Meet Daniele Berti, a reincarnated person,At least he learned that when he turned 5 But unfortunately the world he is in is more dangerous than he thinks.
third person pov
"Can I ask the reason?"
Akihiro said, looking at his newly met nephew in front of him. But he had a small guess
"Well,for the purpose of acquiring dragon familiars "
'I knew it !!' Akihiro's eyebrow started to twitch more violently
Finally he put his hand on his face and huffed.
"Unfortunately, in the current era, there is no place in the human world where dragons gather. It would be possible if there were other mythological creatures, namely European monsters or youkai, but it is not possible for dragons. "
Daniele listened to his uncle's words and noticed the gaps in his speech.
"Okay, areas that don't exist in the human world."
Akihiro gave a sarcastic smile, his sister's son was seriously as stubborn as his older sister
"Basically, there are two places "
Akihiro spoke, bringing his fisted hand in front of Daniele and raised his index finger first.
"The first is 'Dragon Mountain' in underworld, the territory held by Blaze Meteor Dragon Tannin, the former dragon king and current Devil."
Then he raised his middle finger
"Another suitable area is the 'Familiar Forest', located in the underworld such as Dragon Mountain."
Daniele listened carefully to his uncle, but what he didn't notice was Kiyome, who shook with every word 'underworld' and 'devil' her father said.
"I am an Exorcist, entering the underground world is literally a provocation"
Daniele said as he got depressed
Seeing his nephew in this state, Akihiro couldn't stand it. After all, he had just meet his nephew.
"Actually, I can make a reservation for the Familiar Forest in a week. Since there is an official permission, they can't do anything even if an exorcist goes on my behalf."
"So can I use it?"
"You can do it, but very dangerous , you take my familiars with you and I will come too."
"I can handle it on my own"
"It's a good thing that young people are brave, but still no.Dragons are the most dangerous species, very risky "
Daniele raised an eyebrow and Regulus Nemea appeared with a light flash in his right hand.
"I have a longinus, I can handle it"
Akihiro remained silent when he looked at the ax in his nephew's hand, but he was still stubborn.
"....This is really wonderful but having a longinus doesn't make you invincible against a rival dragon"
Daniele was reluctant to give up, after all, he wasn't interested in putting his uncle at risk because of his own selfishness.
This time, a magic circle opened on his left side, and a western sword emitting holy power emerged from it.
".....Is this a holy sword?"
".....Dragon slayer ??"
"Dragon slayer"
"See you uncle!!"
Daniele waved to his uncle and cousin as he left
Akihiro stared blankly at the departing Daniele.
They finally agreed on the condition that Daniele bring an extra assistant with him.
Well, if his nephew is a monster, is it his fault?
His gaze then shifted to Kiyome, who waved at Daniele as he left beside his.
He was aware of his daughter's fear of Devils and the Underworld, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to take advantage of this opportunity.
Kiyome shuddered for some reason
When Daniele comes back to BAR Slash Dog, Tobio was alone at the counter cleaning the glasses when Daniele entered.
He smiled when he saw Daniele
"Judging by your good mood, your 'Family reunion' went better than expected."
"Well, it was fine. Where are Asia and Lavinia?"
"The two of them were in the back room, they said they were going to deal with something or something."
"Well, I'll check them out"
"According to your taste "
Daniele finally left and went to the back and opened one of the doors.
The room was empty and then he opened another one but the result was the same.
He opened the door on his third try. But then the scene in front of him made his mouth open slightly.
In front of him was Asia, and above of Asia was an ice statue of himself?
"You know A-chan, Dany's nose isn't that long"
"I...I'm trying "
While Asia was working on it, Daniele's facial features were changing slightly from the ice.
The two women were obviously unaware of Daniele's arrival
" *Cough!!*"
Two focused beauties came to their senses upon the sound of fake coughing
Asia's sudden loss of concentration caused the Daniele sculpture to fall from the air to the ground, and upon seeing this, Daniele strengthened himself with magic and immediately rushed forward.
*Baam* *Crack*
When the sculpture hit the ground and shards of ice flew towards Asia and Lavinia nearby, Daniele had already reached them, he immediately reached out to the two girls and pulled them into his arms.
As for the flying ice shards, they were blocked by the barrier magic circle created by Daniele.
"*sigh* pay more attention, you two"
"U-Umm, Daniele-san "
Hearing Asia's low voice, Daniele looked at the two girls in his arms, they both had different reactions to the situation.
Lavinia accepted the hug with a smile and hugged Daniele back
Asia buried her red face in Daniele's chest.
Daniele quickly released the two
"Sorry !"
"N-no no, Daniele-san saved us and If this person is Daniele-san I am pleased -----"
"I couldn't hear the last thing you said"
"It's not important!!!"
Although Asia's red-faced scream surprised Daniele, Lavinia was giggling in the corner.
"What were you two doing in with my ice sculpture "
"Th-this thing---"
Asia started to blush even more for some reason. Lavinia finally took over the conversation
"Well, we were improving our magic control."
"Okay, but why is it my statue?"
"Because it's better to start with the things you lov---"
Asia suddenly jumped up screaming and covered Lavinia's mouth with both hands.
"Lavinia-san please don't!!!"
Asia was trying to convince Lavinia with tears in her eyes.
Daniele watched the interaction between the two in amazement, then smiled.
'I'm glad she's getting closer to others'
Daniele was telling Tobio, Lavinia and Asia about the conversation with his uncle.
"So you're taking A-Chan to get familiar?"
"Yes "
"Well, it would be good to have someone to protect A-chan.So when will you go?"
"About a week later. "
"So who will you take with you?"
When Tobio asked the most critical question, Lavinia immediately jumped to her feet.
"I will go!!! After all, I am A-chan's master!"
As Lavinia said this proudly, she placed her hand on her breast, causing her proud peaks to bounce.
"Well, I don't mind"
Time passed quickly as it was decided who would come
Three days later
Daniele stayed at Bar Slash Dog for these three days and occasionally went to the Abe mansion to meet with his uncle and cousin.
Currently, a total of six people were sitting around the table, including Azazel, who had just stopped by, and were playing cards.
Daniele, Lavinia, Asia, Tobio, Azazel and of course Vali who just dropped by.
Vali learned that Daniele was here and came here. As soon as he arrived, he was drawn into the game that was starting.
However, even if it was a card game, Vali had no intention of losing to Daniele and did not object much.
The card they are currently playing for is Old Maid. A game in which the person whose last remaining card is the Joker is eliminated.
Daniele reached into Asia's face down cards and tried to pick a card to take.
When he handed it to the one on the far right, Asia's face suddenly felt like she was going to cry, but when he handed it to the one in the middle, her smile bloomed in full bloom.
'That girl makes it very clear !!!'
While the other five were thinking about this, three of them(except Vali) suddenly looked at Daniele without Asia noticing.
The meaning in they gaze was clear
'Are you going to make the poor girl cry?'
Even though Daniele's eyebrows twitched at the pressure and gaze on his, he could not retreat. The reward was too much for him to bear
The winner could make the others buy any things or dessert they wanted, and they basically had to buy it even if it was on the other side of the world
Large caramel ice cream(With every type of caramel in the world)!!!!!
'I'm sorry Asia!!!'
With tears in his heart, Daniele reached out and took the card, and Asia bent down with rain clouds over her head.
'My photo with Daniele-san'
Asia thought with tears
Daniele then turned to Lavinia next to him and looked at her with a neutral face.
Lavinia kept her usual relaxed onee-san smile and held out her hand. Daniele's mouth lifted ever so slightly as she slowly began to stop at a particular card.
When she finally reached for that card and took the one right next to it, Daniele's expression turned into pure shock.
'How she always hits the nail on the head!!!'
That's right, Lavinia has easily reduced her hand with every card she has received from Daniele in the last three rounds, and now she has matched the card she received with the profit in her hand and discarded it.
Then she turned to Azazel next to her and handed the cards in her hand face down.
Azazel looked carefully at the 3 cards in front of him, he had to choose the right one.
Suddenly he reached out his hand and took one of the cards.
'KEKEKEKE, who do you brats think I am!!!I'm fucking Azazel .I'm going to win this and make you all send to buy for me porn magazines from all over the world muhahaha!!'
Azazel's smug smile lasted until he looked at the card in his hand, then he stiffened.
'What the fuck'
He looked first at the card and then at Lavinia, who was smiling brightly before him.
'Damn it!!!!!!'
'Fufufu~~~ after all, I'm still the best in this game. I'll make Dany my dress-up doll!!!'
Lavinia thought happily
This time Azazel turned to Vali next to him.
Although his eyes kept pointing to a specific card, Vali still reached out and took the card he wanted.
'I'm sorry Azazel, but I have to win this, not to mention I can't lose to Daniele....Ramen from all over the world'
While Vali was thinking, saliva was flowing out of his mouth without realizing it.
"We're back!!"
Accompanied by a cheerful female voice, the door of the bar opened and four people came in.
The sudden sound caused everyone to drop their cards on the table.
""My caramel ice cream!!/ My photos!!/ Your dress-up marathon!!!/My porn!!/ My ramen!!!!"
Tobio greets the newcomers as five people shout in loss
"Welcome, did the mission go well?"
"Well, we got some very good and useful information. While Azazel is here "
Natsume took out a file and handed it to Azazel, who was lying on the table with tears in his eyes.
"By the way, what are these?"
Kouki asked, pointing to this strange scene taking place in front of him.
"Well, we were playing games"
When Tobio answered calmly, the others finally noticed Asia and Daniele.
The first to speak was a surprised Shigune.
"Hmm, oh hello Shigune it's been a while"
Upon Daniele's greeting, a smile appeared on Shigune's face.
Currently, the newcomers were sitting at the table eating the food Tobio had prepared for them.
"So, how did it go?"
Azazel asked, stealing some of Tobio's food.
"Well, they call themselves the Khaos Brigade .It is a continuation of the organization created by Satanael and there are several different groups But the real problem is the leaders "
"Wait, wait a second. You know if it's right for me to hear this? I from the enemy group or something."
"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. After all, you are also involved in the Satanael incident and you have the right to know."
'Besides, I can prove the truth of my words by your presence in the peace treaty.'
Azazel thought with pleasure
"So is there any other important information?"
At that moment, Natsume's expression became confused. After all, the news was pretty big.
"Come on, tell me the worst that could happen"
"Their leader is apparently Ophis "
"Are we talking about the same ophis? "
Natsume approved.
"Yes, Dragon God – Ophis"
While Vali was grinning at this, Daniele narrowed his eyes.
Azazel palms his face with his hand
"Damn, this is a problem, this is a BİG problem "
And so it was, Ophis could destroy three groups by himself, but what Azazel didn't say was that it wasn't that bad either.
Azazel himself knew that unless there was an unstoppable enemy on the other side, the agreement would never progress to the desired point.
For an enemy like Ophis, coming together will be a 'must', not a necessity.
A While Azazel was lost in thought, Shigune spoke to Daniele.
"So how did you find this place, Dany?"
"To be honest, I still haven't had time to travel completely, I was pretty busy."
"Do you want me to take you around? After all, we've been here for a while."
Shigune said lightly, But the red tone on her cheeks also showed that she was shy about this issue.
"It suits me.Then how about tomorrow, after all you must be tired today"
"That would be great "
Seeing Shigune's happy smile, Daniele gave a smile too.
"Go and get a room, damn it"
At Kouki's playful growl, Shigune's cheeks turned redder and she kicked Kouki's leg with her shoes under the table.
"It hurts !!"
After everyone laughed and giggled at Kouki's reaction, it became night.
Next day at noon
Daniele was currently waiting in the middle of the Kuoh store street.
His outfit consisted of a trench coat over a white shirt, black jeans, and an unwrapped scarf.
The sleeves of his trench coat were rolled up and open, revealing the Cross and bracelet he always wears. It's also the neck accessory he got from Suzaku last year.
[It's a date]
<this is not a date>
Right now, as he leaned into the corner, he was fighting with a golden lion in his mind.
[You will meet together, you will go around, a girl and a boy...this is a date]
<She just shows me around and we don't have a relationship>
[Maybe even a friends date but this is a date . Accept]
<Ah here it comes>
[Coward, don't run away and face me!!!]
Daniele ignored Regulus and focused on newcomer Shigune
She wore a white ruffled shirt that showed off her collarbones.The two straps that served as hangers and the ribbon in the middle emphasized her breasts.
A black skirt with a shirt tucked under it and pantyhose.
[Oi, you've been staring at her legs for 15 seconds ]
Regulus' words immediately brought Daniele to his senses and he looked at Shigune again, apparently noticing his gaze because her cheeks were red.
"*cough* You. You look so beautiful "
"T-thanks....You look very nice too"
"...Then let's go"
"Yes "
When the two started walking, Daniele suddenly felt a softness on his arm and a pleasant scent entered his nose.
Shigune took Daniele's arm and hugged his right arm with two arm.
When Daniele looked at Shigune next to his, even though the young girl could not look into his eyes, he saw Shigune's red ears.
If Daniele has anything to say, it's that time was kind to Shigune, her curves grew bigger over time and she became a seriously attractive young woman.
Daniele didn't say anything in the end and adjusted his arm so that he could hold her more comfortably. At this moment, for others, these two were no different from lovers arm in arm.
[It's a date]
<no it's not!!!>
Daniele and Shigune toured Kuoh completely for the whole day
Plaza Center
Due to Shigune's huge appetite, they ate cotton candy, pancakes, and many other things from street vendors.
They also shopped for clothes, the difference from coming with Asia was that Shigune showed Daniele which stores were better, of higher quality or cheaper.
They finally found themselves in a maid cafe
"Welcome back, Master!"
A cute girl with a cheerful smile in a short maid outfit and of course stockings bowed to Daniele and Shigune
But Daniele had learned his lesson, it took all his willpower not to look at her legs but he did it!!praise his.
Definitely not from Shigune staring!!!
When the duo heard the sound, they looked down and saw cats crawling up their legs.
"That's right, Master and Lady, we have a special event today and we've turned the cafe into a maid cat hybrid"
Both Daniele and Shigune couldn't believe their luck
"Are you okay with this?"
"Hmm, no problem"
Shigune answered Daniele's question by squeezing the arm she was still hugging.
"I am pleased about that! So come here"
The duo followed the maid walking in front and sat at the table she showed. There were other people around too
When the two of them sat down, some of the cats started to crawl up to him, and for some reason, the cats jumped on Daniele's shoulder and onto his lap.
Daniele questioned with a blank stare.
<Is it because of your influence?>
[Well, even if I'm going to to influence animals, the fact that you're from the beast tamer lineage also helps]
*Smack* *Smack* Smack*
Daniele looked at Shigune who was taking a photo of him as he heard the sound.
He quickly reached out to grab the phone. But Shigune avoided it by raising her hand in the air
"Delete it please"
"It's for research purposes only, I promise I won't show it to strangers."
"promise "
Shigune approved but
'As I said, I will not show it to strangers'
She smiled until the waiter came with the menu in hand.
Daniele squinted his eyes.
Daniele suddenly turned around quickly.
"Is there a problem "
Shigune asked worried about his sudden movement
"No, I just felt a stare. Probably cats."
Hmmm~~~ Since Leader-nya came here, I was sneaking around too, but
He could sense me even though I was consciously hiding myself
I guess he doesn't call his 'My True Rival' for nothing.
Interesting -nya~~~~~~~~
third person pov
After eating something there, the two left and continued wandering.
Daniele extended his arm while Shigune took his arm normally as before.
There was an unexpected aquarium in Kuoh town, it was a small but peaceful place.
Shigune took several photos of herself and Daniele there, and they even took one together with Shigune leaning back against Daniele's chest
~~~~Oh Love Me~~~
~~~Mister Oh Mister~~~~
~~~Jirasa reru hodo setsunai~~~
~~~Futari dake no abunai geemu~~~
***Kaguya-sama love is war***
Daniele, with a tambourine in his hand, was cheering for Shigune, who she barely managed to convince in the chorus.
It's nostalgic to hear some of the songs from his previous life, but the weird thing is that there are some songs that should be in the future and some are not.
' It's a really confusing world. '
Daniele smiled and looked at Shigune, whose cheeks were aflame but still singing, and giggled.
'But I wouldn't trade it for anything'
Finally, after wandering around the park and various other places, Daniele had complete control of Kuoh, They were currently on the train returning to Bar Slash Dog but he also noticed something else.
<This is a date!!!!>
[Come on, really? you are kidding ]
<Okay, no need for sarcasm, buddy>
[What sarcasm are you talking about mr ' this is not a date']
<Okay okay you were right and I was a fool for not listening>
[Better ]
Daniele sighed and looked at Shigune next to him, sleeping on his shoulder.
Looking at the sleeping young woman with a peaceful smile on her face, Daniele smiled too.
'Well I guess it was worth it '
Shigune's grip on his arm tightened as if she were reading his thoughts, and she nuzzled her head a little on his shoulder.
When the train stopped, Daniele came out with a Shigune on his back.
He couldn't bear to wake her up, but at the same time, he wrapped the sleeves of his trench coat around her shoulders so that her skirt wouldn't show when she was on his back, so that her hips were covered as well.
Daniele came to Bar Slash Dog with Shigune on his back. Needless to say, he was the target of giggles and smiles as he made his way down the road.
He opened the door slightly with his foot and walked in, Tobio showed a wry smile when he saw their situation, and the Slash Dog guys who hung out at the Bar in their free time showed similar expressions.
When he signaled that he would take it to her room for printing, they approved.
Entering the room described with a slight squeaking sound, Daniele entered a room filled with neat plushies and a soft feminine scent.
Although he agreed to leave after leaving Shigune to her bed, it did not go as he wanted because he was suddenly pulled into bed by the sleepy Shigune.
Instead of his ' breasts falling down' as usual, he stopped himself at the last moment by grasping the bed with one hand, but Shigune and Daniele's faces were standing a few centimeters away.If Daniele had moved even a little, his lips would have met Shigune's.
"Why does it always happen like this?"
After whispering to himself, he planned to leave without waking her , something happened that absolutely stunned him.
Suddenly, Poh, who had been sleeping in Shigune's soul after not appearing all day
When Poh saw Daniele's surprised look at his, he grinned maniacally under his mask and opened his mouth.
The energy from Daniele began to retreat into his mouth and soon Daniele fell asleep as well.
his body fell over Shigune's body and his face rested on her neck.
Poh' looked at own work with pride
The bastard in front of him couldn't even make decent progress with his master!!!
Is it that hard to grab her and throw her on the bed!!! It's not like she's going to resist .She probably would have been more proactive!!!
This situation can be considered his revenge
When Poh sensed someone caught at the door, he quickly jumped and hid in the corner.
Worried about Daniele who had not returned for a long time, Asia entered the room lightly and her face turned red when she saw Daniele and Shigune sleeping peacefully in each other's arms.
When she opened her mouth to say something, Poh suddenly appeared quickly and opened his mouth again, draining Asia's reserves and causing her to fall.
But before it could hit the ground, Daniele's shadow was it moved and the black lion that suddenly jumped up and appeared below her
He looked at Poh and growled.
[You went a little too far ]
Poh rolled his eyes.
He turned around and looked at the Golden lion that appeared
He used his own face to look at Regulus. Even though it wasn't visible through the mask, it could be guessed that he was staring.
This is a private moment for the master, no one else is allowed!!!
[Well, I don't understand your point, but you didn't need to knock the girl out. ]
Poh carelessly shrugged him, then looked at Regulus for a while and suddenly opened his mouth with his sharp teeth and attacked.
Regulus blocked it with his paw, causing the sharp teeth to scrape against his paw.
Still, he didn't feel the slightest pain, after all, the teeth weren't enough to pierce him.
[We've done this before, it's useless]
Poh and Regulus secretly leaving in the middle of the night had a fight at the previous New Year's party,
As for the outcome: Poh got a one-sided beating
Poh knew and that was exactly what drove him crazy!!!
He's Damn Taotie . He can even devouring things that are conceptual , their teeth can shatter even the strongest diamonds, but here they can't even scratch a kitty with a gold plate!! What's the logic of this damn world!
[Stop grumbling, like I said, I don't mind if your master and partner spend time together.But never hurt those close to him again]
Poh let go of the paw and jumped back, making grunting noises, going to the bedside and lying there.
[Bester, take the girl to her room ]
Bester nodded and disappeared into the shadows, and Regulus disappeared, accompanied by golden particles.
The night was peaceful and quiet for the two with Poh's protection
Except for the sleepwalking Lavinia who tried to enter the room. But that was taken care of by Bester
"Hmmm~~ why so uncomfortable "
Sihigune muttered when she woke up, for some reason her clothes were bothering her, but this was weird, after all, the nightgown she wore while sleeping didn't bother her at all.
But when she woke up a little more from her sleepy state, she realized that she wasn't alone in the bed.
At first she thought it was Lavinia, after all, she does this a lot, but then her eyes widened sharply as she realized that the body felt was harder compared to Lavinia's soft body.
The current scene left her unable to speak and causing her to blush
Daniele was lay her right now!!!!!
Their clothes were the same as yesterday's appointment clothes.
Her legs, wrapped in black pantyhose, were intertwined with Daniele's legs
Daniele buried his face in her neck while his hands were wrapped around her waist.
With every breath Shigune felt tickled and irritated.
Shigune stretched out her hands and slowly untied the hands that were hugging her
When she slowly pulled back she looked at Daniele again.
Unlike the relaxed, playful or serious expressions on his face, his current expression looked extremely vulnerable.
Shigune of course did what she thought was the most logical thing
*Poke* *Poke*
Poked Daniele's cheek
Daniele made some disturbing noises in his sleep
At the same time, Shigune also took a closer look at his face.
'That childish cute face has really turned into a man right now'
Shigune's cheeks turned red and she subconsciously lowered her head without even noticing.
Her face was slowly approaching Daniele's
Until the two shadows reflected on the wall overlap each other.
"Are you okay Daniele-san?"
"I'm fine Asia, why do I keep feeling sleepy?"
Currently, Team Slash Dog members , Daniele and Asia, Sae who came from Grigori, were all sitting at the table having breakfast.
"By the way, I'm sorry again, Shigune."
"N-no no, you may have fallen asleep because you were tired. After all, I was in a similar situation. "
"Well, if you and Tobio are both popular with the girls"
Kouki joked, emphasizing the situation
"When am I popular among women, Kouki?"
Upon Tobio's question, everyone except Asia, including Daniele, looked at him blankly.
" It hurts!!! Why are you kicking me Sae, Natsume!"
"You're right, maybe I should hit your head, then it can start working."
"Good idea Natsume-chan let's do it"
"Are you two being rude?"
While Natsume, Sae and Tobio continued their flirting, Daniele frowned after taking a sip of tea.
Of course Tobio noticed this too
"Is there a problem with tea?"
"No, your tea is very delicious as always, but how should I say, my mouth has been feeling very sweet since the if I ate chocolate?"
Daniele muttered the last part aloud while licking his lips.
At that moment, there was a burst of steam in Shigune's head and she turned red.
"Shi-chan are you okay?!"
Lavinia rushed to help Shigune
"Did something happen to Shigune? "
[....Who knows ]
4 days later
Abe Mansion
"So will we teleport from here to there?"
Daniele asked his uncle, looking at the magic circle with his uncle and Kiyome at the moment, accompanied by Asia and Lavinia
"It is considered illegal to enter the underworld, or rather the devils' region, without their permission, so a magic circle will be used here that will be active in the area covering the agreement time."
"I understand, but...why she you so pale? "
"She also comes with you. She better get over her fear of the underworld .That's why I entrust her to you."
Akihiro said, placing a hand on Daniele's shoulder.
"You can trust me"
Akihiro nodded and led them to the center of the magic circle.
Then the magic circle glowed red and with the light, it made the people inside the circle disappear
Familiar Forest
It was a field of ominous-looking trees and purple skies.
4 people appeared in the forest as a red magic circle appeared
"So this is the underworld"
Kiyome clung to Lavinia's arm, trembling.
"Alright alright, look, nothing is scary, Yome-chan."
"A-but what about the flames, the devils that will swallow my soul...they are here! They are hiding!!!"
"So this is hell?"
Daniele answered Asia's question
"No Asia, this is the underworld, of course there are places where sinners are punished, but this is a place that we can call mostly residential, so it cannot be called hell."
"I-I understand"
Kiyome also felt a little more relieved when she heard Daniele's words.
"So, did my uncle tell you where we were going, Kiyome?"
Kiyome reached into the fanny pack she brought with her and pulled out a map and showed it to the group.
There was a place on the map surrounded by green light and an arrow pointing to that point, symbolizing their location.
"It was very useful"
"Of course it is, after all, this is a special product"
"Then lead the way, Kiyome."
Daniele said, stepping aside. After all, one of his goals here was to help Kiyome overcome her fear.
Kiyome walked ahead while Asia walked right behind her, and Daniele and Lavinia walked on either side of Asia to deal with any possible danger.
5 minutes later
As they approached a certain place, a crawling sound came to their ears.
[Partner, get ready, something bad is coming]
What emerged was a crawling creature with a huge structure, 7 meters long, but its most striking feature was its 9 snake heads.
Kiyome shouted from behind
"This may cause some trouble"
Even though Lavinia said this, there was no fear or concern in her eyes.
The nine heads were looking at us with interest, but it wasn't hard to understand their purpose from the look in their eyes.
"He considers us prey, huh?"
After muttering to Daniele, he pulled Excalibur Blessing out of the magic circle that appeared in front of him.
The hydra reacted violently to the holy sword that appeared, after all, it was considered a demonic existence and that thing was dangerous for its.
It quickly opened its nine mouths simultaneously and released a lush green gas intended to kill the Group. The gas traveled rapidly, eroding everything in its path as it went.
When the gas swallowed the group, Hydra was relieved, after all, it was impossible for its to withstand the poison of those pathetic creatures.
Unfortunately for its, its had bitten off more than its could this time.
At that moment, a golden light shined in the poisonous gas and began to destroy its poison gas.
When all the gas finally disappeared, it left people surrounded by a blue dome and the male standing with a green decorated sword in his hand and a cross tied to his wrist.
The sword was radiating shine
"Well, He tried to kill us.The things I will do are in self-defense. "
"Have fun Dany!"
As Daniele ran towards the hydra, Lavinia waved behind his as she lifted the dome she had created earlier.
When Daniele ran towards the hydra, it recovered from its stupor and lunged to bite his
Daniele quickly dodged the head that was trying to bite him and jumped high, stepping on its head
The other heads also released poisonous gas on the jumping Daniele
While the sword in his hand was shining with holy power, Daniele swung the sword towards the poisonous gas.
"We're not learning a lesson, are we?"
The moment the sword touched the gas, it eroded it and continued towards the nearest head.
One of the heads of the 9-headed creature was blown away
Even though the hydra screamed in pain, Daniele did not retreat and cut off two more heads with the sword and stepped back.
"Seriously, this renewal is nonsense"
That's right, the original pieces of flesh from the heads Daniele had just cut off were starting to heal.
"Then let's take tougher measures."
Once again, a magic circle appeared next to Daniele and he grasped the sword hilt coming out of the circle.
As soon as the hilt of the sword came out, Hydra felt an unprecedented fear, its felt that the thing would kill its instantly.
So its attacked mercilessly with its remaining heads, not caring how much damage its would take.
Just as Daniele was about to cast a spell on the incoming heads, ice spears suddenly flew from behind and pierced the heads attacking Daniele.
Daniele was about to nod to Lavinia, but he was held back by the scene he saw.
Daniele pov
The scene I saw surprised me, I was expecting Lavinia, but the person with a blue magic circle in front of her was.....Asia?!?!?
Can Asia attack someone!!!
Of course, I expected this when I sent her to Lavinia, but it's surprising how quickly it happened.
[Don't lose focus]
That's right, I looked at the hydra, which was about to recover, and I grabbed the handle of Ascalon, pulled it in one go, and quickly attacked the Hydra.
I cut off the hydra heads that attacked me with their almost healed heads, this time with Ascalon, and they were cut off so that they would not expand, as if butter had been cured.
Smoke was billowing from wounds
This is dragon slayer for you
I approached his cowl and stabbed the sword all the way through.
Then I leaned Blessing so that they were touching each other and directed the blessing towards Ascalon.
Accompanied by a flash, a huge hole formed in the body of the Hydra, through which you can see and even pass through.
Dead body collapsed on the ground
I immediately opened my space storage and took out small bottles.
I leaned the bottles against the teeth of the dead hydra and transferred its poison into these bottles.
After all, he was an individual who could kill normal high-class Devils, so there was no need to waste it.
After purchasing about 7 bottles I threw them into my space storage
Finally I turned to the Girls who came to me
"A-are you okay, Daniele-san?"
Asia was saying this, but my attention was on her shaking hands.
It was the first time she hurt someone and maybe even caused their death.
I slowly reached out my hand and caressed Asia's head.
"Thank you for your help there Asia"
"Did I help Daniele-san?"
"That's right Asia saved me "
Asia bowed her head slightly and gave a small smile with flushed cheeks.
She seriously grew up in a short time
Kiyome pov
I looked at the girl who was spoiled by my cousin.
When I first saw the girl, I noticed that she was shy, but she still managed to take action in an emergency and I even forgot to call my familiars out of fear. And of course I have a cousin. Heh, it seems weird to say that
I didn't expect him to be so tough, he defeated the Hydra easily. This is a Hydra. İts can even kill high-class Devils. but
Seriously, go and flirt somewhere else!!!
And there is another mature beauty , what is this! Is my cousin a playboy?!
Anyway!! I have to pull myself together, I am the heir of the Abe family!!!
third person pov
The sudden smacking sound stunned everyone and they turned towards the sound.
Kiyome slapped her herself with both hands and it was definitely not a 'soft' slap!!
"Um, Kiyome, are you...crazy?"
Daniele asked in a calm tone to calm her down.
"Who is crazy?!"
Kiyome also called back, and then when she click her fingers, a magic circle appeared behind her
Out of the circle came a suit of armor with a pure white mane and a jet black horse....yes, it is an armor and it looks like it doesn't have a helmet.
"This dullahan is really rare Yome-chan"
Lavinia said, clapping her hands.
Daniele smiled
"So it looks like you've finally come around."
"*cough* after all, I am the heir of the Beast Tamer family.Anyway, this is Mr. Smith."
The Dullahan dismounted and stood next to Kiyome, making a noble salute with one hand on his chest.
"I'm Daniele, Kiyome's cousin"
Mr. Smith looked astonished, but finally took Daniele's extended hand and shook it.
"Hello Mr. Smith , I'm Lavinia "
"T-nice to meet you I'm Asia"
Mr. Smith bowed his head, or rather the empty part of his armor, to the two of them.
After the introductions were over, they continued their journey by following the map.
Kiyome seemed more relaxed and calm than before, which made Daniele happy.
One of the tasks was completed
When the group finally reached the place directed by the map, they started to explore the surroundings.
"So...what do we do now "
"Let's go around a little more, my map showed this place so the reported dragon must be here "
Suddenly they heard the voice and they turned around and Asia .....she was covered in slime.
"D-Daniele-san help me!!!!"
Before the slimes could start to melt Asia's clothes, a cold wind blew in and all the slimes froze instantly.
Then it fell apart completely
After Lavinia protected Asia, a large insect flew towards Lavinia's breasts
But before the big bug could land there, Daniele cut it in half with a sword blow.
Then a monkey-like thing came out of nowhere and tried to lift Kiyome's skirt, but its head was cut off by Mr. Smith.
Daniele seriously wanted to scream right now
'What is wrong with this world!!!!!'
At that moment everyone looked at the Tree and there was a little blue dragon on the Tree.
Finally Daniele breathed a sigh of relief.
"Like victory"
"A Sprite Dragon, one of the top level familiars "
Kiyome muttered in surprise.
"Well, we found our prey. Move on, Asia "
"What should I do "
"Just be yourself, Sprite Dragons only accept those with a pure heart and I can't think of anyone with a purer heart than you."
Asia chose to believe Daniele
She stepped forward
"I'm Asia, I want to make an familiar agreement with you!"
The baby Sprite Dragon looked at Asia and studied her for about 10 to 15 seconds.
Then suddenly he flew towards Asia
Daniele and Lavinia did not take action because they did not feel any hostility
He buried himself in Asia's lap and rubbed his head against Asia's cheek, humming lovingly.
Asia smiled brightly and hugged the baby dragon
When he saw the interaction between the Dragon and the girl, Daniele smiled and reached out to caress the Dragon, but just as he was about to touch his head, he stopped immediately.
He remembered a very important detail in the book, Sprite Dragons are jealous and don't like men very much.
When the little dragon turned and looked at Daniele, Daniele started to sweat coldly.
He doesn't want to get electroshocked!!!!!
The baby dragon stared at Daniele's hand in the air for a while
*Sniff* *Sniff*
He sniffed her hand twice and finally consciously stretched out his head and rubbed it against Daniele's nearby hand.
Daniele was astonished.
"Shouldn't he hate me?"
"Hmmm. We come from a family that trains monsters, so I guess it's not that strange that we have an affinity for supernatural beasts."
Kiyome said with a shrug, but for some reason Daniele wasn't very convinced within himself.
It felt like something was missing
"Raiel seems to like Daniele-san"
"Hmm, this kid's name is Raiel."
Asia said with a bright smile that lit up the forest
"Hmmm~ 'Trust in God', w a beautiful name Asia"
"Most importantly, it is compatible with Dany's name."
Lavinia said hugging Asia from behind
"Well, it's time to go back "
"It seems so "
Kiyome also confirmed Daniele's words
They disappeared just as they had come before, with a red magic circle beneath them.
Bar Slash Dog
" """Cheers!!!!""""
Slash Dog members Asia and Daniele, along with Vali newcomer Kiyome, were throwing a party for Asia's acquaintance
As for Raiel, he was currently being pampered by Natsume and the other girls.
[So it's a Sprite Dragon, girl named Asia has an impressive chance]
Speaking with the light in Vali's right hand, Albion expressed his words
"He could be a good rival in the future"
Vali'd spoke with a voice full of expectation
"Bad Vah-kun!!, No fights in this party!!"
"Don't caress my hair!!!!"
Asia looked at the group.
"I-I couldn't do it without the others"
She then turned to the group and bowed her head
"Thank you again! For everything!!!I---it's nice to meet you all."
"Don't worry A-chan it's a pleasure to meet you, you are definitely a great student and of course your classes are continuing~~~"
"Lavinia is right Asia, I'm so happy to meet a lovely person like you."
Natsuma said hugging Asia tightly
"Well, we won't spoil the atmosphere."
Daniele said, clapping his hands.
They continued the party to the disapproval of the others.
Daniele pov
Why does its always read like this? Really, why?
I thought as I was lying with two blondes on my right and left.
Shigune was lying on my left side while Lavinia was lying on my right side
"You're leaving tomorrow so I wanted to sleep with Dany and took Shigune with me~~~"
"I...didn't object"
"Seriously Lavinia, you're a grown woman now, can you be more self-aware?"
Lavinia blinked her eyes then showed a mischievous smile
"Hmm~~~ So Dany thinks ecchi things about me?"
Lavinia said as she moved her body to my right side, her exaggerated breasts pressing on my right side
Since she was lying a little lower than me, I could see her cleavage.
I was about to say something when I felt my cheeks turning red, but the softness coming from my left side distracted me.
When I turned left, Shigune hugged my arm sullenly and buried my arm between her breasts.
So it's my fault?!?
Then suddenly the door knocked
"D-Daniele-san are you there I---"
Asia remained silent as the scene in front of her
"Hello A-chan, did you want to sleep with Dany?"
Wait what did she say
"I-I, I want it"
I immediately returned to Shigune
"But isn't the bed full?"
I made an eyebrow gesture at Shigune, please understand!!!!
After a moment Shigune smiled at me
Yes!! Victory
"You can lie down on Daniele, Asia-san."
"Don't do that, Dany. This is the first time Asia has harmed another living being, so she might need medical attention."
"No but--"
Lavinia interrupted me and opened the blanket we were covering ourselves with.
Asia slowly climbed onto the bed and lay on top of me, I could feel her soft body with my whole body.
No, my little Regulus, hang on!!
Even though I tried several attempts to chase the girls away, in the end they all failed and I had to go with the flow . To explain it more simply
---I gave up
third person pov
While Daniele and the three blonde beauties were sleeping snuggled together, a young man with brown hair and a red glove reaching up to the to his elbow was running towards the church.
He knocked on the door very hard , without stopping, and when there was no sound, he squeaked his teeth and tried to open the door with his fist.
Unfortunately this wasn't going to go well for him.