
Highflayer:Lite Night

In the dark continent of Elder Dan. Where the words of light is preached the most. Forests containing beast's that thrive on the weak could be found scattered all along this continent... And within one such forest a new force has began it's reign of terror, death and plague Watch as this force takes the world of Highflayer by storm

James_Piter · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Chapter 14

[Secret Quest: Rise of the dead ][Iron: Low] (Monster Blood Awakening) 

[Taste the embrace of death. Atleast once](10/1) (Max)

[Drink the blood of twenty virgins ](4/20)

[Veil yourself in the dark for two weeks ] (0/1)

[Drink the blood of seventy living beings ] (30/70)

[Claim six wives ] (8/6)

[Quest Rewards:Capture Points(x110),Black Raven (Cave base), Bloodline Ticket(Dhampir),Ghoul Creation(Heritage),Blood Drain(Heritage), Hatred Of The Sun(Drawback)(- 2%)]

*sigh* 'It's been two days since i decided to commit to this quest' A humanoid figure with shoulder long black hair thought to itself. Whilst sitting within a pitch black cave with little to no lighting 

"And in those two day's i've found out i could go past the requirements the quest has set " 'Leading me to continously kill myself with the trusted help of course [Spirit Manipulation]. Though i'm still confused on how that happens, Is it because of the fact I created that body using the cyoa page or does it have something to do with the way this world works' 

*Argh* "It'd be so much easier if I had some disposable beings to impart [Spirit Manipulation] on and see whether they die or not" 'And the fact that the goblin camp Qergra Mar Zrr laid us to had long since been abandoned still makes me irritated. After all from what Zrr told me there should have been more the sixty goblin in there

*Sigh* 'Should we move deeper into the forest?' 


[Secret Quest: Rise of the dead ][Iron: Low] (Monster Blood Awakening) 

[Taste the embrace of death. Atleast once](10/1) (Max)

[Drink the blood of twenty virgins ](30/20) (Max) 

[Veil yourself in the dark for two weeks ] (0/1)

[Drink the blood of seventy living beings ] (90/70) (Max) 

[Claim six wives ] (10/6) (Max) 

[Quest Rewards:Capture Points(x115),Black Raven (Cave base), Bloodline Ticket(Dhampir),Ghoul Creation(Heritage),Blood Drain (Heritage), Hatred Of The Sun(Drawback)(- 15%), Night And Day Sense (Heritage),Vampiric Blood(20%), Charm(Heritage), Vampires Heart(Heritage)(Drawback),Immortality(Heritage),Blood Regeneration (Heritage),Vampiric Senses(Heritage) ]

'After five days of traveling. I finally have enough points to attempt and max out my least quest conditions' A humanoid being thought to itself as it looked at a transparent panel with black text. Whilst a luge group of people should behind the humanoid being 

[Points:1000] [ Tickets:0.] [Crystal Rank Valuation: E3] [CP:73] 

[Build] [[App°]] [Captives°] [Drawbacks]

[Slave Trade] [[Magic Trade]] [Ritual circles] [Weapon Trade] [World Travel ]

[Trading(NEW°)] [[Buying]] [Selling] 

[Potions] [Materials] [[Magic Formula]] 


[Flaming Rain Formula.(Mid grade magic formula) : 140P ]

[Heatwave Formula.(Mid grade magic formula) : 150P ]

[Fallen Star Formula.(Mid grade magic formula) : 160P ]


[Mana Blessing. (Low grade magic formula): 100P]

[Mana Circuit.(Mid grade magic formula): 200P]


[Healing .(Low grade magic potion) : 20P ](x5) 

[Sleep Potion.(Low grade magic potion)50P ](x3) 


'This should be enough for now ' A humanoid figure with neck long black hair thought. As it switched it's gaze from the transparent panel. And onto a group composed of eighty six living and undead beings before walking towards the entrance of a small cave formed under a small hill

"It's time" The humanoid figure said in a deep voice. As it walked closer to the cave entrance 

"May you succeed in your endeavors. Great One" A dark skinned figure with long ears said as it stood along side a group composed of five dark elfs, five orcs, thirty five goblins,fifteen Hobgoblins , five high goblins, and the rest was a smaller ground of twenty one undead lead by two humans 

[Cyoa Interface link: Activated ]


[Accumulation:Silent beast] [Accumulation] [Anger, Sadness, Fear, Anxiety, Disgust, Love, Enjoyment, Calmness, Anticipation ] (Grants you the ability to store and release your feelings and emotions) 

"Seal and protect the cave entrance. And only open it after a hundred and forty days have passed.Or until I come out by myself, And until then you have free rein to do anything that you think benefits or has the potential to benefit me" The humanoid with neck long black hair said. While it climbed into a small cave that seemed to have been from the roots of a large tree and a small hill

"As you command. Master" A figure wearing a black robe said as it began to cast a spell of some sort



[Day two of lite's seclusion] 

On a bright and sunny day, In the forest of rune. A small but efficient group of green skinned giants could be seen ripping out trees for the ground along side smaller green skinned creature. Although these smaller green skinned creatures where manly digging around the tree trunks, So the larger green skinned creatures could uproot the trees easier. And all this was made possible because of a pale skinned man. Speaking in a strange language that made it possible for the figure to make direct contact with the soul 

"I hope my way of leadership will pleases you" A pale figure wearing said. While gasturring for a green skinned giant to place the uprooted tree it was carrying, Next to a pile of other uprooted trees



[Day five of lite's seclusion] 

"#&#@ &#*&##@!!!"(ATTACK. KILL. CONQUER FOR THE GREAT ONE!!! ) Yelled a black robed figure. Whilst casting multiple fire balls at a small goblin settlement


"#&R@ #-" (WHERE BE-) *BOOM* 


" #&@# &#@" (ATTACK. IT'S A ATTACK. RU-) *BOOM* 



[Day eight of lite's seclusion] 

"#R@&# #@&##@&@*" (GOBLINS. GO BREED AND INCREASE YOUR USEFULNESS) Said a giantess with grayish silver hair. As she pointed towards seven badly burnt female goblins 

*HAHAHAHA* "#@R& #@&" (As you wish. Left hand) *HAHA*


[Day twenty of lite's seclusion] 

"Th-This. How could this child grow this fast" A green skinned giantess said to herself. While stroking her soccer ball like stomach 


[Day thirty nine of lite's seclusion] 

"The seeds that master planted will soon bloom" A green skinned woman wearing a animal skin said. As she played with her grayish silver hair

"Though it's seems you'll be the first bloom. Right dear ~ " Said the green skinned woman. As she stopped playing with her hair and began to slowly stroke her pregnant stomach 


[Day thirty nine of lite's seclusion] 

"#R@&# #@&##@&@*" (SURRENDER OR DIE. ORCS) Yelled a man dressed in a robe

"#&R@ @#&#*" (NEVER. WE ORCS WILL NEVER SURRENDER TO YOUR KIND. HUMAN) A green skinned giant yelled back. While grabbing onto a stone club 

*GRRRAAORRR * "#@## &@R&!!!!!" (ATTACK ORCS. DEFEAT THIS HUMANS ARMY OF Undead!!!!! ) The green skinned giant yelled. As it ran into the horde more than two hundred F rank undead beast's and twenty E rank beings 



[Day forty two of lite's seclusion] 

[Secret Quest: Rise of the dead ][Iron: Low] (Monster Blood Awakening) (Complete) 

[Taste the embrace of death. Atleast once](10/1) (Max)

[Drink the blood of twenty virgins ](30/20) (Max)

[Veil yourself in the dark for two weeks ] (3/1) (Max) 

[Drink the blood of seventy living beings ] (90/70) (Max)

[Claim six wives ] (10/6) (Max)

[Quest Rewards:Capture Points(x115),Black Raven (Cave base), Bloodline Ticket(Dhampir),Ghoul Creation(Heritage),Blood Drain (Heritage), Hatred Of The Sun(Drawback)(- 15%), Night And Day Sense (Heritage),Vampiric Blood(40%), Charm(Heritage), Vampires Heart(Heritage)(Drawback),Immortality(Heritage),Blood Regeneration (Heritage),Vampiric Senses(Heritage), Vampiric Armor ]

[Claim Rewards] [Yes/No]