
Hiding in the shadows

Alony_boy · Fantasía
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2 Chs

My element

My journey has begun.

There were a lot of academies. There were general academies where everyone was accepted, with participation, if they could pass the exam. There were also specialized academies, that is, those academies in which certain participants were accepted, for example, the academy of healers, the academy of guards. Of course, I could go to the assassin academy, but that won't help me much, since my grandfather Richard already taught me all the basics of murder. I'm just wasting my talent, so I decided to go to the general academy.

You ask me why there? Yes, everything is quite simple. There I can interact with interesting people. I can learn from them different fighting styles. This will help me in fighting different classes, therefore I will learn more about the weaknesses of my opponents.

I was heading to the main academy, which is in the center of the continent. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is the heart of the continent.

My path was long and arduous. I met several weak beasts along the way. Every time I took a step towards the academy, the beasts became stronger and more ferocious. I knew that I would soon meet a strong enemy. I only hoped that I would fight at night. Under my grandfather's training, my eyes have already adapted to the darkness, so I can see calmly at night, even if I cannot win, I am confident in my ability to hide in the shadows.

And this moment has come. I found a strong opponent, or is it correct to say that he found me.

It was a beast that looked like a manticore. I felt the power emanating from her, if she can hurt me even once, then I will die. The manticore attacked first.I dodged all of her blows, it was easier than I thought, even with my weights. The manticore realized that she could not seriously injure me, so she flapped her wings, and the blades of the wind flew towards me with even greater speed than before. Here I am. I saw how the manticore used wind magic, although I can influence the darkness to a certain extent, but I cannot control it, so I have no experience in this aspect. Fortunately, it's night now and I managed to hide from the scene, or even other animals could come.

I was too self-confident. I need to train more.

I assumed a seated position. I began to concentrate on breathing techniques, trying to understand what darkness is.

Darkness is the primary state of everything. And if the speed of light is the highest, then the speed of darkness is even faster - for light only illuminates what already existed before it. Does darkness have boundaries? More likely no than yes. ... Darkness is unity. All over the world there are unconscious particles of darkness - they carry only a mass of matter, its essence, but are eclipsed by photons of light, which are only a shell, bright and illusory. They are the fastest in the universe and everything consists of them, and light only gives them a shape. Therefore, you need to feel them and learn to manage - and this is the key to matter.

Inside my body, I felt a change. I felt the darkness pierce me from head to toe. Suddenly I felt something else. As if another one I was behind me, it was my shadow, I could feel it, and I could ask her to follow my thoughts. The distance was short, I need to experiment with it.Apparently this is some kind of dark magic, so my grandfather taught me it. So all the murderers own this magic.


Author's words

What Nick didn't know was that there was shadow magic. It is a first-class magic, and it takes a quarter of a life to learn. Most likely it was due to Nick's talent. He probably has some kind of connection with the shadows. After all. he survived death and was reborn in this world, and this helped him to understand this element more deeply. He did not try to control her like others, he made friends with her, as if he was chatting with a good friend.

This was the beginning of his development as a professional assassin.


I finally got to this academy. I avoided strong beasts until I arrived at the academy. Most likely it was a test with which teachers tested new students.

As I approached the entrance to the academy, I noticed candidates who began to gather at the entrance. All candidates were covered with wounds, but no matter what they continued to stand with their heads held high.

With a bright flash of light, an elderly man with a white beard like snow appeared in front of us. He congratulated us on the first passing of the exam. The second test checked the compatibility with the elements. There were a lot of elements, For example, the earth was good in defense, fire in attack, darkness in stealth. We can say that the element We can say that the element already determines your path.

This test will determine our further development, although I already know that it is very well compatible with such an element as darkness, and this shadow of mine probably also refers to the magic of darkness.

The compatibility test began. We only had to put our hand to a transparent crystal 3 meters high. Depending on our element, the crystal changed color. I saw red, blue, green. I saw all the colors of the rainbow. There was very little black, about 5% of the participants. And now my turn came. I slowly approached the crystal step by step. I took one last look at the crystal and put my hand. At first nothing happened, but then the crystal turned black like pitch.

Everyone present was not shocked by this. They thought that there was another one with an element of darkness. Nothing special.

After a few seconds, the shadows of those present began to rise. Everyone could see their shadow. They were surprised that this had never happened.

Some young man saw it all. His face showed concern as he knew what that meant, since he was from the assassin clan. He darted towards Nick with incredible speed. What this man did not notice was that his shadow was disobedient. His shadow began to fight with him. He was shocked by this. He could not defeat himself, because the shadow was incorporeal, and he could not even hurt her. He was already breathing heavily, and when this man took his last breath, I crept up to him from the back and struck a horizontal cutting blow, after which his head fell to the floor.

All this happened very quickly. Only the elders saw it all.They didn't say a word.

One of the elders said

<< Congratulations young man, you have a rare element of shadow. Although shadow belongs to darkness, but it is an independent element, you are very lucky >>

Seeing all this, the other elder was worried that his grandson had just died, although no one even knew about it. Now this elder was thinking about how to quickly eliminate this talented young man, otherwise it could bring problems later. the shadow of another person, how much it is compatible with the shadow element.

After my speech, the rest came out without incident. There were a few rare elements. An element of blood and an element of poison. Our elements may be rare here, but in ancient times it was not considered a rarity.

Our classes were divided into elements. The elder, whose grandson I killed, did not want to take me as a student, saying that I was not talented enough, so I was sent to the class of darkness.

The head of the academy said that each student has the right to choose one cultivation technique in our hall of books. I decided to go tomorrow to look for a technique that will help me develop shadow magic, even if I do not find such a technique there, then I will not practice others. I understand. that my shadow magic is unique and cannot be compared to other elements, as other techniques can lead me astray.

Now I have entered my dormitory. Let's get acquainted with my comrades. There was nothing special about them; they were like people from my past life who go to work every day with sad faces just to work the day.I've always disliked people like that, so I tried not to get close to them.

My bed was in the corner of the room, which I was glad. No one would kill me from the back, and in case of danger, I would be ready to fight back.

Night has come .

I lay down on my bed trying to fall asleep and digest everything that was happening today, and so I fell asleep.