
HighSchool Love On

Faced with the unfamiliarity of a fresh academic life, Susan's determination to succeed is unwavering, nevertheless, she quickly realizes that she can't do it alone. As Susan strives to make her mark, she catches the attention of two different classmates: Edmond and Augustine. Caught in a whirlwind of choices, Susan finds herself torn between two paths. She struggles with her decision, feeling the weight of her future hanging in the balance. The dynamic between Edmond and Augustine adds a layer of complexity to her journey, and as their personalities clash, so do their influences on Susan's life. As the semesters unfold, Susan's reliance on the two men in her life deepens, leading to unexpected friendships, personal growth, and even moments of love and heartache. Will Edmond or Augustine be the key to Susan's better future, or will her own actions be her downfall?

Author_Miriam · Ciudad
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10 Chs

Chapter Ten

The next day,

I got out of bed early even before the alarm could strike 6:00am, I rushed into the bathroom and quickly took a shower. When I was done, I dried my body with the towel and hastily put on my uniform. I took my bag and packed my hair into a ponytail.

I left my room, making my way into the dining room. Jason wasn't in yet, thank goodness. Just as I was about to sit, Jason came in, all dressed and ready for school.

"Susan?" He stared at me in disbelief, and I smirked proudly.

"Yes, it's me," I replied and chuckled. He sneered and came to sit.

"Why are you going to school early? What's wrong? Were you flogged yesterday? " I laughed at his questions, the truth behind his questions was that, he was finding what he would use in tormenting me in the future. Hehehe. Foolish teen.

"Keep the questions coming," I said and hissed, my hand accidentally hit the glass plate, and it fell on the floor, making a loud sound as it shattered. Good Lord! I was done for. Jason stared at me with disinterest.

"Mom, Susan just broke another plate," He said without tearing his gaze away from me. I mumble a curse at him and stood up to get a broom and a packer. When I came back, mom was standing with an angry look.

"How much does a plate cost now, Susan?" She asked.

"Fifty bucks?" I asked in whisper through clenched teeth, mom's stare hardened, and I knew I was wrong. "Two hundred bucks," I added.

"Make sure to bring a new plate home today," Mom ordered as she served us breakfast, grumbling loudly. I went to take my seat and then mom yelled. "Make sure it's an original plate!"


"Okay!" Jason and I both screamed in shock. I was frustrated, just this early morning that I had woken up in a good spirit. I picked my bag and stretched my hand out to her.

"Can I have my transport fare?" I asked, mom glared angrily at me.

"After breaking a plate which costs-"

"I already said I was going to buy it!" I yelled.

"You'd better do so, young lady," Mom snapped and fished out some money in her pocket, I collected them from her and after counting it, smiled a little and left the house.


"Hi!" Only six of my classmates were present when I arrived, stony face Edmond wasn't here. Allison was sitting beside a girl which I guessed her name should be Elena Carlson, I walked over to my seat after murmuring a greeting to them.

"Hey," Allison winked and sat on my desk, Elena also came over and sat on Allison's seat. "So?" Allison smiled mischievously and I frowned.

"So what?" I asked, I was beginning to feel angry. First, I ate nothing before coming to school, I didn't even eat anything before coming to school yesterday, and now it has happened again. Next, I broke a plate and was asked to argh... I hit my desk loudly, yelling out my frustration and anger.

The whole class stopped what they were doing and turned to me. I stood up in anger and left the class, I made my way up to the rooftop. I wasn't sure yet if students were allowed to go to the rooftop, since we were restricted in my former school.

I slowly climbed the stairs, making my way to the rooftop. I opened the small door that led to the rooftop, a cool breeze welcomed me. Good Lord, it was refreshing. I ran out into the middle of the rooftop as I spinned round.

"I wish to be in heaven!" I yelled as I spread my hands out wide, wishing for a miracle to happen. "Rain…" I murmured and closed my eyes, that was the only thing I could imagine right now, the rain.

"Rain!!!" I screamed at the top of my voice with my eyes closed, I felt a tap on my forehead, it wasn't rain, it felt like...was it a teacher? I shot my eyes open, staring at me was Allison's twin, what was that his name again…uh… Augustine!

"You are-"

"Shut your mouth as long as you're here," he snapped and walked away. What the hell! That was so rude of him to follow me up here just to tell me to shut my mouth, or did I scream too much? Did they hear my voice downstairs? That was impossible!

I turned to give him the best response he deserved, but stopped myself when I saw him reading. Wow! Isn't this the coolest thing ever? Reading in a quiet environment, I wish I could also do the same, too bad I was dumb.

I walked over to him and stood in from of him, he didn't even raise his head to ask why I was here. Is he also trying to be like Edmond? Whatever.

"Won't you ask why I'm here?" I asked, I wasn't even sure why I was standing in front of him, but I guess I needed attention. He didn't respond as he continued to read the book he was holding. I crouched to his level to take a glimpse of the book he was reading.

"Can I see it?" I asked and tried to take the book from him, but he moved it and shot me a glare. I wasn't moved by the glare, why was he hiding the book from me anyway? With a frown, I grabbed the book from him, but unfortunately for the both of us, the book tore into two.

I gasped and stood up to run, but he grabbed me back, he stood up and glared angrily at me. I shook my head, lost at words.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to tear your book," I said.

"Really?"He asked, and I nodded, "Tell that to the disciplinarian," He retorted and started dragging me.

"Let go of me!" I yelled and tried to wriggle free from him, but he tightened his grip on my wrist. Before he could open the door, it opened by itself and Edmond came onto the rooftop, I sighed in relief because I knew Edmond was going to say something.

"Why are you holding her?" Edmond asked and grabbed my other wrist. Uh? What was happening now? "Let go of her," He said in a commanding tone.

"Get lost," Augustine snapped and dragged me over to his side, and that was it, I was in between two angry guys. I hope they don't pull my hands apart. Sighs!