

Cover picture : AI-made A lonely young man sacrificed his life to save a child about to be hit by a truck. When he opened his eyes again, he was reincarnated into a world of swords and magic as Allen. Born into a new world, with a new life, Allen decided, "This time, I will live my life without leaving any regrets!"

Edmion · Fantasía
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4 Chs

1.Another World

Loneliness, that is the fitting word to describe myself. Even in the remainder of my ending life, there's no family member accompanying me. But at least I succeeded in saving a child who was about to be hit by a truck, even though I myself ended up getting hit. Nevertheless, at least my solitary life will end on a positive note.

I don't know if there's life after death, but if it exists, I want to live and experience what I've never felt in this world. Slowly, my vision grows darker and...


As I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was a dazzling light. I squinted in discomfort.

After my vision adjusted, I became aware of a young blonde woman staring at me. She was incredibly beautiful. The woman looked at me with a warm smile and spoke. However, her words strangely were unclear and difficult to comprehend.

A second voice that I couldn't understand joined the conversation, but I couldn't see who was speaking. I tried to sit up to figure out where I was and ask these people who they were. But somehow, all I could manage was this:

"Waah, waahh."

Only incoherent murmurs and babbling. And I couldn't move my body. I mean, I could move the tips of my fingers and arms, but I couldn't sit up.


Let's skip a month.

Apparently, I have been reborn. The reality of the situation finally emerged: I am still a baby.

I could finally confirm that after being lifted and hugged, allowing me to see my own body. But why do I still retain all the memories of my previous life? Not that I'm complaining, but who would have thought someone would be reborn with all their memories intact.

The first person I saw when I came to was undoubtedly my mother. If I had to guess, I would say she's in her early twenties, about the same age as my previous life. And the other person is a woman who seems to be a maid, dressed in servant's clothes and cleaning with a cloth. I haven't seen a man other than myself, which makes me wonder if I don't have a father.

We don't even have electric lighting, only candles and oil. Maybe my parents are very poor and can't afford electricity. But how likely is that? Since we have a maid, we must have some money, but perhaps the maid is my father's sister or my mother's. The clothes we wear also look old-fashioned.


Half a year has passed.

After six months of listening to my mother chattering, I now begin to understand quite a lot of words from the language they use. I feel like I have an unusual ability to remember many things, maybe because I'm still very young.

Around this time, I also started to learn to crawl, being able to move is amazing. Even though I can only crawl, I have learned a lot thanks to this ability. One thing I learned is that this is clearly not the home of a poor family. The house is made of wood, two stories tall with more than five separate rooms, and we have a servant. At first, I thought she might be my aunt or something, but given her respectful attitude, I doubt she's a relative. The house is located in a rural area near the forest.

Since the things I can do are very limited, I decide to look at the scenery outside the window. I climb up the chair as I usually do to peek from the window, but, uh oh, I start slipping from the chair...