

**Secluded Warehouse**

Through the broken shards of window glass the moonlight is scattered within a dark room giving it a scant source of light. This scarce light enables a glimpse to the fading paint on the walls and dust and filth coating the floors together with eery silence anyone can instantly tell that this place had not been grace by human presence, probably abandoned, for a very long time.

A silence that was suddenly broken by soft sound coming from dark corner that the moonlight can't reach. The sound wasn't particularly loud but with the absence of any kind of noise it appears as loud as a gunshot.

Within the source there is an unconscious teenage girl tied to a chair. It was actually her awakening that broke the silence.

She slowly raised her head that was previously hanging down due to being unconscious and look around.

Even through the darkness it couldn't hide her beauty and elegance but it wasn't the most striking thing her it was her eyes.

Her eyes that are in the mesmerizing shade of azure sky brimming with coldness instead of the fear and panic that should be expected from the girls on her situation.

Any other girl would have been already screaming for help or crying hysterically but not her. She remain still, calmly waiting, for she knows that sooner or later her kidnappers would appear to state their intentions.

And she was proven right when five minutes hand not even pass before the sound of footsteps reached her ears.

🔊 click. click.

[ A woman. ] she thought with certainty, for those sounds are only produce when one are wearing heels.

The girl expression didn't fluctuate even though she's about to meet her captor, patiently waiting.

Few more seconds until the silhouette of a woman finally appeared through the shadows. Stopping right before the moonlight would revealed her features.

Minutes passed and nome of them took the initiative to speak. Just staring at each other not moving an inch as if both of them had turned into statues.

"You aren't following the script, you know." the unknown girl stated, finally unable to resist the drawn silence. "Who are you? Why are you doing this? Let me go. Those kind of cliche thing."

"Haaa..." she sighs in defeat after receiving no responds. Reflexively brushing her hair with her fingers due to frustration she finally took the final step to unveil her identity.

"Still no reaction? I should have expected this right from the very beginning after all your no damsel in distress and would never be one. Still you should at least ask why I'm doing, you know."

"Why should I?" replied a cold voice causing her to stiffen for a second. "When I've known right from the very beginning who you are and your reasons for doing this."

"Impossible!" she incredulously shouted. "If you have known who I am you wouldn't be in this...."


She wasn't able finish her denial when sound of explosion cut her off making her stumble for a second due impact of the said explosion the building.

"They're here." the girl on the chair whispered in a soft tone striking fear to the unknown girl as if it was from the voice of the devil himself.