
Hidden Reflections

Serene, a brilliant surgeon and researcher from the year 2300, was a force to be reckoned with. Her determination and intelligence were unmatched. But fate had other plans for her. A tragic experiment gone wrong led to her untimely demise, and she found herself suddenly thrust into the 21st century. But this was no ordinary rebirth. Serene was reborn as Lin Chang, the fake daughter of a wealthy family who had been swapped at birth. And she was determined not to repeat the mistakes of her past life. Cast out of the Yun family, she set out to make a better life for herself and those around her. Meanwhile, he who had risen to the top of the world at the young age of 25. He was so powerful that even world leaders bowed down to him. But he was not interested in the young ladies who fawned over him. He had his goals set, and that was to bring innovation. Join Lin Chang on her journey as she experiences romance, mystery, and suspense in a world that is both familiar and strange.

DK_writes · Fantasía
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46 Chs

Food Stall

"Master," the voice echoed through the grand manor, as the aged butler scurried through the ornate doors, his heart racing with anticipation. Finally, he found his master, seated amidst the lush greenery of the garden. "Master, you must see this video," he exclaimed, his excitement palpable.

The elderly gentleman, who had seen the passing of almost seven decades, was seated in a sprawling garden, resplendent with verdant foliage and a man-made lake. As he basked in the tranquil surroundings, he was jolted out of his reverie by the mellifluous voice of his butler calling out to him. With a gentle turn of his head, he surveyed his surroundings, taking in the beauty of his surroundings.

"What has befallen you to stir such excitement within your aged bones, old man?" Inquired the old Master Ying, observing the old butler perched in the garden.

"Master Ying, yesterday an extraordinary event occurred on Stone Gambling Street," the butler informed. Upon hearing this, Master Ying's countenance became curious. He leaned forward in his chair, his eyes widening with anticipation.

"Show me, show me!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement. The butler quickly pulled out his phone and pressed play on a video.

As the video played, old master Ying's eyes grew wider and wider. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The butler watched with a smile on his face, pleased to have brought his master such joy.

"Is this video fabricated, how is that possible?" Old master Ying inquired, his skepticism palpable.

"This video is as true as the sun in the sky. Just yesterday, a young girl was spotted in the gambling street, dugged not one, not two, but three precious Jadeite stones. And all of them, of great worth," Butler exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with excitement. Even old master Ying couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement at the thought.

The Ying family, a name that echoes through the upper circle of Qingdao city, has been a pillar of the business world for over a century. Alongside the Fen family and two other esteemed clans, they reign supreme over the bustling business chamber of the city.

But behind the polished exterior of this family lies a passion that has been the weakness of old master Ying- the love of stone gambling. And no one knows this better than Old master Ying himself, who has been captivated by the game since his youth.

When he caught wind of a young girl who had caught the attention of the gambling world, he was intrigued. "I must meet her," he declared, rising from his seat with a sense of urgency.

But the old butler's face fell as he informed his master that the girl's face was not clear in the video they had seen. Undeterred, Old master Ying urged him to find out more about this remarkable young lady, unwilling to waste a single moment in his meet with this remarkable little girl.

As the sun rose on the other side of town, Lin Chang stirred from her slumber. She stretched her limbs and went through her morning routine before heading out for some physical exercise. In the past, she had been confined to the walls of her home, but now she relished the freedom of running on the streets. The wind in her hair and the pavement beneath her feet, she felt alive.

Upon her return, she spotted her mother and uncle preparing to leave. "Good morning, Mom and Uncle," she greeted them warmly.

"Good morning, Chang," they replied with smiles. "We're heading to the food stall for breakfast. Your meal is already waiting for you on the table," Lin Lisha informed her daughter.

"Alright, Mom. I'll catch up with you later at the food stall," Lin Chang replied before turning to head to her room. However, her uncle, Lin Bao, stopped her in her tracks.

"My dear niece, you need not trouble yourself with our small food stall. It's not suitable for you," Lin Bao said, his voice laced with hesitation. Lin Lisha also nodded in agreement.

Memories of Yun Chun, who had once lived with them, flooded Lin Lisha's mind. She had always looked down on their small business and had never failed to remind them of their perceived uselessness. The thought of her daughter following in Yun Chun's footsteps filled Lin Lisha with a sense of panic.

"Uncle, the size of our business doesn't matter to me. It's our family's bread and butter. Why can't I lend a hand?" Lin Chang pleaded.

"I'm not sure if you're capable of contributing," Lin Bao hesitated, seeking his sister's support.

"Mom, Uncle, I'll be there shortly to assist you," she declared before retreating to her room, unwilling to engage in further debate.

As Lin Chang strolled down the bustling street, her eyes caught sight of a quaint little food stall nestled at the corner of the street. It was a charming kiosk, crafted entirely from bamboo and adorned with a verdant green mat. The structure boasted two small compartments - one serving as a bustling kitchen, while the other was a long bar table with enough seating for nine or ten patrons. In the midst of it all stood her beloved uncle, greeting the few customers who had stopped by. Despite its humble appearance and lack of foot traffic, Lin Chang couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and comfort emanating from the cozy little setup. With a smile on her face, she made her way over to the kiosk.

As Lin Chang sauntered into the stall, a warm smile graced her lips as she greeted her uncle and the customers seated at the table. The mere sight of her smile left them awestruck, particularly the two male customers. Her cheeks, already flushed with a strawberry hue, deepened in color, resembling a ripe cherry. The faint dimples on her cheeks added to her charm, while her black doe eyes sparkled with the radiance of the morning sun.

For a moment, they were all lost in her beauty, forgetting about the food in front of them. It wasn't until she entered the kitchen that they snapped out of their trance.

"Mom!" Lin Chang's voice echoed, calling out to her mother.

Lin Lisha turned around, her heart warming at the sight of her daughter's beaming smile. It was a sight that never failed to bring her comfort.

With a gentle tone, Lin Chang asked, "What can I do to assist you, Mom?"

Lin Lisha couldn't help but feel grateful for her daughter's unwavering support. She knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.

Lin Lisha was initially hesitant to offer her daughter's help, but the determined look on her daughter's face made her reconsider. "Fine," she relented, "you can lend a hand to your uncle."

And so, Lin Chang found herself working tirelessly at the food stall that day. She wiped down tables, served up dishes, and even washed the plates with a sense of unwavering determination.

Despite the bustling atmosphere of the street, with countless other food stalls vying for attention with a variety of food options, today Lin Lisha's stall somehow stood out amongst the rest,

Lin Lisha had never seen so many customers in one day since she started her stall. Previously, her wares were merely sufficient to cater to her family's daily necessities, but today she made a little more money. Other stall owners nearby were also curious about why so many people were coming to Lin Lisha's stall. When they saw Lin Chang smiling and serving food to customers, they roughly understood why.

"Sister, today has been a day of unexpected fortune for us! We've made a whopping 2000 yuan profit!" exclaimed Lin Bao, his eyes gleaming with excitement as he counted the day's earnings. They had anticipated a decent amount of money with the influx of customers, but never in their wildest dreams did they expect such a huge effect. In the past, they were lucky to make 300-400 yuan in a day.

Lin Lisha turned to her brother and suggested, "Perhaps we should give some money to Chang for her hard work. She's been putting in so much effort, and she needs some extra cash for her clothes, phone, and school supplies. After all, summer vacation will be over soon. What do you think, Bao?" She looked over at Lin Chang, who was diligently cleaning the tables outside.

"Yeah, sis, I totally agree!" Lin Bao replied, his eyes filled with affection as he gazed at his niece. "She's nothing like Chun, that's for sure." he added, his expression darkening as he reminisced about the troubled girl.

Lin Lisha, however, was quick to defend Chun. "Bao, why do you persist in painting Chun as a villain? She had her struggles," she said, her love for Yun Chun evident despite her not being her biological daughter.

Lin Bao snorted in response, but Lisha was determined to move on from the past. "Let us not dwell on what has been, everything is now in its rightful place," she reassured him.

But Lin Bao had another concern. "Sister, have you told Chang about him?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.

Lisha's face betrayed her anxiety. "I'm not sure if I should tell her yet. Perhaps I should wait until he returns this weekend," she said, her mind racing with possibilities.

"What if he doesn't like her, sister? Will it be like before?" Lin Bao asked, his concern growing.

Before Lisha could respond, a loud commotion outside interrupted them, "Lin Lisha you sl*t"