
Heroines are obsessed with me

After Alex's death, he finds himself in the body of a villainous character from a Chinese novel—a character who was killed off in the early chapters. Aware of his doomed fate, Alex desperately tries to change his destiny and escape death. However, all his attempts end in failure, and he meets his end once again.But his story doesn't end there. In a pivotal moment, Alex is sent back in time, now armed with a mysterious power that could be the key to his survival. He now has one final chance to rewrite his fate and alter his tragic end.Will Alex succeed in defying destiny and escaping his dark fate, or will he remain trapped in the same cycle of death? Join Alex on a thrilling journey through time, filled with challenges and dangers, as he fights for his survival.

Farouk_ben · Fantasía
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43 Chs

Dragon King

Company Joe

A charming woman sat behind her desk, her eyes fixed on the computer screen displaying a video of a man sitting calmly drinking his coffee. A smile settled on her lips as she said coolly, "Hmm, you did a good job. Take this card; it contains one million and one. The code is 2002."

The man in front of her responded with a slight bow, "Thank you, Mrs. Joe. If you need anything, I'll be at your service."

Joe Shiner looked at him with a harsh seriousness, her voice carrying a subtle threat: "No need for that. I hope you keep this matter a secret. You know the consequences."

The man shivered for a moment, his face paling slightly before he quickly replied, "Don't worry, I'll take this secret to the grave."

Joe Shiner nodded her head calmly, "Alright, you may leave."

The man quickly stood up and left the office, and as the door closed behind him, Joe Shiner returned to the computer screen. Her lips curled into a calm smile, while her eyes sparkled with a hint of triumph.

Joe Shiner murmured, "It was really nice to bribe Show Agency to install some cameras at Alex's house; that way I can see what he's doing and what he likes so I can thank him."

Yes, of course, it was only to thank him, not for any other reason. Joe Shiner smiled a smile that would send chills down anyone's spine, then picked up her phone and called her servant.

"Come to my office."

There was a knock on the door. "Come in."

"Did you call for me, Madam?"

"Yes, I want you to buy a villa near Alex's café."

"Yes, Madam."

"Have you gathered information about the girl?"

"Yes, Madam. Her name is Yun Era, she is 20 years old. She lived with an ordinary family who owned a flower shop, but four years ago she and her family were in a car accident. She was the only one who survived, but at the cost of her legs and her parents who saved her from the car. She has visited many doctors for her paralysis, but to no avail."

Joe Shiner froze for a moment, then lowered her head in a poignant manner, feeling sorrow for the girl. Finally, she said with a tender tone, "Alright, you can leave and stop monitoring her."

"Your wish, Madam." The servant left with a slight bow, leaving Joe Shiner to ponder softly as she stared into space for a moment, "Should I visit Alex at the café?"

After a moment of thought, she made up her mind. She lightly rose from her seat and left the company with steady steps, finding Shaiou Fan waiting by her luxury car. She looked at him with clear disgust, as if she saw him as nothing more than an unwelcome shadow in her life.

Calmly and elegantly, she opened the car door and got in without saying a word. The car moved gracefully, her destination clear in her mind: Alex's café. Meanwhile, Shaiou Fan followed her in another car, like a silent guardian watching from afar.

Smile Café

In "Smile Café," the atmosphere radiated a gentle warmth that harmonized with the aroma of fresh coffee. The place was still quiet before opening its doors to customers. Alex, the café owner, inspected Shia Waner with calm, optimistic eyes.

He said with vibrant energy, "Alright, not bad. You can start as a waitress now. We open in half an hour."

Shia Waner responded with a slight smile, "Yes, Sir." She was wearing a sleeveless red blouse that matched her short black skirt and red shoes, reflecting her elegance, while her black hair covered half of her face softly, leaving her bright blue eyes clearly visible.

Alex handed her the menu, saying, "Take this; it's our menu."

Shia Waner looked at the menu attentively; it was simple but reflected the café's spirit:

- Coffee: 5 Won

- Milk: 5 Won

- Tea: 7 Won

- Coffee with Milk: 7 Won

- Tea with Milk: 10 Won

- Chocolate Milk: 10 Won

Dessert Menu

- Strawberry Cake: 15 Won

- Chocolate Cake: 15 Won

- Lemon Cake: 20 Won

- Moon Cake: 25 Won

Shia Waner asked with surprise, "Sir, aren't the prices low?"

Alex smiled warmly and replied gently, "Our goal is not to make a profit but to bring smiles to people's faces. That's why it's called Smile Café."

Shia Waner's eyes sparkled as she listened to his words, reflected in her calm smile. "Alright, Sir, I'll be ready."

Alex stood up after looking around, saying, "I'll go now to deliver coffee to the neighboring shop. Get ready to open the café."

"Yes, Sir."

After Alex left the place, Shia Waner moved on to the tasks that needed to be completed. She moved between tables and chairs, organizing the café to ensure everything was in its place. She began preparing cups and plates and made some final touches on small details that would make the customers' experience enjoyable.

Yun Flower Shop

In the flower shop filled with the vibrant colors and fragrant scents of flowers, Yun Era bent gently to water the plants. Her movements were slow and soothing, as if she enjoyed every moment of tending to the plants surrounding her.

Alex entered the shop quietly, carrying a warm cup of coffee and a delicious pastry in his hand. With each step, the sound of his footsteps blended with the silence of the shop, adding a touch of tranquility to the scene. Alex lifted his gaze to Yun Era and said with a smile, "Good morning, Yun Era."

Yun Era looked up from the flowers, her eyes shining with happiness. She smiled and replied, "Good morning, Alex."

Alex placed the cup of coffee and pastry on a nearby table and then said kindly, "Alright, shall we start the therapy session now?"

Yun Era nodded, heading to the comfortable seating area she had prepared earlier. She said, "Yes, please."

Yun Era gently revealed her legs, while Alex took his place beside her, then began to treat her legs. His movements were smooth and calm, expressing care in every detail of the treatment.


In the luxurious Shun family villa, the room was filled with tension. At the marble dining table, Shun Rui and her daughter Zoi sat as if time had stopped between them. Shun Rui looked pale due to recent events.

"Have you found any trace of him?" Shun Rui asked in a low voice, as if afraid her soft voice would increase the tension.

"Not yet, Mom. We are still searching in Beijing," Zoi answered in a cold tone.

Shun Rui sighed deeply, turning her gaze toward the window as if searching for an answer outside. "Where could he have disappeared to?"

"I can't tell you yet, but I will find him. You just need to rest," Zoi said, trying to instill some reassurance in her mother's heart.

"I hope it turns out as you say," Shun Rui said with a tone of surrender.

"I'll go now, Mom." After saying this, Zoi left the room under her mother's anxious words.

"Take care of yourself. Don't be careless."

After Zoi left, she got into one of her private cars, then took out her phone and called one of her assistants. "Any developments?" she asked sternly.

| No, Madam, the investigation is still ongoing. |

"Alright, I want our spies to focus on Kang Yu and his family." Zoi said in a sharp and decisive voice.

| We will do that immediately, Madam. |

Shanghai Airport

At Shanghai Airport, where the horizon meets the blue sky, a young man with short black hair and blue eyes, wearing a blue shirt and black pants, stood out with his ordinary build and slight muscles, but his eyes shone with determination and purpose.

The young man exited the airport and was greeted by a luxury black car. A large, stern-faced man emerged from it, bowing respectfully and speaking with gravity, "Welcome back, Dragon King."

The young man responded in a calm yet firm voice, "Have you found my sister's location?"

"Yes, Dragon King. She is currently staying at an orphanage."

"Alright. Place some people to guard her. When I finish my revenge and take control of Shanghai, I will visit her."

"Understood, Dragon King."

After the man left, the young man took a taxi, where the driver watched him with interest. The young man said, "Take me to the Su family mansion."

Then he murmured quietly, "I think it's time to meet my godmother."


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