

Playwright John Peter's vacation plans went sideways when the country went on Covid-19 lockdown. The girl he literally met by accident is on lockdown with him. The attraction he feels for her crossed a new line.

Acer_Wolfe · Ciudad
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6 Chs


Plot: He just wanted to get away for a few months. Was that too much to ask? But things were not happening as he liked it…then something impossible happened.

NOTE: This story was inspired by the actor Pedro Pascal (Game of Thrones, Narcos, Mandalorian)

Warning: If you're sensitive about the word 'fuck', 'shit', 'asshole' or any profanity better not read since I'm going to use them liberally.



Shoving the offending 'cannonball' off of my aching 'lap' it took me a few minutes of writhing and gasping in agony before my pain-fogged brain could think 'what the effing hell happened?!'

When I opened your eyes you actually forgot the pain. I blinked in disbelief.

Shit. Do wishes come true now?



I have been staring for a long time my eyes almost dried up since she crashed her way into my fortress of solitude! And…I'm acting like a sailor who's never seen a woman for months!

So blink, man!

Slowly I slide near the row of pots even with my 'lap' still feeling some painful twitch. There are no walkers, no security dudes as I peer through the thick jungle of decorative ferns and bamboo palms.

The middle section twinge made me stifle a sharp groan as I slid back to my place on the wall. All the way, apart from when I took a peek between the bushes…Ew! Please cut out that thought! You're now sounding like a perv, man…

As I pull the heavy bag towards me a black phone came out from under it. Her phone!

It's just a simple black phone. It's so simple it has no logo or brand icon. What phone has that? I turn the device in my hand and found the On button on the side.

Hm, interesting wallpaper…

What to do? I'm now having a fit of moral dilemma: look or not look, as I run my thumb on the screen like a caress. Shit! My thumb swiped the screen over…



I liked the yielding softness of her pressed against me as the taxi bounces here and there on the wide avenue filled with the afternoon traffic. Now and again I smile as you get a whiff of the fragrance she wears. Nice, not too strong and not too flowery. I wonder if it's the one in her bag? I tried to control a smile thinking about that. What would the driver think if I start digging in her bag for one perfume bottle? I'm such a freak.

"How is she?" The driver asked me in the local language.

"Buddy, I…" I begin to protest….Oh wait…I was surprised I could understand it somewhat. "Sorry, I'm not too good at speaking it yet." I looked back at her, still out like a light, thinking furiously. "She's…uh…she's pregnant…"

"Congratulations, man!" the driver's smile is as wide as the avenue.

"Thanks." I looked down again, her head on my shoulder, "uh…not easy on her." Oh, really?

"Hm, my wife was like that. I have two children." The man smiled from the rear view mirror. "How many months?"

"Uh…two months?" Man, you are so good at this!

The beeping on the driver's GPS says we're almost half way there. I wonder what her house looks like? Fuck, what if she lives with other people? Shit! I worry for a moment but shrug it off. Just do an improv, I'll be fine. I got this far. Just move from one event at a time. Just relax.

Yeah, relax.

I lean back on the seat after I gave her another kiss on the head. Hey, man. Don't get carried the fuck away!

As I comb away a wayward lock of wavy brown hair from my eyes, the wide avenue gave way to a narrower road; the driver turned right, driving fast. Nothing shocking to see. Typical city scenery; some places were clean and some places not so.

A loud rumble made me look up and the cab driver said it's the sound of the train passing above us. I see an overpass ahead but the driver went to the lower road and drove slower. The GPS line indicated it is much nearer to the house, correction…her house. The friendly driver told me the light traffic made the trip from the airport much faster and we were lucky since it's not rush hour yet.

I leaned forward as the GPS line is less than an inch on the screen so…

We're almost here. Oh…nope. My heart thumped a little faster and I sat up, eyes alert as the cab entered a short private road that ended at a guarded gate.

