
High King of the Rivers

born after the awakening of the elves but before being forc.... found and taken to Valinor this is the tale of the first and only High King of the 4th clan the Cantëayr King Of The Rivers one of the first of elves in Middle-earth and with the Valar. (I OWN NOTHING FROM THE WORKS CREATED BY JRR TOLKIEN OR THE 6 MOVIES I ONLY CLAIM MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS)

Nerdy_stoner · Derivados de obras
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17 Chs


(lempíön POV)

I still remember that day a little over 5 years ago. I knew that I was meant to find more of my kind and instead of waiting for others like me to find me. I made the worst mistake but let me explain.

My name.... My name is lempíön I had a mate named lempyër we were the first of us. All we knew was each other so when we waited days and saw no one. We decided to start walking it was the wrong choice as we later learned.

We walked north hoping to find more of our kind it kept getting darker. W-w-we thought it was just something that was supposed to happen we even felt secure in the darkness. Days turned to weeks to a month and the forest around us thinned and. We saw foothills and beyond those 3 mountains. With a hot liquid spewing out of the tops that is when I hear someone who wasn't my mate say.

"It's called a volcano"

In the most beautiful voice, I ever heard I spin around and see my mate. She had beautiful golden skin with the most enticing pair of orange red flame like eyes but when I looked past her. I see a male very tall with silver white hair and orange red eyes like mine and my mates. The stranger was wearing white ceremonial robes he continued speaking in his hypnotic voice.

"Ah all that time looking for any of the Eldar and 2 of them come to my master. Why did you come little elves"

Eldar is that what we are I look at my mate then him and speak.

"We are looking for more of our people"

He looks me up and down before nodding and snapping his fingers. My mate and I are suddenly in beautiful black and grey robes in the same style as him.

"I will take you to my master and we shall see about finding your people. If I may ask what are your names"

"I am lempíön and my mate is lempyër. And we thank you for the help. But what is your name and what is your master's name"

For a second we saw annoyed look at being questioned instead of following what he said. But it was quickly covered, and he nodded his head and said.

"My name is Mairon I am a Maiar, and my master is the strongest of the Valar. Ruler of middle earth his name you will learn soon enough. But your names they mean 5th of I'm not mistaken"

A Maiar, a Valar what is that I want to ask but based on the look he gave for asking his name I decided to hold my tongue. I should have run as fast as I could but at that time, I was ignorant and easy to be taken advantage of. So, when he finished speaking, me and my mate both nod and she said.

"Yes, Lord Mairon if I may be so bold what is a Maiar and Valar middle earth is that where we are now"

Instead of answering us he starts walking towards the 3 Volcano's and motioned for us to follow. When we got to the base of the volcanos, we could see giant beasts made of shadows and flames with wings on their backs. Moving around the lava of the volcanos like it was water. We could hear the whispers of something that is not known to us but the feeling the words gave. Was enough to make out that the whispers were meant to drive whoever understands it mad. As we get to the middle of the 3 mountains there wasn't some royal looking castle. No, it was a hole in the ground with steps leading down. As we keep walking, we began to hear screams and howls of pain. The worst of all is seeing a glimpse of something large with skin like a burn victim twisted, feature less, and with milky eyes. That indicate it couldn't see very well and probably prefer the pith dark more than anything else. We later learned that monster was a troll but at that time. I grabbed my mate's hand and tried to run back the way we came. But before I ever even turned Mairon was behind me and held us both up by the throat. but now he had armor slowly growing on him from the darkness the last thing we can see of him was his eyes. Before they too were covered by the armor of darkness. and he said in a demonic sounding voice.

"My master hasn't seen his latest toys, yet it would be rude to leave"

Before we could do anything, he lifts us over the side of the stairs and says.

"I'll see you down there"

And let's go of our necks and we fall for what felt like forever. When we saw the ground Marion was there looking up at us. Behind him were 2 creatures one was a giant spider that seemed to generate the darkness that has corrupted all around us. The other was a creature with the body of a spirit or ghostly form of a gigantic bat and its head was a twisted mix of a feminine face. And a monster with bat ears eyes of pure blackness except for the irises glowing a blood red. As we get closer to the ground the spider shoots a webbing out and caught my mate. Before in a fraction of a second she was cocooned in webbing with only her head exposed and dangling under the spider. While the bat like monster spread its leathery bone fingered wings with a curved claw at the tips of each wing. And taking flight with one flap of its wings it caught me in its clawed foot and Mairon said.

"Ungoliant, Thuringwethil carry them to our master I just found the first of the Eldar"

The bat like creature said in a monstrous voice.

"Eldar really, master isn't going to be happy that they are awake, but he will be happy he has found them first"

Ungoliant with a voice like a demon with the clicking of her spider like mouth said

"Are they all that there is or are there more"

Mairon shakes his head and while walking towards a dark corridor says.

"They are the fifth to awaken we will need to find their followers and what type of elf they are"

With that they continue down the hallway carved out of the stone inside the earth. The obsidian walls and floors make seeing anything impossible. Even the ghostly claw holding me couldn't be seen by my eyes. When we stopped moving forward Thuringwethil landed on one foot and threw me to the ground and my back made contact with Mairon then lempyër landed right on top of me. Mairon lifted us effortlessly and threw us over one of his shoulders each and opened the doors I didn't even know was there when the light of a fire hit my eyes I closed them quickly when I reopened my eyes I saw on a throne of obsidian was Infront of a wall of fire was a figure bigger then even then the beasts of flame and darkness had been wearing black armor with glowing yellow orange eyes being the only feature that could be seen all 3 of our captors bowed and Mairon said

"Melkor the Eldar have awaken"

And threw us to the steps of the throne the figure leaned forward and said

"Have they now and you brought me two good work Sauron"

Looking to lempyër he said

"Come here"

Like she was in a trance she did and when she was close enough, he grabbed her neck. And my mate screamed. As smoke started rising from her neck, he let go, she fell down the steps unconscious. He turned to me and flicked his wrist from me to him and I was sent flying into his other hand. But not by the neck but the face and I felt pain like no other.

Months went by and every day for no reason Melkor or the deceiver Sauron would torture us whipping, and beatings was the kindest that they did to us while forcing the other to watch before one day I felt a pull and so did my mate lempyër once with beautiful golden skin was now a dark purple gnarled and twisted skin her hair has fallen out and her eyes became a twisted orange yellow color and I know I looked the same and when Melkor came that day we told him what we felt he forced us to show him the way and we did our voices a gnarled and ugly when we said.

"Yes master"

And so, we took him close to where we woke up and after some time. We found them inside a beautiful temple that had temple of Melkor over the door. I saw a look in my mate's eyes she turned on Melkor. And brought her hand up across his face with her claws that replaced her fingers. Melkor reeled back for a moment before kicking her into me and through the door. When I stand back up, I see Melkor behind lempyër who has black blood coming out of her mouth. And she said something that will forever stay with me because it wasn't in the gnarled and ugly voice but her beautiful melodic voice.

"I'll see you in the next life my love"

And Melkor ripped his hand back and I saw a beating heart in his hand. As she dropped, I screamed and somehow that awoke 36 people that look just like I use to. But I didn't care I was in a daze. After exiting the temple Melkor sent a ball of purple and red fire at the temple. Instead of an explosion of fire there was a darkness. That twisted the trees and the very ground to evil and destroyed his name over the door.

That was 5 years ago and there are only 2 uncorrupted elves left. And I have just learned where more elves are if I can get them to the other elves, they will be safe. I sneak my way through the darkness till I hear a woman singing in a beautiful way. And I look in the room I see a mother and her daughter. Who was born 3 years ago I walk to them. And the mother pulls back and hides her child with her body I say surprised by my old voice.

"I won't hurt you, at one point all I wanted was a family, but my mate was killed the day I found my people. I have had to watch as they were slowly turned into simple minded beasts. I can get you 2 out of here and take you to where there are more of your kind. That aren't corrupted by the vile Melkor will you come with me"

she doesn't say anything, but I see hope in her eyes she slowly takes my hand and nodded. I grabbed her while she held her daughter and silently made my way to where the Wargs were. When I got there, I picked a black one and set the mother and daughter on. It before sitting behind them and taking off. only minutes later I was being chased by what looked like wraith like beings.

A/N read if you care about the timeline and a hint or two.

it isn't exactly clear on when the elves awoke just an in-between 1050 and 1102 but thanks to a viewer I didn't have to worry about a time line that confuses me (though 100 years Yt is roughly 1000 solar years so damn all elves on arda are going to become older then dirt on the first sun rise...I'm joking)

The elves awaken in 1050 YT.

The orcs are made in 1080. (and while JRR Tolkien uses goblin and orc interchangeable in my story goblins are different and won't be used until a part of the story where 3 gems or jewels are taken if you know awesome if not you'll find out)

Oromë's discovery of the elves is in 1080. ( and in the books it basically says that the elves didn't believe him because of a giant figure that like him riding on a horse to steal elves away so he convinced the elven clans to send 1 ambassador each)

Ráuelën will be going to Valinor.

Manwë calls for war with Melkor in 1085

in 1102 Melkor is defeated and Manwë Formally invites the elves to Valinor and the ambassadors are brought back to middle earth with Oromë to bring the elves to Valinor.

Melkor has a huge storyline and it goes back to Cantëaian and Ulmo not killing the white Warg, and Melkor wanting things that aren't his I will not say more till events play out.

the Nënluyár steel is weeker then mithril Steel but as of now we have only seen a vision of something that mithril can become when able to make something other then a chain link mesh armor that they are barely skilled enough to make because mithril is one of the hardest or the hardest metal to work with in lotr but that doesn't mean it can't have a power up so to speak.

while in Core the MC was cultivating it was what he was using as the energy and how he was using it that is important and is something only someone with the blood of a Valar/Maiar can do and even then only 2 of the Valar have this specific ability and no it's not Melkor or Ulmo

Keep in mind he is 4 years old he will only be 34 years old when going to Valinor and while I would like for them all to be grown before becoming ambassadors being considered a teenager at what would be that time a dangerous area I get sending your most important young to safety.

Ráuelën will have a wife but he won't meet her for a long time and will have other interests. no I won't write smut at most any one will hear from him in that department are cut aways like and they had a night of passion before cutting to a different scene

Thank you to the viewer who did the timeline

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