
High King of the Rivers

born after the awakening of the elves but before being forc.... found and taken to Valinor this is the tale of the first and only High King of the 4th clan the Cantëayr King Of The Rivers one of the first of elves in Middle-earth and with the Valar. (I OWN NOTHING FROM THE WORKS CREATED BY JRR TOLKIEN OR THE 6 MOVIES I ONLY CLAIM MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS)

Nerdy_stoner · Derivados de obras
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17 Chs

Worst Day or Best Day (Pt. 2)

(Cantëaian POV)

"What are dwarvern clans and human houses or the 3 different peoples have the same patron and is Melkor the reason those mutated wolves felt like darkness almost bitter to my fäe"

The Ent as it calls it's self looks at me for a long period before snorting and saying

"The dwarvern clans were made by aulë without Eru Ilúvatar's go ahead when confronted with his unintentional betrayal of Eru. Aulë begged Eru for forgiveness and that if commanded he will destroy his creations then and there. not receiving and answer he raised his hammer to the sky and prepared to swing down.

all 14 dwarves glew with the power of Eru giving them each a fäe or a soul and so gave birth to the adopted children of Eru. They will not know the immortal gift of elves just longer lived 200 to 300 years of life. or will they know man's gift of Eru reuniting with Eru and moving on to where not even the Valar knows not, they will return to the stone which Aulë made them from. they call themselves Kazâd a name given to them by Aulë their creator you would call them Aulëonnar meaning 'Children of Aulë' they were awakend a few days ago now looking for a home for the future don't worry about finding them just yet let them go on their own journey just as I assume your people did to."

He gives us a moment to absorb what he said the continuous

"Now the humans I only know a few things they have the gift of Eru to experience a true death after a lifetime of about 60 to 125 years of life. They are the only living thing that can go against the song of Arda and isn't compelled to follow along if only barely and only with those of a pure heart and will of steel. Even though there are 5 houses of humans they all come from house Bëor through the manipulations of their patron Valar when he awakens so will the other clans and they will migrate to him while some split forming their own houses it has been seen and recorded by the Valar of fate.

You would call them Antni the

Which means second born but for now they slumber safe from the darkness."

Again, there is silence while we come to terms with what we are learning Lijës speaks up

"And the Antni, Aulëonnar, and Eldar that Melkor the Fallen is the patron of how, can he have 3 different peoples of 3 different races"

"To be honest little elf I do not know it could be that he is corrupting and twisting them or if he has even found them yet or if they ever will. almost all of the dwarvern and humans will die and never meet their patron or even know that they have one"

An image of a temple that was blackened with death and above the doorway was 'temple of M///or' flashes through my mind

"He has the elves I don't know where, but he found them while we were wandering around searching for our clans but the first 2 didn't awaken with us.... damn it if we go by the logic that they were the 5th clan that means Melkor has 38 elves somewhere and has for at least 2 years or they were really the 1st clan in which six were lost to him what do you know about their names the dwarves, humans, and elves that Melkor is the patron of"

It sighs deeply before saying

"Ëravyár means darkened or black elves you could translate it to corrupted elves too the same goes for Ëratání and the Ërakhazâd or Ëraaulëonnar means darkened or corrupted children of Aulë"

Talíön asked

"And Hobbits what are they are like you Ent's created by Eru at the Valar of trees, plants, and animals request"

It looks amused before speaking

"Smart little elf that one.... Yes, they are like us in some ways like we can choose to be seen or not, whereas us Ent's are caretakers of the trees. Hobbits are the caretakers of plants you will never see a Hobbit that is bad at gardening or farming like humans they yet sleep till we are in a safer time with less dangers in the part of Middle earth they will wake up in. You can call them perian for a single Hobbit or Perian for 2 or more Hobbits."

We all stand up and bow deeply to the Ent and I say

"Thank you for all of this knowledge you have given us Onodrim in 2 months we are having a sapling planting ceremony to replace the trees that have been filled in our need to build settlements between the 4 clans of Cuiviënen.

It isn't a small number that has been cut down but this is the first of the sapling replacement planting to replace what was destroyed for the Eldar to be safe and it will be an yearly celebration for my clan the other 3 clans will be having the same ceremonies where they have felled their own trees but with you guiding our voices to bring out the healthiest and strongest potential for the trees and hopefully advance the growing of the saplings I ask as the chieftain of the Nënluyár that you Onodrim become the protector of the elven woods surrounding the bay of the first.... 'Elven Kingdom of Cuiviënen' "

"Onodrim Huh I like it but my name little chieftain is Tree Beard my wife and I will move to where your settlement is while the other six that follow me will split into twos and will go to each of your settlements if we do all 4 ceremonies at once and the magic of the song in Arda will help us like filling in a blank area with something of your choice if you have the material and strength of fäe you can do this by yourself with manual labor but with 91 elves all at once while my people guide it will be beautiful to behold.....but my kin nor i want to be named elf friend until Melkor is captured or banished to the vöid so my people will remain hidden from the other clans only your clan can know of our existence even then the fewer the better if you agree with this you have my help and when Melkor is taken care of I will accept your offer of becoming elf friend and name you Ent friend and any land you or your blood rules will find Ent's to protect the trees be warned it will be a mark on your fäe that tell more of my people you are Ent friend mainly for your humble nature and telling me the truth my people know what was done here but your actions in attempting to healing it without knowing about my people shows us you are not like the spawn of Melkor slashing, stabbing snarling....burning all in their path till we meet again Cantëaian, Caviön, Cavyër, Lijës, Talíön, and jewëls"

There is a shimmer around Tree Beard And just like that we are looking at a giant old tree but not an Ent jewëls tries knocking on the base of the tree then leaning in to see if she can hear anything after a few minutes she is shocked that she can here faint whispers

"Guy's pick a tree and try to listen to it tell me if you can kind of hear the trees just faint whispers"

We all try a different tree and I close my eyes and I can't hear anything and am about to say so when I hear it the faintest whispers you could almost think they were the just a gentle wind blowing past.

"This is amazing obviously very weak but maybe with time we can learn to strengthen it or it strengthens with use or when Melkor is dead or banished. And all of our clan will be named Ent friend through a single wrong being set right or the pure intent to do so"

Lijës says with both guardians nodding and my 'Hands' are smiling so I say

"Let's go to sleep we still have a fallen Star to find"

For the rest of the week, we slowly make our way to the Northeast when we do find it its nighttime inside an impact sight that is when we see a ball seems to be half the size of the hole, I created but still enough to build all our current walls with but not enough for that

"My lady what should we do to recover this Fallen Star"

Talíön asks me while I look at the horses and back to them

Vöid in the front with all the 4 horses tied to his saddle while the Fallen Star is wrapped up in a cross like and then again and again till the ropes tied to the 4 horses with while the last two ropes are attached to the front of both the carts all the rope is tied off through the knots on the sides that is tied in such a way so with the they won't twist the rope while pulling it up and out of the impact zone while Jewëls and Talíön are in front guiding Vöid and watching the rope using their voices to sing more strength and durability into the ropes themselves almost like they were praying to Eru Ilúvatar themselves, myself, Lijës, Caviön, and Cavyër are behind the fallen star using an almost definite haunting melody to push an 2 walls against the fallen star as the horses slowly drag it up we are to make sure it doesn't roll back on itself so slow and steady wins the race. with my whistle at the time to use our voices in tandem with each other all playing a different melody of the same song as all of us behind the fallen star push our arms forward with 2 barely visible sheet or walls appear just as the horses stopped the fallen star came back half an inch and to truly hold even a part of the fallen star is unbelievable slowly pressing more and more onto our projections of our voice just as I'm sure we will have to move and quickly cut the ropes to not hurt the animals or ourselves again and again it went like that till after hours of cooperation songs to physically effect the world takes almost everything out of you all of us that were behind the fallen star are sweating from everywhere feeling cold and shaking but we got it out of the impact zone and then we have to drag it slowly back to our home the jewel of the river while all 5 of my companions get on one of the two carts that are carefully rolling along with caution and as safely as possible.

I tell them

"You go ahead I'm sure I'll catch you soon I'm going to check out where the Fallen Star, was"

I watch them leave as I look around; I see some type of pure white metal ore taking one of the broken pieces of the metal I see it is an entire vein of the white metal looking at it again the way it reflects the little light that there is and almost doubled it.

I must have zoned out for longer than I thought when I look around it's darker and looking up to the edge is the pale white wolf abomination with 2 other wolves just as twisted as it both the new wolves sprint in a circle around me as I keep my eyes on the alpha for I am sure that is what the pale wolf is a second after I have the alpha Infront of me and behind me on the left and right are the 2 other wolves the alpha howls and the 2 wolves from behind me jump at me the first one to get to me is the left one and I roll under it unsheathing my Elven longsword and slicing into it from its neck to stomach and jump over the right wolf as it lands where I was a second ago before killing the left wolf I land sitting on its neck I look up at the alpha and when she jumps I jump and we met in midair her claws racking against my left side rips my elven blade cutting out the alphas eye before being disarmed and landing with a grunt on my back the white wolf lands on me with the same paw that sliced open my side as the alpha is getting ready to bite down on my head a huge blast of water hits into the side of the wolf throwing it away from me looking to where the water came from was a figure that was completely made of water like it is a body of a insanely muscular male what I think is in the image of an elf with long pointed ears pure white hair like mine and a beautiful angular face that if I didn't know he wasn't I would think it is a god in itself along the cheeks chin and upper lip is a decent sized beard with is curly but just the same white of the top of his head his face is contoured into rage just looking at him sends my fäe over the ocean I barely whisper

"m-m- My Light"

And I see his Icey blue eyes soften when he looks at me is the last I know before I am unconscious.... When I come to, I sit up quickly and see that I am still in the forest I look around and I see him I try to stand and grunt in pain as I sit back down and look at my mate, I can barely see through his body I say

"Are you real or am I dreaming"

He comes towards me and speaks

"I'm real my love I'm sorry I didn't feel you in trouble sooner I would have come at once"

In the same voice that I fell in love with those years ago when I first awoke and heard him in my mind a question comes to mind, and I look into his eyes

"My light I feel like I already know the answer but what is your name"

He looks deeply into my eyes and said

"I am the Valar Ulmo, King of all the waters of middle earth, and patron of your people because when we sung the world of Arda together with Eru Ilúvatar. before Melkor added chaos to Arda I saw you and our child now typically Valar won't have children because unlike the children of Eru we don't have true physical bodies the same way you do. we have to mix our energy together inside of the womb before praying for Eru Ilúvatar's blessings when you glow in a light matching your fäe's color. we will know it has worked I know that we just laid eyes on each other, but I won't ever be able to always be there for you or him but no matter what you will always carry my heart my love."

I lean in and kiss him and whisper

"And I you my light"

Before grabbing his hand and laying it on my stomach with my hand over his and we both add our energy or in my case fäe to mix with each other slowly. making us glow with a white light before I feel the full wait of the mixed energies combining and becoming one new being and as I'm feeling this. Ulmo and I continue praying to Eru Ilúvatar to bless us with a child after what felt like hours of pain is finally glow a marvelous sea green color before it died down and Ulmo kisses me once more before with a flick of his wrist last, I hear him say.

"I will be watching you both my love"

And I find myself right in the middle of a camp site and realize Ulmo transported me to my companions seeing their faces I laugh.

I know it might seemed a little rushed as far as the getting pregnant thing but 2 things 1 Valar in the story's aren't able to have children at all so I figured that it's because of their body's are all like Ulmo a concept come to life so mixing her fäe with a portion of his power and praying to Eru Ilúvatar to go ya go ahead and love like he did for Aulë and his wife.and 2 I am almost 10 chapters in and still don't have my MC just the trag... Tangent over. ti-ti-ti-till next time folks

Nerdy_stonercreators' thoughts