
HEUREU: The Anti-Billionaire Assassin

"Run, princess!" Cavin yelled as he pulled out a gun from his side pockets and shot a man. "Go on! It's what we planned, right? I'll stay here, and you go chase a different life!" I saw him smile bitterly. I just turned seventeen, and I had to make my first kill for this bloodthirsty organization my father had led for his entire life just to make a bounty of money. What a birthday! Outside, the rain was pouring hard, and lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating everything with its white light. Suddenly, the sound of a car approaching made me smile bitterly. The blurry, blinding light coming from the car took all my hopes away, and there I awaited my end. The next morning, I found myself lost in guilt as I saw my father in a wheelchair without legs. I knelt down and bowed to him, saying, "I want to kill!" The only words I said in rage as the thought of what happened last night rushed through me My father smiled, and all I knew was that I was in an arena, soaking in my blood as I trained to be one of the top assassins. "Kill, princess!" I heard Cavin call to me with extreme delight in his eyes. "My pleasure!" *** Heureu had just turned seventeen when she had to make her first kill to prove her worth to the assassin's organization. An organization that live-off to powerful billionaire's blood. But she couldn't accept her fate. She tried to run away but got into an accident. She got hit by a car together with her father who was trying to stop her. Her father got the most damage. It was when she had no choice but to run her family's way of living. She had to be the top assassin, in order to find who tried to hit her. After years, she managed to land a job as a nurse in one of the biggest hospitals in the country as infiltrator. There, she met Nick, whom she fell in love and broke the code of the assassin's just to be with him. The love of her life who would soon be on her kill's list!

Allisha_Aregory · Ciudad
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53 Chs

Chapter 29

"This is bad! This is not going to be good!" I whispered to myself, sounding so disappointed as I let my feet walk on their own toward the part of the bed where the laptop was sitting open. My body started to melt as my ears filled with the sound of running water, and I was lost.

"Sh*t!" I gasped as I stared at the shower room, where Nick stood silent for a moment, then momentarily stared into nothingness before slowly taking his clothes off

I could feel a hot sensation travel through my whole body as my mind played the pleasure I felt the night I let myself be free and true. A rush of desire washed over me, compelling me to swindle a ride and join Nick, my heart pounding in my chest. The memories of our passionate encounter flooded my thoughts, intensifying the heat within me. My body ached for his touch, yearning to relive the ecstasy we had shared.

My breath quickened as he unbuttoned his pants. I knew that seeing Nick again would awaken a dormant part of me, a part that craved his touch. I could not believe such feelings would exist in me. As my anticipation grew, taking deep, dried gulps and awaiting what was hidden under those pants, I felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement. I had seen thousands of male priveys, including Cavin. I had worked long hours in the hospital to even feel like this, but Nick was different.

"Heureu!" William interrupted and knocked on my door, making me shut the laptop abruptly.

I fixed myself on the bed and pretended I was sleeping. He kept knocking, but I ignored him until a few moments later he was able to open my door, and he slowly sneaked inside.

I kept my mind guarded. I watched his moves with slightly open eyes and noticed the serious look on his face. As he tiptoed towards my bed, I couldn't help but wonder what he was up to. Suddenly, he cautiously pulled open the drawer behind my bed.

Oh please! You cannot be an enemy!

I acted as if I were woken up by the slight noises and sat up in bed, pretending to be groggy and disoriented. I let out a small yawn and rubbed my eyes, hoping to give the impression that I had just woken up. I wanted to catch him off guard and see how he would react to my sudden awakening. But instead of being startled or caught off guard, the man froze in his tracks, and his hand let go of the drawer. He quickly regained his composure and forced a fake smile to be plastered on his face. "Oh, sorry," he stuttered. "Did I wake you up?" His excuse seemed flimsy, but I decided to play along, pretending to believe his story.

"Ah, a little bit, but I was really about to wake up, but I just kept myself on the bed as I still wanted to sleep."

His face softened, and he sat beside me. "I was here to check on you. I was worried you might do something weird and was just trying to show us you are okay." He reached out and gently touched my arm. I could see the sincerity in his eyes, despite his feeble attempt at deception.

At that moment, I realized that he cared about me more than I had ever imagined.

Why only now? I was confused and hurt, wondering why it took this long for him to show his concern. Was it because he felt I no longer cared that much about him, or was there something else behind his sudden change of heart? Regardless, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that someone genuinely cared about my well-being. As I looked into his eyes, I badly wanted to muster up the courage to ask him what was about his tattoos, or was Nick really meant to hurt him the night we got into the accident?

"William," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "Ferine told me that Nick tried to hurt you years ago. Was that true?"

His eyes flickered with a mix of emotions, and for a moment, I wondered if he would be honest. But then he took a deep breath and began to speak, his voice filled with a vulnerability I had never seen before. "No, it wasn't Nick," he confessed, his voice trembling slightly. "It was Ferine."

My heart sank as his words sank in, leaving me speechless and filled with a whirlwind of emotions. "Ferine?" The weight of her deception settled heavily on my shoulders, making it hard to breathe. The memories of that incident resurfaced—the fear and pain I had experienced all those years ago.

"As I have told you, once Ferine wanted something or someone, she had to get it." His voice trailed off, filled with regret and sadness. I could see the torment in his eyes—the guilt of hiding this secret for so long. It was a bitter pill to swallow. "Though she had not managed to hurt me, she got someone else. And...Nick has to take the blame as he owns the car, and because he had no choice but to take it all on him or they will be in danger. I know how much Nick was in love with Ferine. I cannot sacrifice our friendship; so I had to reject Ferine and leave and she did not like it."

"Why are you...telling me all of this? Danger? Nick? Why?" I asked, my voice trembling with confusion and fury. The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, leaving me desperate for answers. His eyes darted around the room as if searching for the right words to explain the tangled web of secrets that had consumed our lives.

"Because you asked and I know you have so many questions to ease your feelings and doubts about Nick, which will only deepen your feelings and make it hard for you to move on. I have to tell you because I do not want you to fall for me because you hated Nick. Ferine isn't who she seems to be, so I plead that you should not anger her or get her attention. She's involved with a dangerous group, and they're after Nick. They think he knows something, something that could bring them down."

My eyes grew wide with shock as I processed the weight of these words. It was as if the ground beneath me had crumbled, and I was left teetering on the edge of a precipice. How could I have been so blind to the darkness lurking behind Ferine's charming façade? And now, the realization dawned on me that Nick's life was in imminent danger. I knew then, without a doubt, that I had to do whatever it took to protect him, even if it meant delving into a world I never thought I would find myself in.

"I think you should leave." I acted frightened and vulnerable, hoping to convince him that I no longer wanted to do anything with him.

"Hey, you don't have to be afraid of me. I will protect you as long as I am breathing. I can no longer lose someone just because I was afraid! I had been afraid for long," William said, his voice filled with agony. I could see the fire in his eyes, and at that moment, I knew that he was willing to risk everything to keep me safe.

"So you cared about Nick; that's why you let me see Ben? And you obeyed Ben's order behind Ferine and her father's demand?"

"We all grew up together, and I had always seen him as my brother. So losing him because I was so cowardly to face the truth, breaks me! We were all caught tight in Ferine's hand and if we ever defy her, we would die." He clenched his fist and tightened his jaw in anger. "But now, I won't let fear control me any longer. I will do whatever it takes to protect you, no matter the cost. I won't make the same mistake twice." His determination radiated through his every word and gesture, leaving no doubt in my mind that he meant every single word.

I smirked and bit hard at the overwhelming frustration and pain that threatened to burst into tears. "Now that you said that, I think I would never move on with Nick. Damn with all Ferine's sh*t! I'll avenge Nick and myself till my last breath!"

William's face frowned in dismay. "And how would you do that? By getting her angry all the time? That would just shorten your life!" His voice raised, and he stared directly at me, waiting for my response. "You would avenge yourself because you lost Nick?"

"NO!" I shouted back, darting off the bed and standing before him. "The one who got hit that night instead of you was me!" I paused, my breathing heavy with anger. "I won't let Ferine get away with it. I will make her pay for what she did, not just for Nick, but for me."

However, I saw him shake his head, and his expression tightened. "What?"

"Yes that's right, I was the one who suffered unimaginable things after that accident!"

"Calm down! I have no idea but I understand your anger, seeking revenge won't bring Nick back or change what happened," he said heavily, standing up from the bed and walking towards me. "I know it's tempting to want to make her suffer, but vengeance will get you nowhere. But no matter what, I'll make you mine! I have prevented my feelings for you for a long time in fright that Ferine might do something, but I could no longer withstand any more chances that someone might possess you."

"You are crazy!" I mumbled as my voice trembled with a mix of fear and disbelief. 

I never imagined seeing William in this state. I think it would only worsen if he found out Nick was still alive.

I should get to Nick and ask him to leave, but before that, I had to give something to my organization to let me out. It had to be something big.

"About Ferine's group, or whatever it is, is it connected with the tattoo on her neck?" I asked with so much caution. 

William's eyes widened at my question, and for a moment, I feared I had crossed a line. But then he answered, which I only hoped would happen by chance. "Yes. Why did you ask?"

"The men who tried to kill us in the forest have those necklaces with the same sign. So, are you one of them?" 

I took all the risk, as I knew that I already had him by the neck.

"I have no choice!" He exclaimed, his voice filled with desperation. "They forced me to join their ranks after they kidnapped my sister. They threatened to kill her if I didn't comply. I've been trying to find a way to escape ever since." His words hit me like a punch to the gut, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of sympathy for him. It was clear that William was trapped in a dangerous situation, just like me.

But since the world had always been unfair, I had to make sure he was someone I could trust. "Was Nick sent to the rehab to comply with Ferine's demand so the group wouldn't hurt him?"

He remained silent and nodded. 

I swallowed hard and clenched my fist. "Does Nick live at the village you were talking about in the kitchen?"

"Why do you have so many questions?"

"Just answer!" I demanded, my voice trembling with a mix of desperation and anger. 

William looked at me, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. I could tell he was hesitant to reveal too much, but I needed to know the truth.  "Yes."

"Then bring me to that place!" 


"WHY?" My anger was getting out of control. I could feel my face growing hot and my heart pounding in my chest. William's hesitation only fueled my determination to uncover the secrets he was hiding.

"No one is allowed to enter who is not one of the group. And believe me, keeping you here was the only thing to keep you safe because even the officers with whom you had a fight last time were members of this group! So, you stay here!"

"You will bring me to that village; I have to take some clothes for Nick and help me to get us out of this country~!"

William's face turned pale out of anticipation. "You are saying?"

"He is alive!"