
High-School & Sakura

In the bustling world of Modern Day Tokyo, "High-School & Sakura" follows the journey of Sakura Hiroshi, a determined and compassionate teenage girl. Unbeknownst to Sakura, the city is built upon an ancient power source called "Sakura Essence," granting unimaginable abilities to those who can harness it. Sakura, chosen as the current Sakura Guardian, is tasked with safeguarding the delicate balance of her city.

Sayyid_Novels · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter 7: Peace in Tokyo

With the threat of Shadow Syndicate vanquished, Tokyo settled into an air of tranquility. The cherry blossoms that once quivered with unease now swayed gracefully, casting their rosy hue upon the city. It was a time of healing, reflection, and newfound friendships.

As the days rolled by, I found myself drawn to the rooftop, where the winds carried whispers of the Sakura Blossoms. Their presence lingered, a constant reminder of the power that had surged through me. I would often sit there, lost in thought, watching the sun dip beneath the horizon.

Aiko would join me, and together we'd talk about the future, dreams, and the endless possibilities that lay ahead. Our friendship, forged in the fires of adversity, grew stronger as we navigated the winding paths of high school life.