
Chapter 2: The archer in the forest

Kieffer's POV

I'm Kieffer Glyde Kotori. 16 years old and the Jack in this Academy Hierarchy. Myrix or also known as Yris was the ace of the academy. My major is Samurai and Karate. I choose it because with this, I'll protect Yris from the bad ones.

When the nurse arrived, I asked her immediately.

"Nurse, how's Yris?" I asked

"Well, your suspecion that she was poisoned was correct. We checked out the banana cake that she had bought but it was negative in poison. So I can say that the delusions of Myrix were deliberatly intentioned and planned" she said

What?!. What the fvck! Who would have done that to her? That fvck deserve to die! They are such a cowards.

"Uhhm. Nurse, is she okay?" I asked

"At the moment, it's still not possible but I think she can recover later because the poison slowly disappearing due to her high immune system." she stated

"Good to hear that. Thank you" I said

The nurse went away.

The fuck! Why do they need to poison Yris? I think they hate Yris to be the Ace of the academy so the SSG was taking their action to it.

Then I left immediately to Yris's room.

Yris.. Please stay. You have to stay strong.

Syvy's POV

Come on, why did Myrix and Kieffer was not here yet?! It's already our second class.

"Ok class, now I want you to practice your camoflouge skills. If you fail it, you DIE" said Sir

Oh, that's easy! This is gonna be exciting!

"I will call you one by one and I will turn off the light, you need to get me injured if you do not want to be hurt. Lets see whose student is wise enough to do it. Are you ready?" Sir asked

"YES WERE READY!! READY TO DIE!!!" they said in chorus

Tsk, this kind of thing shouldn't be taken seriously, you idiots!

"Ok. Now lets start", Sir said

Sir set our room background as a ghastly forest.

Our room is not like the usual room with armchairs, blackboard and etc. In here, we have also a table but it is full of different kinds of guns, knives, swords and more.

The DIA room has the lever where you can select the background of the classroom based on the subject. Our subject is now HTL (Hide to Live) So our background is Dark Forest.

Hmmm.. What should I do? Sir Hunter was a tough one so I guess I will be challenge in this one. Sadly, Myrix and Kieffer aren't here so I will give my best to take down this teacher.

Not so long, I heard a girl shrieking in pain and coming out badly hurt and has so many deep cuts in her body.

"Ahhhhhh!" she screamed

"H-Help!" she cried

Someone take care of her and help her get out of this hell.

"Miss Farriolan!" called Sir

Oh, I guess it's my turn now.

"Coming!" I said

When I entered the forest I suddenly stumbled over the woods.

'You damn, Syvy! Be careful'

I was so lucky that it doesn't produced any sound.

"Phew" I whispered to myself.

I took a stone and threw it away.

Sir is a Great Hunter so I know that he only based his sense to the sound of nature because of his auditory. The wind, the landline helps to give the direction of where I am. Since Archery is my major so I'm good at camoflauge. So sorry but you're doomed

I slowly stand up and wait him to get out by himself.