
3) Meeting Another Grimm......

Beau didn't reply to the last message and hoped she ate meat cause he stopped and got her some tacos from a place that was still open. When he got to the building it was thirty stories with lights on in multiple places, seems like a lot of people worked late at this place.

The receptionist let him though with a visitor pass and told him where and what floor Adalind's office was on she was on the twenty-eighth floor. When the elevator reached the floor some people were moving around and looked over at him, some even Woged but they were to far for them to notice he had seen it.

Smiling he figured he would run into some they were everywhere so he didn't get surprised by them, hell he had even slept with one though he never saw her again after. Walking down the hall he stopped in front of a spacious office that read 'Junior Partner Adalind Schade' the place was tastefully decorated with her degrees on the wall.

Looking over he saw her at a table with he blazer sitting on the side, her white blouse made her look more enchanting especially seeing her work so hard. She had her hair to one side over her shoulder, she was biting the end of her pen while looking over the papers, he found her super adorable at the moment.

She hadn't even realized he was standing there, "Well you know even if you are working late you should still have dinner or your might pass out from hunger." Beau said surprising her, she jumped a little and looked at him in confusion before a smile spread across her face.

"You know if I was another girl I would see this as stalking and might file a suit against you." she set down he pen and watched him walk over.

He smiled at that it did seem creepy but it sounded more romantic in his head, "Sorry about that I figured I could bring you food since you haven't eaten yet, sounded more romantic and less creepy in my head."

She giggled at that, "It's fine, though next time give me a heads up so I can meet you at the bottom. Luckily it was the night lady down there or you would have just been thrown out for not knowing where my office was."

Nodding he set down the tacos, "I will remember that, I got you some Tacos. They aren't from the best place in town since it is so late but they are a close second to them."

The two stood there for a moment in awkward silence before he spoke up again, "Well this has been creepy enough, I should get going it has been a long day and I need to sleep for another one tomorrow."

She smiled but he didn't see it her hair covering her face, "Well thank you for the food. This still doesn't make up for the coffee though, I have a early meeting tomorrow but how about the day after you make it up to me?"

He grinned like a fool he felt really comfortable around her for some reason and nodded along, he figured he would agree to anything she said. Thinking that he frowned a little but blamed it on his attraction to her thinking it was just lust, "Alright you are on, now this stalker needs to go to sleep. Don't work to late wouldn't want bags under those pretty blue eyes now would we." he dodged the pen and chuckled hearing her laugh as he walked out.

--------Until the very next day!

The duck walked up to---- Sorry Beau got up and sent Adalind a good morning message getting one in return, he had to keep her interested it was nothing other than that. He also had a message from Monroe asking to meet up later after he got off work apparently Nick Burkhardt the Grimm/Cop showed up asking questions and thought the two should meet.

He agreed and made breakfast before speeding to work, he overslept a little and just made it work before he was late. During lunch he texted Monroe to get a feel on Burkhardt, Adalind was in court all day but she did send him a message of her eating a salad and pizza for lunch making him laugh.

He got off at seven and went home to shower he didn't want to go somewhere still smelling like sweat, the drive to Monroe's also wasn't that long. Adalind messaged him as he was going home that she won the case, she didn't go into detail though since she couldn't tell him through messages.

He congratulated her but didn't offer to take her out since they would meet tomorrow morning before work to grab coffee. After replying he went straight to Monroe's when he got there he could hear them speaking through the door, Burkhardt was asking about Blutbad's.

Knocking he didn't wait long before Monroe opened the door, "Hey come on in he is already here, but of course you already know that."

They went into the living room where Burkhardt was sitting with a cup of coffee, seeing Beau come in he was surprised that this was the person he was going to meet. "Good to see you again Det. Burkhardt, I see we have the same disease." he always joked with Monroe about that since he never learned from his parents he liked to joke about it.

"It's a disease?!" Burkhardt asked jumping from his seat making the other two laugh, he had heard from his aunt that it was a family gene thing.

"No, he is just messing around. Don't worry it is something you are born into not something that is spread." Monroe said while grabbing Beau a beer.

"Anyway Det. Burkhardt--"

"Just call me Nick." he interrupted.

"Well Nick, I can only tell you the basic's but from what I know it is in the family gene pool, while at the same time some just don't get it. Don't think of it as a bad thing either look at it as more of a balance, without us the bad ones would run around killing without fear." Beau explained when they all settled in, "Monroe here is a good example of a good one that doesn't need people like us to come along, while a Skalengeck no matter what is evil."

Monroe nodded along, Nick looked confused but he understood what he was getting at, "Well what about the Blutbad I am facing at the moment?"

The two looked at each other nodding in agreement, "Bad category, this is something old practiced. Most just eat meat like normal humans with an occasional hunt to satisfy that part of themselves, hell they might even hunt Bauerschewin if they are in a pack and crazy." Monroe spoke up he knew a little more than Beau about them seeing as he was one.

"So what can I do to find this guy before this little girl is gone for good?" Nick asked writing some of this down.

"Do you really know nothing about this?" Beau asked looking a little confused about why a Grimm didn't know this already, he had a reason to learn himself.

"Well this just happened recently to me so I don't have that much knowledge. Plus my aunt is currently to sick to teach me so I am learning as I go right now." He explained a little frustrated at not getting his answers.

"Oh okay, well it is simple as long as you know who this guy is then Monroe should be able to follow his scent and we can track him down." Beau answered it was the easiest solution.

The other two looked at him like he was a genius since the thought hadn't even came to their minds, Beau shook his head and grabbed his keys, "Well come on nothing will get done if we just wait here."

They followed him out and got into his car Nick gave them the guys address before they went to his house, it was in a neighborhood so it wasn't the place. Monroe sniffed the air and started leading them towards the woods further away and in the opposite direction of the mans house.

When they went far enough in and saw the cabin he told them to go back since he wouldn't be able to explain why the were there, he was going to call his partner Hank instead. Beau was okay with it he wanted to make sure he was up in time for his coffee date anyway and he didn't want to spend all night out doing this work.

After dropping Monroe off he went home for the night send Adalind a message to make sure she ate, she laughed at him and sent him another picture. She was eating with another older woman in someone's house but it was an older picture seeing that the sun was setting and it wasn't night yet.

This is more of a romance/thiller the more I think while making it....

KillingSoftlycreators' thoughts