
Hidden Billionaire's Wife

Natalie married Rafael because of his grandfather's testament. They wouldn't have had to get married if it wasn't for this testament that allows Natalie to get her inheritance! Rafael had great respect for Nathalie, so he decided to help her; He is a billionaire, so does not need those few dollars. Also, Rafael has his own life, and he announced his engagement to his girlfriend to marry her after he cancel this fake secretly marriage of Natalie when she gets her legacy. But the problem is that Natalie loves Rafael, so where will she go with this one-sided love!?

Agtehad_Ghita · Ciudad
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1 Chs

Chapter One (My husband's engagement!)

A voice of clapping has risen in the huge yard of The Mirren House.

I stood looking at the crowd while they are going across the couple to felicitation them of their happiness.

The party was perfect, I made sure by myself to be everything in perfect.

The food, drinks and the decoration.

I saw Rafael kissing his fiancé Debi and my stomach got sick, I always dreamed to kiss him like that.

I heard him saying: "Natalie, my angel where are you" the poor Natalie was me!

I just ignored him and catch the bottle to swallow its content.

OK, I'm tired of pretending happiness about all what is happening, this is my husband's engagement party. It seems to be weird, right?

Actually, no one here or ever known about our virginal marriage, not his parents nor our relatives, we got married just to be able to get our legacy. Because of the strange condition in our grandpa commandment, that we should got married each other to take our legacy. So, we kept it in secret to cancel the marriage later!

But, the really funny condition that we could receive our legacy after a year and a half of marriage.

In fact, we got married since a year, I loved him like for century ago, that's why I accepted that dirty game.

I took a big swallow of the champagne bottle and thought: "I just wanna hug him, kiss his lips."

I closed my eyes and imagined: "I wanna have a s*x...."

Oh, shit I said that in loud, this is embarrassing specially when I turned around to see Rafael in front of me...

He rose his eyebrow and looked at me with his blue eyes like if I did a crime.

I heard the girls around us laughing, they think its a funny when someone hears you saying that you wanna have a s*x.

Although I feel that I'm drunk but I can feel his anger.

I get close to him and touched his beard, feel it with my fingers.

His growing beard always be attractive for me.

"Why you're so handsome?" I said that and kissed him on his cheek.

Why I keep doing crazy things! Shit, people will talk.

Fortunately, we are standing behind the big tree at the yard, so no one can see us, except those girls, they are Fillo and Rebika my friends!

I saw a strange sight in his eyes, like if he just went inside my eyes.

"Don't be mad on me I don't like when are get mad!"

I said that and moved away feeling shameless.



I looked around for Natalie but I can't find her, she is my dearest cousin.

I married her an incomplete marriage so she can get her legacy. She is an orphan and her mother is my father's sister. So, I decided to help her by fulfillment our grandpa's Commandment.

In fact, I'm the CEO of Mirren Co., I don't need to a dozen of dollars, and I think my grandpa knew that, he just realized that I'll help her.

I looked around again and my eyes fell on her, she was at the back yard standing alone.

Her friends were behind, but she seems alone and tired!

I went to see why she is not with us on the stage.

The moment I stood next to her, she said in a soft deep sound:

"I wanna have a s*x..."

That what she just said, and my body get warm, I stood behind her in shock, we never talked about s*x before.

A picture's imagined in my head having her in bed, how she will looks like!

I moved my head to delete these unwell imaginations, what the f**k was that, I tried to control my instinctive response.

Oh God, she is little drunk.

I smell her sexy perfume when she get close to kiss my cheek.

It was a slow kiss, her lips were so soft, I felt them like if they were on other place!

We never been in that physical close before!

She moved away and I stood in shook like a virgin girl got her first kiss!


I went straight to the kitchen to take a cup of coffee, I deeply need caffeine or I'll made myself laughingstock of the party!

After I got two cups of coffee, I went to the toilet to fix my make up, I found Debi there, she was gorgeous with her red well tightened dress.

I never dreamed to dress such dress, my eyes went straight to my big boobs, OK, I can live with that!

"Hi" Debi said with her delicate voice.

"You look gorgeous" I said with a silly fake smile on my face.

I know she has no guilt with my miserable feelings, but I cannot be normal with her.

Debi putted her dark red lipstick, and sprayed her perfume. Then, with a mean she said:

"Natalie, my cousin is crush on you, please give him a chance!"

When I stay quite she added: "He is serious, honey. He's looking for a wife!"

I looked in a shook, and I was about to talk, a couple of girls entered, so I took my bag and said: "OK, Debi we Will talk later" and get out.

Her cousin is widower and have a four years daughter. I guess he needs a mom for his girl.

When I reached to the back yard, the minute I step, my eyes meet Rafael's eyes.

I looked to the other side immediately, and from my good luck my grandma and her friend was just a step behind, I pretended to speak with them.

After half an hour I stayed alone again, my grandma felt tired so she apologized and went to sleep.

I decided to look for Fillo and Rebeka, they were dancing in dance stage with their boyfriends.

"Would you dance with me?".

I turned around to find Rafael stretch out his hand for me...