
High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

James Alaverus, a six-year-old half-devil, suddenly falls unconscious. During his three-day coma he regains some memories from his past life while retaining the mentality of a child. With these new memories, how will his life change? Disclaimer In this story, the only things I own are my own Original Characters. Also, If anyone could help me out with an original cover, I'd really appreciate it. My art skill is non existent.

SixthSense1029 · Cómic
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354 Chs

Someone Wants to be James' Disciple

Human World, Japan, Kuoh.

The next morning, at 6 a.m. James woke from his sleep. As he woke up, the first thing he did was check his smartphone to see if there wre any alerts he slept through. Although there were a few, there was only one that caught his attention.

<The Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels Have Entered into an Alliance.>

Seeing this headline from his news widget, James was quick to open the article. What he saw was an overview of all the events that led up to the formation of this Alliance. First was the Kokabiel incident that led to the peace talks. However, the peace talks were interrupted by the mysterious faction calling itself "The Kaos Brigade."

'Did Ophis like Midway and Nether Realm games or something?' James thought to himself Disdainfully. 'Why spell it like that?'

After that stupid thought, James continued to read the article.

After finding out the name and goal of the Khaos Brigade, Heaven, the Underworld, and the Grigori decided to create a united front against this terrorist organization. On top of that, Satan Ajuka Beelzebub would work with Heaven on a way to repopulate Heaven with angels. The idea is to use a system similar to the [Evil Piece] system. Choosing devout humans to be reincarnated as angels.

"Oh, that could be interesting." James said to himself.

"[I'd be fine if Heaven was destroyed.]" Ddraig added bitterly.

"Really?" James asked in surprise. "What did the angels do to you?"

"[Not the angels, but their dear old dad.]" Ddraig replied. "[Because of that asshole, I wasn't even able to reincarnate and embark on my path of domination again.]"

"Yeah, but the chances of us meeting if you had reincarnated would have been pretty slim." James said in a sappy tone.

"[Fuck off!]" Ddraig shouted in annoyance.

Chuckling at the dragon's reply, James finished reading the article. He was surprised when he found out that Azazel had declined using a system similar to the angels to repopulate. Then, he laughed loudly when he saw that he knew there would be angels falling sooner or later, so he did not need it.

"Man, I like that Azazel guy." James said while calming his laughter.

After that, James washed up and prepared for school. There were only three more days until summer break began.

After getting ready, James' day played out like most days do. He left the house with Mizore, Moka, and Shuna. Then, they met up with Flora along the way and walked to school together. After that, when they neared the gate, they ran into Mio and Maria. Then, the group of six attended morning training.

After morning training, James went through a day of school. However, this is where something out of the ordinary happened.

"James, can you come to the ORC for a little while after school?" Rias asked while James was packing his school bag.

"Sure." James replied casually. "Is something happening today?"

"I'm not sure." Rias said uneasily. "Sona told me that my club would be getting an advisor, and there was nothing I could do about it."

Hearing that, James glanced at Sona who smiled back in return.

'She's up to something.' James thought to himself with a curious smile on his face.

"[Yup, she's definitely up to something.]" Ddraig replied with an equal amount of curiosity.

Nodding at Ddraig's agreement, James turned his attention back to Rias and spoke.

"Okay, let's go."

Smiling in response, Rias returned to her own seat and picked up her bag. Then, James, Rias, and Akeno made their way toward the old school building. When they arrived, the ORC's new advisor was not present. So, Rias took her seat at her desk and began to work on any paperwork she had left to do. Akeno walked to a corner of the room and began preparing tea, as she always does. While James sat on one of the sofas and waited for the new club advisor to arrive.

'Based on Sona's smile, this advisor is definitely not a normal person.' James thought.

"[It's probably someone supernatural.]" Ddraig replied to James internal monologue.

'I was thinking the same thing, Ddraig.' James replied internally. 'And it's really convenient that a new advisor pops up right after the alliance is formed.'

"[Exactly.]" Ddraig said with a nod of agreement. "[That doesn't help us narrow it down though.]"

'Quite the contrary, actually.' James replied. 'I'm almost 100% sure that the advisor won't be a devil.'

"[Oh, I see where you're coming from.]" Ddraig said in an enlightened tone. "[But that still leaves two of the three options.]"

'Yeah, and that's where it gets tricky.' James thought.

At that moment, Akeno set a cup of tea with a saucer down on the coffee table in front of James.

"Thanks, Akeno." James said with a smile as he lifted the teacup and took a sip. "Like always, it's delicious."

With James compliment, Akeno's face bloomed into a gorgeous smile.

"Hey, Akeno!" Rias shouted from her desk. "I'm your [King], shouldn't you serve tea to me first?"

"You may be my [King], Rias." Akeno said as she turned toward Rias. "But James is my love."

"Ugh... So cheesy." Rias said, grunting in annoyance without raising her head form her paperwork.

"I gotta agree with Ri Ri, this time." James said with a wry smile. "Although I like hearing it, don't you think you're pouring it on a little thick this time, Akeno."

Hearing that, Akeno was surprised. While Rias giggled as she continued working on her paperwork.

"Really, was it that bad?" Akeno said sadly. "But that was one of my favorite lines in the novel I just finished."

Wanting to laugh but holding it in, James continued.

"I don't think it's the line that's bad." James said.

"[Yes, you do.]" Ddraig said and was ignored by James.

"I think it was the delivery." James continued.

"[Yeah, that sucked, too.]" Ddraig said with a chuckle.

After hearing what James had to say, Akeno seemed like she understood. Then, she once again smiled at James and went to prepare a cup of tea for Rias. Just as Akeno picked up the teapot, the club room's door was opened and in walked the second-year members of the Occult Research Club, Yuuto, Issei, Asia, and Xenovia.

"Oh, great." Issei said with a downcast expression. "Senpai is here. I don't even know what I did wrong this time."

Usually, James does not come to the Occult Research Club. He usually only shows up when there is something important to discuss. For example, when Irina and Xenovia first showed up. Or he shows up when he needs to conduct a round of hell mode training.

"Oh, don't worry, Ise." James said with a friendly smile. "I didn't come to put you through hell, this time."

Hearing that, Issei visibly relaxed. However, he could not fully relax. The smile James was wearing made him feel uneasy.

"So, then why are you here?" Xenovia asked curiously without much fluctuation in her tone.

"Nothing big." James said before taking a sip of his tea.

While this conversation was going on, Yuuto, Issei, Asia, and Xenovia took their usual seats and Akeno pushed a small trolley around the room to serve them all tea. And just as Issei was taking a sip of his tea, James continued to speak.

"I came to ask Ri Ri if she would let Ise come to the Land of Shadows with us to train." James said casually with a friendly smile on his face. "I thought you would really improve, Ise, if my master was allowed to train you for a few weeks."

*Spurt!* *Cough!* *Cough!*

Hearring James purpose for coming, Issei began to cough and sprayed a mouthful of tea all over himself and the floor. Seeing Issei's reaction, James could not help but laugh. Rias and Akeno also laughed. Neither of them had any idea what James was going to say, either. Yuuto and Xenovia smiled at the prank as well. The only ones who were not smiling in any way were, obviously, Issei, who was trying to catch his breath, and Asia, who was trying to help Issei clean the tea off his uniform.

"Oh man, your reaction was priceless." James said while wiping a tear from his eye.

"James, you're so bad." Rias said as she also wiped the tears from her eyes.

"You really are bad." Akeno said with a pout. Trying to hide a smile, she continued. "Who do you think has to clean up this mess?"

Hearing Akeno, James snapped his fingers. Then, a magic circle appeared under Issei's seat and the puddle of spat out tea. Then, the magic circle glowed for an instant before disappearing. When the magic circle vanished, the mess, whether it be on Issei or the floor, was gone as if it never happened.

"Damn it, Senpai!" Issei shouted in annoyance. "You're the devil."

"Actually, I'm only half-devil." James said innocently. "Did you forget?"

"Argh!" Issei growled in annoyance.

This time, even Asia joined the others in laughter as James teased Issei. A moment later, the club room's door opened again. This time, the first-year members of Rias' peerage showed up. Instead of going to the MMA Club, Mio and Maria were with Koneko and Gasper.

"Senpai?" Maria said after entering the room. "You're here, too."

As Maria spoke, Koneko walked straight toward James and took her favorite seat... On his lap. Then, she pulled a snack out of her bag and began to nibble on it while James patted her head. Seeing that, a few of the girls looked at Koneko enviously, but otherwise they neither said nor did anything.

"Yeah, Ri Ri asked me to come by." James said with a smile.

"What did Issei-Senpai do this time?" Gasper asked curiously.

"Damn it!" Issei shouted. "I didn't do anything."

"Really? Mio and Maria asked while staring at Issei suspiciously.

"Of course, the perverted idiot did something." Koneko said while she was trying to feed James one of her snacks.

"This time, Issei is telling the truth." Rias said as she finished the last of her paperwork. "But seriously, Issei, maybe you should fix your behavior. If you weren't always acting the way you do, people would trust your words more."

Issei could only remain silent. He knew what Rias said was true. However, no matter what he did or told himself, he could not fix his bad habits. It felt like the world's will was forcing him to act that way.

"Anyway, James really isn't here to punish Issei for anything this time." Rias said as she stood from her seat and stretched. As she did, her large breasts were emphasized greatly. And of course, Issei's eyes were drawn to them like a moth to a flame. Until he felt James' sharp glare land on the side of his face. Knowing what was coming if he got out of hand, Issei quickly looked away.

Seeing that Issei was able to control himself, everyone was amazed. Then, they all looked at James to see if he had done anything. And all they saw was James sitting on the sofa with Koneko sitting in his lap feeding him a cookie. The only one who was not surprised was Yuuto. He was there when James threatened to start taking body parts if Issei was unable to stop sexually harassing his girls.

"Anyway, why did you asked James-Senpai to stop by, Rias-Nee?" Maria asked with curiosity.

"Well, it's because Sona told me..." Rias began to explain.

"That you all would be getting a new club advisor." Azazel finished Rias' sentence as he opened the club room's door.

Looking toward the door, everyone saw the Governor-General of the Grigori, Azazel, standing in the, now, open door of the club room.

"Oh, great, another pervert." Koneko said while pulling out another snack from her bag.

"I gotta admit, that's not who I was expecting to see." James said with an eyebrow raised. "Why would anyone let such a notorious pervert like Azazel run loose in a place full of young beautiful high school girls."

"Hey, that's defamation." Azazel said indignantly. "I'll have you know; I've never touched a high school-aged girl in my long years."

"That's hard to believe." Rias said skeptically.

"It's true." Azazel said proudly. "And the reason is simple..."

Azazel paused, waiting to have everyone's undivided attention. When he achieved his desire, he continued.

"It's because I love MILFs. Can't get enough of them."

Hearing that, everyone deflated. Except for James and Issei, everyone else just went back to what they were doing. Issei was staring at Azazel with a contemplative look on his face. Debating whether MILFs or Bishoujo were better. James, on the other hand, was nodding in understanding.

"I can understand where you're coming from Azazel." James nodded in a sagely manner. "There's a MILF in my harem as well."

Hearing that, Azazel was taken aback. Then, he observed James more closely.

"Although you should be calling me Azazel-Sensei from now on, I wasn't aware that you were also a man of culture." Azazel said with a little excitement in his tone. "If you don't mind me asking, which of the world's lovely MILFs have you added to your harem. Would I know her, perhaps?"

Listening to James and Azazel's conversation, everyone stared at the two of them blankly.

"Oh, I'm sure you do." James said with a proud smile on his face. "She's the leader of the Kyoto Youkai, Yasaka."

Instead of exclaiming in surprise, Azazel could only look at James blankly. Then, after a few moments, Azazel did something no one expected. He walked in front of James, fell to his knees, pressed his forehead to the floor, and shouted loudly.

"I beg of you, Master, please take me as your disciple!"

This is the last one for today.

I don't know what it was about this chapter. The last one took me like four hours to write. Then this one took me under two hours.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy.

Comments, Reviews, and Power Stones are always welcomed.

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