
High King of the Rivers

born after the awakening of the elves but before being forc.... found and taken to Valinor this is the tale of the first and only High King of the 4th clan the Cantëayr King Of The Rivers one of the first of elves in Middle-earth and with the Valar. (I OWN NOTHING FROM THE WORKS CREATED BY JRR TOLKIEN OR THE 6 MOVIES I ONLY CLAIM MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS)

Nerdy_stoner · Derivados de obras
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17 Chs

The Bay of Cuiviënen (Pt. 2)

(Cantëaian POV)

We are all sitting on cushion square pillows inside Imin and Iminyë's tent I have just finished explaining that. I want a fortress right in the middle of the mouth of the river entering the bay big enough to fit all 31 of my people with what for now will be wood but eventually a sea stone and white marble stone. It will sit just above the water that will flow right under the Nënluyár's first home sitting on pillars of hardened wood that will eventually petrify and be as strong as stone inside the riverbed. all the way across the mouth of the river will hopefully eventually be from one side of the river to the other will be our finished floating city but that is years and years away.

for now, just the center of the river's mouth will be where the fort will be with only a wooden wall that has a gate on both west and east sides of the fort of the river connecting to both sides of land. and on the sides of the walls that bridges are on will be where my guardian cast will be split in half and protect at all costs. while only the hunters/gathers and ruling cast will be allowed horses when leaving the fort while unless of emergency. the blacksmith/ Craftsman and guardian casts can only go so far before having to coming back but that isn't the point.

the horses too will be split evenly and 2 stables next to both the gates. further in you will find 4 different tiers of homes the first is the blacksmith/craftsman cast on the base tier, the next tier is the huntsman/gatherers cast, the 3rd tier is the guardians/warriors cast, on the top is the ruling or Leading cast and in the center of the 4 level of homes will be my home.

in the south wall of the city will be the smithy where our blacksmiths/craftsman will work, the north wall is where the hunters/gatherers will store our food and skins/bones for the craftsman to use. while there will be two guard Towers where the guardians can better keep watch on the opposite side of the stables at both the gates separating them.

my home will only be my home on the top level of the 3-level building. the 2nd floor will be where the ruling class or leaders govern the Nënluyár's, the base level will be a temple to Eru Ilúvatar first as our creator then the known Valar that's names were over the temples our people awoke.

on the wall will be a painting of a being of light with a 15-point crown in the center of this being is a landmass it looks like a bird's eye view of Arda, seas and more landmass and it looks like the being of light is watching the land. In the middle of the room will be 4 stands which will be a sculpture of something for each Valar resting there.

The center most stand on the left will be made of sea stone the object for Ulmo will be a carved medallion of the bone of a giant eel in the shape of 3 whirlpools seamlessly crashing into each other in the center or the 3 whirlpools are sea green gems representing his power of all water and the chaos that he could unleash. to the outer left stand will be made of white marble stone to hold an object for Manwë he is represented by a natural gem that is pure white it seems to capture light inside of itself that is in a crown of white elder wood. to the right of Ulmo's stand is a grey stone stand the will hold a bracelet of silver with 2 small onyx stones and one crystal that seemed to be on fire for Aulë. and for Oromë is a miniature metal horse that is full oil and vents where the Mane, Tail, and mouth are so when you light it you have a flaming horse that looks like it's running its eyes are a clear crystal that reflects the fire coming out of its mouth on a stand of elder wood.

"That sounds amazing sister I can see it already and when it is finished it will be a beautiful city with white walls from one side of the river to the other and just as long with the ground and floors of each tier made of sea stone and the houses of marble though just to save a headache for you sister and another 4 levels 8 levels or tiers will be more than enough for the Nënluyár's future you have my clans support in building this city as long as my people have the help in return to build our own fort right here in the west of the bay"

Said Imin with Iminyë agreeing while Tata said while Tatië held his hand.

"Yes, I agree you have my clans support sister though when it is done, I would like help building my clans home in the southern point of the Bay where the woods open with

The only 2 real ways to enter the bay is through the North and south after I help build the Eldar fort in the north, I want your help building in the south as the 2nd fort/settlement of Cuiviënen"

Enelyë looked to Enel before saying

"While I don't like that we are moving further from nature as a whole with this I agree the safety of our clans is more important we agree first to help in the building of the Nënluyár's fort/settlement then we will do the same in the south and help the Tatyar then we can build the Minyar as the 3rd settlement of Cuiviënen then.... Then my people will ask for your help building a settlement in the east in the deepest and thickest of the woods as the 4 settlements of Cuiviënen so Tata and Tatië what do you want your home to look like both now and in the future"

Tata looks at Tatië before she speaks

"We will build 4 large walls of wood for now but eventually it will be in 4 different types of stone and 4 gate in the center of each wall in each corner will be our guardsmen will eventually watch from while other guards patrol the walls the ground will be gray stone with a giant 3 tier temple that is completely hollowed out on each level except for the pillars of marble that surrounding the temple is the ever growing homes of the Tatyar and inside the base tier will be where our storage and armory along with dungeons while the 2nd tier will be a giant smithy that is where my craftsman will work and the last has only 3 buildings in the center will be a small temple of the Valar that has a painting of each of the known Valar in the center will be to Aulë a painting of a blacksmith hidden in shadows hammering on an anvil inside a cave working on a red hot piece of metal. to his left is for Manwë is a being of white light brighter than any star with 4 pairs of golden light in the midnight sky of darkness. And to his left is Ulmo that is a painting of Waves violently crashing against a tall cliff is a figure in the shape of an elf but the body of water that seemed to control the water holding a 3 pointed a trident in both hands. To the left of Aulë is Oromë that is a painting of a person on a majestic white horse while hunting and white stag looking like it is just about to release the arrow at the stag both running through a forest like nothing was in their way, on the ceiling is dark with 2 bright stars shaped like eyes that seem to watch all for Eru Ilúvatar.

Then to the left of the temple will be a council chambers where the elders of my clan and I govern from a while to the right of the temple is the chieftain's home with rooms for any visiting dignitaries"

Enel looks at Imin and Iminyë and asks

"What about the Minyar what is it that you want your home to look like brother, sister"

Imin says

"Right here on this point of the bay it is the western most point and we have a cliff base water and woods surrounding a wall that will take a tall ladder to climb it surrounding us around the base of the cliffs right Infront of the beach of the sea and my people can eventually reach the top of the cliffs from carefully carving into the cliffs and hollowing them out.

so help in doing both of those would be the best and building a lift to get to the top of the cliffs where we can plant food, both the walls and ground will be sandstone eventually but for now wooden walls you can't climb and help hollowing out 3 floors on the outside will be where our watchmen will be on the walls and 2 Towers on either side of the gate at the center of the wall.

right inside in the left most corner will be the lift to the top of the cliff next to it will be the stables at the other side will be the healers and the rest will be a market and trades hub hopefully for the 4 Eldar clans.

the first floor inside the hollowed cliff will be where the people live all of us will live here while the second floor will be where smiths, craftsman and other jobs will be done the walls to the outside will be opened and you can feel the fresh air coming into the 2nd floor that creates a light current throughout the first floor, while the top floor will only have 2 functions the first is the armory/storage, the second is the temple of Eru Ilúvatar and the Valar unlike the Nënluyár's and Tatyar we will show it by flowers white, red and blue Roses for Eru, white Lilly's for Manwë, sun flowers for Aulë, lavender for Oromë, and lastly river Lilly's for Ulmo"

Enelyë and Enel both nod to each other before Enel starts speaking

"We only have 4 points that we need walled off with a gate and 2 Towers at all 4 points the trees are too thick for anyone to come through Short of burning it all down anywhere else and we would know long before they got close that way.

So, we have 2 points in the east and one to the north the south doesn't have any entry points the last entry point leads west here to the bay. grey stone walls with curtains of moss leaves and branches to cover the walls and towers while the gates will be made out of branches woven together with our craftsman and voices.

My Nelyar Will have our stables next to our western gate while our soldiers will be stationed in between the 8 watch towers and walls it will take time for my clan to grow to that point that is beside the point. my hunters will be stationed next to the northern gates and the eastern gates will be where my crafters and herbalist work. while into the southernmost area will be our homes all made out of elder wood and grey stone. my house will be in-between the storage and armory they all will be in the back of the living section.

while our temple will be the center peace instead of a temple though it will be an Obelisk with 5 sides, they have their names engraved into each side and what they did so far to be honored by my people. Like Eru Ilúvatar being the creator of all the only god, or the Valar that are patrons to whichever clan they were found in and what skills we know they have"

At that point Cantëaian jumped up and said in a giddy musical voice said

"Well let's get started if we start gathering what we need I'd say we can have at least all the fort/settlements built with wood in 48 months if not some of the stone started what do you think Imin, Iminyë how long do you think it will take"

Imin looks up to the hole to allow the smoke from the fire pit an exit before looking at Iminyë who smiles at him before saying

"It will take us at least 40 months to get all 4 settlements built with wood then we will start working on replacing the wood with stone but while we are building the forts with wood, we should also start gathering the types of stone we will use... I believe Cantëaian said white marble and sea stone so that is what your people will gather sister, us Minyar will use sandstone as Imin said, Enel and Enelyë you will have to gather the grey stone and elder wood you want to use, tata Tatië what stones will you use"

Tata says the first 2 kinds of stone and Tatië said the other 2 kinds of stone.

"White marble, and grey stone"

"Obsidian, and limestone"