
High Level Gear : Mech System

In an age that humanity has evolved to using highly advanced technology known as Mech Suits, Austin Richards, who is the son of two of the members of the highly trained militia known as the "Black Dogs" lives with his uncle, Preston Richards who just so happens to produce these mech suits. Little does Austin know, that his uncle has been preparing a special suit for him his entire life, so that he can follow in his parent's footsteps. However, once Austin gets his suit, he ends up being recruited to the very group that the Black Dogs were hired to assassinate. Austin finds himself torn between his blood and closest friends in an ongoing war that ensures the survival of only one. What will Austin do? Does he help his family eliminate the only friends he's ever had? Does he turn his back on his own blood just for the sake of friendship? Or, does he create his own path, and create an event that no one could've predicted? Read now to find out!

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7 Chs

Chapter 3, Unprovided

Simone peeked over the corner to a building, and saw Austin join his uncle and Seiji and Raiya.

"Well, show us what the suit can do." Seiji commented. "We don't have all day."

"That's Raiya and Seiji?" Simone thought. "The boss said not to make a mess...but i can't let an opportunity like this pass. These two have been making our lives a living hell. I should eliminate them right now."

Simone equipped a disc that had four lines dividing it, with a red circle in the middle.

"I won't use the suit...I'll just use it like this." She thought as she pressed the circle in the middle.

Austin rose his arms towards Seiji and Raiya.

"Well, the newest thing we've added to it." He said. "Is this...!"


The disc spun into the air and collided into the back of Seiji's head.

"I knew it." Raiya stated as he aimed his firearm at Preston. "You had no intention of giving us that suit."

Preston rose his arms in the air to submit.

"Hey, we didn't do tha-"


Simone leaped from her corner and shot three bullets.

"Who's this?" Raiya stated as he ducked to avoid them.

The bullets soared past the top of his head. But, once they went past the disc, they changed their trajectory back towards him.

"Killing you is going to be so sweet." Seiji stated as he recovered from the blow that was delivered to his head.

He rose to his feet and slapped the bullets away.

"So, you did decide to stage a coup." Raiya commented.

"No, I didn't plan any of this." Preston replied.

"If that's the case, then who are you?" Seiji replied.

"You'll find out soon enough." Simone stated as the disc she threw came back to her. "And no, I'm not working with that guy."

Simone equipped her firearm and let off a few rounds. As soon as the bullets exited the chamber of the gun, she rushed in towards Seiji and Raiya.

"Let's get out of here!" Preston stated as began to run and grabbed Austin's arm, urging him to move.

"Not so fast!" Raiya stated.

Raiya and Seiji both had metal gloves that had a button in the center of their palms. In the wake of all of these events, they pressed the button and unleashed their mech suits. Raiya's suit was a full body armor suit. It was black and red and had an open helmet, so you could still see his face. Seiji's suit remained in the form of gloves, but they grew and covered his entire arms and past his shoulders until they came together in a metal band on his back. They were sky blue and white with flowing energy.

Seiji swiped all of Simone's bullets away and threw them back at her with a force very similar to when they were fired from her gun. Meanwhile, Raiya closed in on the fleeing Austin and Preston.

"Trying to get away?" Raiya stated as he extended his arms towards them. "That won't work!"

Raiya's arm stretched from where he stood all the way to where Preston and Austin were.

Each mech suit was powered by Elecorrium. This immense energy source was able to create multiple purposes that each mech suit served. These purposes are known as functions. Atleast one basic function, main function, and unique function was featured in each suit. Raiya's unique function allowed him to stretch his body past regular human limitations. He used this unique function to reach for Preston and Austin. But, before he could grab them -


Two miniature arrows shot into his hands and exploded, completely stopping his attempt to subdue them. On a nearby roof stood Alice, who shot a few more explosive arrows behind Austin and Preston to cover their escape. After doing so, she too disappeared behind the building.

"Those damn Richards, they're always a hassle." Raiya commented.

Simone landed a punch to Seiji's chest that sent him flying past Raiya.

"We'll get them later." Raiya thought as he set his eyes on Simone. "I'll focus on you now."

Seiji rose to his feet with some damage sustained.

"Raiya, listen." He stated as he regained control of his breath. "I'm not exactly sure how she does it, but that device she has allows her to lessen the force your attacks have. I've attempted to end the fight with a single blow more than once, and somehow at the last moment, my attacks would lose the power they had."

"Maybe that's her unique function." Raiya replied. "Don't worry, with the both of us, it won't take long for us to find a way to bypass that ability."

"Let's do it then, brother!" Seiji claimed.

Raiya and Seiji rushed towards Simone together and before she knew it, Raiya was approaching her from behind. Simone's reaction was slamming her disc into the ground in front of her. Doing so released a wave of energy that flowed into the surrounding area. Once it touched them, Raiya and Seiji found themselves stuck in place.

"I'm unable to move!"

"This pressure...it's so immense!"

"Let's call this checkmate, okay boys?" Simone stated as he took a seat on the ground. "There's no way you two could hope to stop me."

"The boss is going to get you...whoever you are!"

"I'm glad you brought him up." Simone replied. "Would your boss happen to be the infamous Black Death?"

"We're not going to give him up."

"You must think we're scared of you."

"Still not convinced?" Simone stated. "That's fine. I chose to specialize in interrogation for a specific reason."

Simone equipped her firearm once again. But this time, she unloaded all of the bullets from the gun. Surprisingly, she didn't load the gun with bullets before putting the magazine back in.

"This is the game we're playing...for every question I ask that goes unanswered, I'm going to shoot you." Simone announced. "I know you may be confused as to how my gun will work without any bullets, but trust me, you do not want to find out."