
Hidden Reflections

Serene, a brilliant surgeon and researcher from the year 2300, was a force to be reckoned with. Her determination and intelligence were unmatched. But fate had other plans for her. A tragic experiment gone wrong led to her untimely demise, and she found herself suddenly thrust into the 21st century. But this was no ordinary rebirth. Serene was reborn as Lin Chang, the fake daughter of a wealthy family who had been swapped at birth. And she was determined not to repeat the mistakes of her past life. Cast out of the Yun family, she set out to make a better life for herself and those around her. Meanwhile, he who had risen to the top of the world at the young age of 25. He was so powerful that even world leaders bowed down to him. But he was not interested in the young ladies who fawned over him. He had his goals set, and that was to bring innovation. Join Lin Chang on her journey as she experiences romance, mystery, and suspense in a world that is both familiar and strange.

DK_writes · Fantasía
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46 Chs

Yun Chun is getting restless

After dinner Yun Chun excused herself and made her way back to her room. Without a moment's hesitation, she settled into her chair and powered up her computer. It had been two long days since she had crossed paths with the mysterious man at the hotel, and her mind was consumed with thoughts of him.

Despite her best efforts, Yun Chun had been unable to uncover even the slightest shred of information about the mysterious man. She had scoured the internet for hours on end, poring over every possible lead, but to no avail. Even her attempts to dig up on Zhi Qiang, the man who was following the mysterious man, had been met with a wall of impenetrable secrecy.

But Yun Chun was not one to give up easily. She knew that somewhere out there, there was a clue, a hint, a breadcrumb that would lead her to the truth. And she was determined to find it, no matter how long it took.

"What should I do?" She muttered to herself. Yun Chun's patience was wearing thin with each passing day. Ever since her fateful encounter with the mysterious man at the hotel, sleep had eluded her. Her appearance was now a perplexing enigma, leaving one to wonder if she was a wealthy heiress or a destitute street urchin.

Her once bright eyes were now bloodshot, with dark circles that seemed to weigh heavily on her delicate features. Her once perfectly coiffed bangs were now in disarray, and her clothing lacked the usual meticulous attention to detail that she was known for.

Meanwhile in the Capital, Beijing.

The young man, barely in his twenties, stood gazing into the distance with a vacant expression. Despite his striking appearance and immaculate attire, the weariness etched onto his face was impossible to conceal.

Suddenly, a voice broke through his reverie. "Young master, the doctor has arrived," his butler announced.

At nearly 67 years of age, the butler exuded an air of refined elegance, as if he had aged like a rare vintage. The young man paused for a beat, taking in the butler's poised demeanor before trailing behind him.

"Here are the reports, young master," the doctor stated as he placed them on the table. "There is no presence of toxins in his body, indicating that he is in good health."

The young man appeared frustrated as he questioned, "So you're saying that his sudden attacks have no explanation?"

"Indeed, young master Duan. The reports speak for themselves. However, if you have any doubts, you are welcome to seek a second opinion from another hospital," the doctor replied, feeling uneasy in the presence of Duan Peizi, the young master of the Duan family.

"Dr. Chi, you are a renowned neurologist, esteemed and respected throughout the country. For over a decade, you have been leading my grandpa's treatment. However, I must ask, is there something missing in your approach?" Duan Peizi's voice was firm as he slammed his fist on the table. "I may not be a medical expert, but after years of treatment, shouldn't the patient feel some improvement? Yet, my grandpa's condition deteriorates with each passing day."

"Young master Duan, your grandfather's health has been deteriorating for quite some time now," Dr. Chi began, his voice calm and measured. "It is true that age has caught up with him, but we cannot simply attribute his current state to that alone. We must also consider the many years that have passed since his initial attack."

Duan Peizi's eyes narrowed as he listened, his expression growing more and more intense. "But Dr. Chi," he interjected, "you assured us that with proper care, he would recover. And yet, here we are, two decades later, and his condition has only worsened. What explanation do you have for that?"

The tension in the room was palpable as Duan Peizi's words hung in the air. Dr. Chi hesitated for a moment, then spoke again. "I understand your frustration, young master Duan. But we must remember that the human body is a complex and unpredictable thing. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we cannot control the outcome."

Duan Peizi's gaze remained fixed on Dr. Chi, his expression unreadable. For a moment, it seemed as though he might say something else, but then he simply turned to leave. As he walked away, the air around him seemed to shift, as though a storm had passed through and left everything in its wake forever changed.

"Grandpa Wu?" His voice quivered as he called out to his trusted butler. A lump formed in his throat, causing his words to break mid-sentence. A single tear escaped his eye, tracing a path down his cheek and landing on the ground with a soft plop. "Do you think he'll be alright?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Young master," Butler Wu spoke with a gentle tone, "your grandpa is a strong old man. Though I cannot guarantee he'll be steady as before , I assure you that he will be alright. Please don't worry." As he gazed upon the young man before him, Butler Wu felt a profound empathy for him. He reminisced about the day he was first employed by the Duan household. Duan Peizi was only four years old at the time. He could still recall the fragile little boy, his eyes like doves, brimming with tears.

"I hope you are right, Grandpa Wu," Duan Peizi replied, wiping away his tears before making his way towards the hospital exit.

In the middle of the night , Yun Chun was plunged into a nightmare. The darkness enveloped her, suffocating her senses as she struggled to escape the clutches of her subconscious. Her heart raced, pounding against her chest like a wild animal trying to break free from its cage. The nightmare was all about the things she had suffered in her past life. All the things took place when she was begging on the streets disabled, it seemed to go on forever, a never-ending labyrinth of fear and despair. Yun Chun with every ounce of strength she possessed, she fought back against the darkness and finally when she couldn't take it anymore she woke up gasping for breath.

Yun Chun took a moment to register her surroundings before acknowledging her current state. "It was merely a nightmare," she murmured to herself, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Oh my goodness! This must be a sign, a sign for me to act quickly," she whispered to herself, her heart racing with anticipation. But as quickly as the excitement came, it was replaced with anger. "But what on earth can I do?" she exclaimed, frustration etched on her face. "Everything has changed in this life. First, that wretched Lin Chang left the Yun Family. Then, the mysterious figure from my past who promised to make Lin Chang's life a living hell hasn't contacted me yet. And just that I thought I could finally showcase my hacking skills, this Cera bit*h appeared out of nowhere. And to top it all off, that mysterious man is still a complete mystery!" she shouted, her voice echoing through the empty room.

"What is happening to me?" she cried, tears streaming down her face. "Am I destined to marry the same man again? Will I be left disabled and begging on the streets once more? Will the same tragic events from my past life repeat themselves?" she asked, her voice trembling with fear. Overwhelmed by her emotions, she collapsed onto the floor, sobbing uncontrollably.

As if struck by a bolt of lightning, a sudden realization dawned on her. She lifted her head, brushed away her tears, and spoke with a newfound determination. "That phone number," she muttered to herself. "Should I call him? He doesn't know me yet, but if I offer him a sum of money, he'll surely be able to provide me with information about the handsome man." With a glimmer of hope in her eyes, she rose from her seat and strode purposefully towards her computer. She knew that her friend from the black market in her past life would be able to assist her. During her previous life, when she was undergoing training with a mysterious organization, she had encountered many dirty and mysterious places. Among them was the black market, where anything and everything was available for the right price. It was there that she had met him, and she was confident that he would be able to help her once again.

As Yun Chun's fingers danced across the keyboard of her computer, a pang of guilt twisted in her gut. Because she was the one who had killed him in her past life, when she had foolishly married a man who was utterly useless. Back then, she had been convinced, marrying that man would bring her endless happiness and prosperity, and she had been determined to keep her dirty secrets buried deep beneath the earth. So she had killed him, without a second thought.

But now as she thought, she couldn't help but curse her stupid self. If only she had spared his life, perhaps he would have been there, helping her through her difficult times.

Shaking off her thoughts, she thought this was not a time to think about past life. Yun Chun took a deep breath and pressed the call button. The phone rang once, twice, and then a gruff, manly voice crackled through the speaker.

"Hello?" he growled.

Yun Chun couldn't help but smirk. 'I was right, this number is also correct and the man' she thought to herself.