Meet Daniele Berti, a reincarnated person,At least he learned that when he turned 5 But unfortunately the world he is in is more dangerous than he thinks.
Azazel pov
Hmm the kid must have left by now, hehehe, I wonder what his reaction will be when he sees the 'touki trainer'
Damn Azazel!!!
You fucking old man!!!!
Or I'm sure it will be something similar....Puhahahahahahah I wish I could take a photo of it
"Why did you send it specifically to Nurarihyon, Azazel?"
I looked at my silver-haired, violet-eyed assistant.
"What are you talking about Shemhazai.Of course, because he's a master of Senjutsu.He's also an old drinking buddy of mine "
"Don't expect me to fall for this, Azazel, we know other master senjutsu users, but you specifically sent Daniele Berti to Nurarihyon."
I could only sigh, he's always good at reading me, As expected from my Vice-Governor General
"That old bastard said he wasn't interested in the alliance, at least not yet. Dany has a relatively good ability to connect with people, I plan to use his to lure Nurarihyon into the alliance."
"I don't think the kid will be happy with this "
"I know, I know, but I already prepared an apology gift"
I waved the papers with the designs in front of me
When he came and looked at what I had in my hands, his eyes widened.
"Yes, it's time to turn the 'Cowardly Lion' into a full-fledged Artificial Sacred Gear"
I looked at the paper in his hand with a grin.
'''''Project Black Lion Prince ''''
It will be amazing
.....Now let's visit ORC and many Sacred Gear!!!!!!
third person pov
Currently, Daniele and Nurarihyon were sitting opposite each other in a Japanese-style tatami room.
"Please enjoy "
The cat-eared nekomata left rice crackers and tea, bowed her head, and then left
The atmosphere was really strange as Nurarihyon took a long sip of his tea.
'This is so strange!!!!!'
Nurarihyon was observing Daniele as Daniele screamed internally and he grinned again from behind the glass
'Drink this properly!!!'
"Maa~~ maa~~ don't make fun of the kid, boss nya~~~"
When Daniele turned to the new voice, he saw a small white cat with black mottled , the only difference from the normal cat was that it had seven tails.
"Peh, don't interrupt my fun, Magari.Look at the child's reactions, it's so fun."
"Were you kidding me!!!!"
Daniele finally couldn't stand it anymore and screamed.
"Hahaha, see I told you, he tried to look serious when I was standing there serious....PUHAHAHAHAH"
The kitten walked towards Daniele as Daniele's eyebrow twitched
"Now now kid, don't bother, the boss's playful personality is part of his nature, By the way, I'm Magari, The Nekomata Clan head of the Kanto Youkai."
"Oh, that's right, I'm Daniele Berti--"
"The Lion King, I know nya"
This caused Daniele to remain silent
"...Yes it was fun boss nya~~"
"Hahaha, did you see what I told you?"
Daniele felt a tick mark on his forehead
Nurarihyon led Daniele outside into the garden, with Magari following
It was a peaceful place with trees and bird sounds around.
"So let's start slow, sit cross-legged on the ground , brat"
When Daniele obeyed and sat down cross-legged, Nurarihyon went behind Daniele and pressed his right hand on Daniele 's back.
At that moment, Nurarihyon's eyes widened in surprise, but then he quickly regained his composure.
"Hmmm, yes your body is close to the limit.Listen kid, now I will use senjutsu to grab your life force from the tip and pull it out, you will feel things from warm current to extreme pain passing through your whole body, this varies from person to person.
"I understand"
Nurarihyon used Senjutsu to intervene and draw out Daniele's life force.
At that moment, Daniele felt warmth all over his body, as if he was sinking into warm water, and his body was covered with a bright white aura.
When Nurarihyon pulled back, Daniele opened his eyes and looked at his hands, which were covered in life force.
When Nurarihyon stepped back, Daniele stood up, staring at his own body, specifically his hands that were covered in a bright white aura.
"This feels really powerful"
When Daniele punched the air in front of him hard, the air force went straight ahead and created cracks in the tree ahead.
Don't get excited Nya, your Touki is still not completely balanced nya~~"
As soon as Magari finished her words, Daniele's Touki shattered into pieces
"So brat, the easy part is over, let's start the real fun~~~~"
When Daniele saw that smile he remembered his three sadistic trainers
[Now things are going where I want them]
'Azazel, fuck you too'
Daniele pov
My Touki was active and I was fighting against the opponent in front of me.
My opponent was a white gorilla with well-groomed golden hair tied back.
Or rather a Yuki-onna
When she opened her mouth and vomited snow at me, she blocked my view and used the opportunity to punch me.
Even though I blocked the punch with both arms, I felt the force through my bones and flew into the nearby pond.
Damn, it hurts, my body is currently restricted by Nurarihyon's senjutsu. I can only use Touki
The opponent is a mid-class, someone I can instantly destroy using magic or Regulus Nemea, but that's exactly why I need this, I have to be stronger
At heart I'm still human and it's really hard's just one step
I got out of the pond and jumped towards Yuki-onna once again .My body is once again covered in Touki
I ducked to the right to avoid the punch coming towards me and hit the 3 meter tall Youkai in the stomach.
Touki's inherent damage dealing nature should damage her
Suddenly I was able to use my left hand to block the punch coming from her right hand and flew backwards again.
The bone of my left arm is definitely broken there!!!
"Enough nya~~"
Yuki-onna backed away at Magari's words in the corner, but the smug grin she gave me was seriously annoying.
Magari jumped up to me and put her little paw on my kneeling left arm.
Since I learned Touki, I can understand a little more. The natural ki of the environment was now penetrating my arm.
After a minute or two, it completely healed the fracture on my arm, a truly terrible healing.
"Okay nya~~ now let's take a break "
"Why am I under a damn waterfall and what is a waterfall doing here?"
Nurarihyon shrugged at my question.
"This is my personal territory, the waterfall is basically artificial, I like it after all, as for why you are under it, you will keep your Touki active during this."
When I finally activated my Touki I started standing under the waterfall
The first minute was very comfortable, in the third minute my Touki started to fluctuate and finally in the fifth minute my Touki shattered and I was directly exposed to the water of the waterfall coming from above
It hurts so much it hurts so much
It feels like needles are sticking into my body from top to bottom!!!
Gritting my teeth, I did what I could and activated Touki over and over again.
Finally I lasted another 15 minutes and fell into the water.
Right now I'm looking at Yuki-onna from before
I lunged forward at full speed as Touki exploded around my body
As she punched me, I responded with a counter punch. When our fists collided, we both slid back.
When she attacked me again with an angry shout, I dodged and kicked her leg with all my strength.
She shouted with anger and tried to kick me with her foot, but I dodged it by moving to the side again and hit the same spot with a hard punch.
She let out another cry of pain and fell to her knees.
That was her problem, she was a terrible fighter, seriously it's like fighting a wild monkey, I lost before because I was so restricted and my Touki was unbalanced
As for now
When the kneeling Yuki-onna opened her mouth and prepared to vomit snow at me, with the help of Touki's physical augmentations, I quickly got close and was out of reach.
I delivered a hard uppercut to her jaw with all my remaining strength.
Yuki-onna took two steps forward, her knees shaking at first, but eventually she fell on her back and fainted.
"Hmmm~ not bad brat, Your Touki is currently balanced, now you will learn Senjutsu to increase control over its."
What did he just say
"How about I commit suicide directly, I'm sure my death will be less painf---agh"
Before I could finish my sentence, Nurarihyon hit my head with Japanese pipe (kiseru), I don't know where he got it from.
"Pull your pants up brat, I'll teach you the basics of Senjutsu, controlling your own life force, the more advanced levels are what really drives people crazy."
"....*sigh* what should I do"
"Take a break for today and calm your body and mind, we will start early tomorrow morning "
"I understand "
Xenovia pov
As I looked at the driver's license in my hand, I felt a strange sense of pride.
while Dany wasn't here, I took the test as a surprise and... I did it, I really did it.
Speaking of Dany
I looked at Asia who was taking long distance lessons with Lavinia Reni , she gave my fiancée a kiss on the lips as he left and I'm not mad at all.....this proves I was right
Also, I don't seem to be able to have a baby with Dany right away. 'Tsk.' Griselda said I was too young for that and didn't know how to take care of children.
But I still want to do more of what Dany and I did in the bathroom, just thinking about it makes me feel hot but I don't want to use what they call a 'condom'
Then I turned my head to the screen where Lavinia Reni was
...I wonder
Anyway, first I'll go shopping for 'clothes that accentuate the hips' and then I'll ask Lavinia Reni for help.
next morning
Daniele pov
While we were standing in the garden and being supervised by Nurarihyon, I started slowly.
As I slowly closed my eyes I cleared my mind
Feel the life energy in my body, slowly, slowly.
Ahh, here I found it-----agh!!!
I looked reproachfully at Nurarihyon, who hit my head with a kiseru (Japanese pipe).
"Don't look at me like that you brat, you were almost absorbing natural energy "
"Now start over, as like feeling Touki "
Following his words, I tried to focus on my own body
After a few blows to the head (damn it hurts so bad!!!) I finally started to feel something.
There was something inside me that was constantly flowing, I was trying to touch it, and when I finally started to touch it and feel it, I suddenly lost my breath.
"*haaaah* haaaahh* what was this *haah*"
"After all, you are dealing with your own life energy, it is normal for it to be a little tiring"
*Haaaaaaah~~* I guess you're right "
"Of course, doing this for 3 hours might have an effect. "
"Yes 3 hours --------3 hours?!?!?"
"Don't worry, this is normal, there are even people whose first try takes longer.Now, try controlling your Touki"
After manifesting Touki around my body, I slowly tried controlling it with Senjutsu
I tried to transfer the majority of Touki to my right arm
Bright white energy slowly began to gather into my right arm
I punched the air, similar to the first time I used Touki, but the wind force was several times greater than before, and when it hit the water, it rained down on our heads.
..... I ignored Nurarihyon's blank stare
"Am I going to fight Yuki-onna again?"
"Well, I have to leave it here for the day, after all, I have a special guest, Magari will take over the combat training."
Well, considering that he was the leader of the group, it was a very important thing that he devoted so much time to me.
"Thanks again, old man. Seriously."
The mischievous smile on his face became softer
He tapped my head very softly with Kiseru
"Don't be too happy, kid, after all, your training is not over."
"Well let's get started Nya~~"
When Nurarihyon left, I looked at the kitten that appeared, manifested my own Touki, and lunged towards she
For obvious reasons, when I did a low kick, Magari jumped up and stomped on the punch I threw at her, giving me a soft jump on my shoulder and then landing on my back.
When I returned, I noticed something wrong with me.... Why does my right arm seem to be dislocated?
"I disabled your arm using senjutsu nya~~"
At that moment, a tremendous amount of Touki gushed out from Magari.
"I hope you are ready, Nya. After all, as the head of the Nekomata clan, I am also proud, nya~~"
After about an hour of fighting (one-sided harassment), I was now staring blankly at the ceiling of the room.
[She literally slammed you to the ground ]
"What are you talking about"
[Are you seriously going to act like this never happened?]
"I don't really know what you're talking about, Regulus."
[I'm talking about a kitten-looking old woman destroying you!!!!]
" should stop watching television"
I focused on the ceiling again
[YOU CANNOT ESCAPE FROM REALITY!!!! And why do you keep staring at the ceiling?]
"It's just...ever since I had Touki, there's been a unrest inside me, and with Senjutsu it's gotten stronger."
[Unrest? What kind of unrest]
"It just seems like I'm missing an important point."
[Isn't it about Touki? Why don't you review the skills you have? Maybe it will come to your mind.]
This... actually isn't a bad idea
let's try
Hmmm, the Ascalon and Excalibur Blessing I have.....nope
Magic, now it is possible, let's think carefully, my magics mostly copied from the 'Sensei Negima?! ' because there are wonderful magic, even though I haven't realized most of them yet
There is also 'ki' in the world of Negima and the best use of it is 'kankaho', a combination of magic and ki...hmmm no that's not it either, I feel like it's very close but what is it?
The combination of two different powers, only my Longinus remains
At that moment, a picture of a purple-gold lion-themed armor and a purple-gold touki flashed in my mind.
"I found!!!!!"
[Wait really?]
"Umu! I will combine my Touki and your aura"
[Are you suicidal? ]
"Not at all "
I stood up and used Touki and then a golden aura appeared around me as Regulus Nemea appeared in my hand.
[Congratulations, you did it, now let's stop]
"We both know that's not my intention, partner."
I have both golden aura and touki in my right environment, but they are independent from each other, what I'm trying to do is compress the two into a single aura.
[Partner this is a bad idea]
"There are no bad ideas, only bad results"
I held Regulus Nemea horizontally in front of me and placed my hand on it.
Now I have to imagine my Touki as branches, branches slowly seeping and merging into my golden aura
A golden-amethyst touki formed around my body, but it only appeared for a moment, and in that moment it shattered the entire room and slightly shook space itself.
But I couldn't be happy because I had overlooked something very important... the fragility of the human body.
Various parts of my body were torn and blood gushed out
Unfortunately, I couldn't even open my mouth to answer them and began to lose consciousness as I slowly fell.
Before I fainted as the door of the room was violently opened, I saw a goddess with nine golden tails, except for Magari and Nurarihyon who hurriedly arrived.
third person pov
Griselda raised her eyebrows when she looked at the document in her hand.
"You...Do you want to get permission?"
Griselda asked the chestnut haired girl in front of her.
"I want to visit my family for a while.I just need to clear my head a bit"
Griselda looked at the girl's beautiful face for a while, then sighed, cursing a little bit that Daniele wasn't here right now.
"What about train? Soon you will be an angel, you may lag behind the other three"
"I will ask my father for help."
Irina's father is a high-ranking church member and he definitely not weak
"*sigh * I may have to double your training when you come back."
Irina nodded and left the room