognizing the name, Rei looked out to see the man that caused her expression to turn cold.

"We can go now!" Shizuka buckled her seat belt while looking back to inform everyone.

"Wait just a little bit longer...!" Takeshi requested, if they can save more people then it was worth waiting.

"There in front of us! anymore and we won't be able to drive through here!"


Just as Shizuka spoke the zombies that were approaching from the front were once again taken down by a barrage of arrows.

"Ah! Thank you mysterious archer person!" Shizuka seeing this although surprised did not deny the gracious help. 

It seems even now the person was still giving them aid!

And just as Takeshi was about to go out and try to help he felt arms grabbing him back as Rei prevented him from going out.

"You don't have to save him!" Rei shouted, desperation laced her voice as Takeshi turned back to look at her in surprise.

"Rei what are you talking about-"

"You don't have to save him! he's better off dead!" Takeshi seeing Rei so adamant about this was confused.

Not long after the first student from the group finally made it in the Bus, and with it came the rest.

As the last one being a bespectacled man wearing a suit made it in and closed the door.

Rei seeing this was clearly displeased as her grip on Takeshi's arm tightened.

"Shizuka-sensei!" Takeshi shouted. 

"Here we go!" Without wasting another moment, the engines of the bus came to life, everyone inside felt a sense of relief wash over them.

"Yes! we did it!"

"Don't jinx us now you idiot!" Saya punched Kohta's head, but the smile that adorned her face was clearly shown.

Because of the way the parking lot was at, they first needed to go around the school to reach the front entrance.

And as the zombies at the front started to grow.

Shizuka gripped the handle tightly, she was a nurse, a person responsible for caring for other's.

"They're not human anymore... They're not alive anymore!" Shizuka spoke almost as if it was a chant before stomping on the gas pedal to the max.

For them to survive!


She couldn't hesitate!

"Ah! I see it!"

One of the students shouted, the gate of the school, after a hard fight, finally! they can finally get out of this hell hole of a school!




Shizuka nearly felt her heart flying out as a zombie suddenly latched itself on the front of the bus causing her to momentarily lose control as the bus swerved widely causing everyone who didn't have the chance to prepare be sent flying all over the back.

"w-What the hell!?"


Shizuka was barely able to stop the bus from hitting the wall as the break caused everyone to fall on the ground.

Regaining her breath Shizuka looked back to see if everyone was alright.

Everyone who weren't properly seated were all thrown around, as everyone was still trying to get up and regain their bearings.

And as Takeshi got up from being thrown around, he was still trying to regain thought as his eyes subconsciously landed on the window beside him.

And when it did.


His breathing hitched.


Because a zombie, more aggressive and feral than what any of them has seen thus now-


Lunged and shattered the window Takeshi was looking at.

"F*ck!" Falling back onto the ground Takeshi's heart turned cold as a claw barely missed his faced with a hairs breath.


The zombie got stuck, but with it's tenacious movement struggling to get it in, it could reach Takeshi any moment!

And as the rest of the group finally regained their barring's their eyes turned to a look horror at the zombie that was getting closer and closer to Takeshi.

"TAKESHI!!!" Rei screamed.

"Jesus Christ! what the hell is that!?"

"My Nail Gun! where did it go!?"

Rei's scream quickly brought the group out of their stupor, Saeko quickly tried to run and help but because of the unexpected swerved she was sent back quite a lot.

"Sh*t!!" Uttering a curse that was out of the norms even for her, she rushed to reach Takeshi with everyone watching fearing for the worst.

And just as the Zombie finally loosened itself and was about to reach for Takeshi...! 


The sound of another window breaking was heard. 

Bits of glass was all Takeshi could see from his point of view as a shadow covered him from above.

To everyone's shocked and widened eyes, a person suddenly came crashing directly at the window behind Takeshi as the unknown person met with the zombie head on!

No! more like-


It was a move one would sometimes see on WWE!


The person that appeared sent the zombie out of the window flying with a drop kick!

Landing down the person wasted no time as he brought down the cloth mask that covered his face, revealing the face of a teenager just like them, with blond hair and violet eyes, the young man didn't hesitate and shouted-


Without wasting time, Shizuka quickly shifted gears and stepped on it!


The engine roared to life!


Tada! first chapter! finishu! 

Now if I'm productive I'll upload the next chapter tomorrow if nothing unexpected comes up.