
Hidden voice

The main character, Amy Booker spends her entire life trying to find out who had killed her mother. She has a voice telling her what her next step is going to be. She sets a life goal to avenge her mother’s death. She went out of control and tried to kill everyone. She was locked up in a special facility. She escaped...

Nsstlg_45 · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter one: The Beginning

On October 13, a baby girl was born. Her name was Amy Booker. She lived with her mother in a small house in a small city. Her father lived with another woman in a different city. Amy helped her mother as much as she could around the house while going to school. At the age of 9, Amy once came home late from going to her friends house to study, she knocked on her mother's door thinking she was asleep. She heard no reply so she slowly opened the door. Her eyes tearing up, holding in her screams and there she saw her mother lying on the ground with a knife through her chest. She blamed herself for coming home late, thinking she could have stop this from happening. She turned her mother to face up, there was a handle. Amy took the knife by the blade and putted it in a plastic bag. She called the police and asked for an ambulance and a detective. The ambulance took her mother to see if she was going to make it. Meanwhile Amy stayed with the detective. She asked, "Can you find out who did this?"

The detective said, " I'll go to the station and do some tests." They were about to leave and head to the station, when Amy suddenly remembered she had cameras set up around the house. She took her phone and and headed to the station. (Her mother was sadly pronounced dead)When they arrived Amy pulled up the footage when it happened. Amy and the people in the room saw a tall man wearing all black holding a knife outside her mother's room. Another man appeared five minutes after and looking around but didn't see the camera. In a blink of an eye Amy noticed four things about the killers, 1)The man that looked around had bright blue eyes like her and her mother and a scar over one of them. 2)The other man had light brown hair with green tips. 3)The man that appeared five minutes after the first one had her suspicions, she took a close look at the man and noticed he had car keys hanging from his pants. 4)She fingered that the person who did/planed this knew her and her mother very well because they didn't hear any sound except keys hitting each other and the front door opening. After they were done watching the clips of the camera, Amy heard a voice deep down inside her calling for her to get revenge. From that point on, she made the decision that one day she will find the killers and kill them and their family. Her journey had now begun...