
School Day

I was excited, I checked the clock it was 8:30. I was already running late on my first school day! I quickly took some eggs from the plate and got some bread I made an egg toast and shoved it down my throat. I ran off sprinting to the bus. I arrived at the middle school. The school building looks enormous it looks like a castle.

Everyone was gathering around the chart, I was in class 1-F. The worst class out of A, B, C, D, E and F. I was shocked people were starting to leave. I just moved to New York so I didn't know anyone but I am hoping to make some friends.

Everything was going well and class started.

*ding dong*

"Ok everyone class has started, let's introduce each other, I will go first, I am the teacher of class 1-F and my name is Jillian Cross nice to meet you"

People started to introduce themselves. Something caught my eye it was the pretty girl that I bumped into on the weekends.

"Hi my name is Charlotte Adair, I like reading and swimming"

Everyone looked at her with awe she was beautiful. Then everyone's attention was straight at me.

"Hi my name is Josh, I love playing video games and studying is one of my hobby's, oh and I like playing sports as well"

I was excited so I explained myself for 45 minutes, then Miss Jillian finally said to stop so I sat down at my seat. Everyone looked at me weird, Charlotte was just reading a book. I looked at Charlotte and she looked back, I turned my face so she couldn't see me blushing.

"Attention everyone we are having a opening test good luck to you all"

The teacher told us when everyone introduced themselves. Everyone grumbled, I was very excited so I kinda yelled YES really loud. It was very embarrassing.

"This test is not a normal test I will pass you special pens do not lose them"

When I was given the pen it changed everything.

It showed stats-

Lvl 6

Strength: 17

Speed: 11

Handsome: 5

Intelligence: 30

Wisdom: 2

Luck: -4

My handsomeness is only 5, you have to be kidding. I was searching for my pen but it was gone.

"Everyone calm down, the pen isn't lost it is now part of your body, the pen is not going to hurt your body in anyway but benefit your body"

"What do you mean benefit your body, teacher"

"I knew you were going to say that Josh, the more you level up the more your stat points increase you can train a specific stat but there is no points you can put in the stats, for example if I had 20 stat points and I put everything into handsome in a day you are supposed to become handsome but unlike novels this is reality and you can't do that but if you do 100 push ups it might increase your strength"


Everyone was shocked, this school. What even is this school.